
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Intel Update by MarkZ - Claims to be in contact with Michael Cottrell

[MarkZ] Very few of you know what I am posting means but it needs to be public. I assume after the stunt yesterday that was fed to Nesara that Obama, Merckel, Yellen and even Killian work directly for 41 (please prove otherwise, I want to be wrong). That stunt to stall this unless you are paid first is unacceptable.

For those that read the Nesara blog it was not true YET.   MC has not signed off nor has the Admiral and etc., not sure why the admiral would purposely leak that he had been processed when it isn't true.... More later.... All is good, do not panic! :) We need an Iceland here....

[MarkZ] Mods. Look for that post to cause a stir in the rafters. The decision was made that FULL disclosure would be used from here on out.

Those games will be exposed EVERY time by many intel providers. Most of us sided with the "good" guys a long time ago. PS I am not by any means the only person up to speed. Look for a LOT more exposing truths in days to come.

[mystery] MarkZ Thank you.. this is what we need and want
[MarkZ] OK gang, all done with the public service announcement. How is everyone's Saturday shaping up? I am taking a break from working in the yard to say hello, keep the bankers and politicians honest, and to cool down. :)

[oucrazy] MarkZ. . . bring it!!!!!

[starpath1] Amen on "We need an Iceland here...."!

 [MarkZ] starpath1 We will have to push for one. It should be a peaceful revolution fueled by knowledge and disclosure.

[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ Should maybe have happened first time around..

 [starpath1] Yes! MarkZ The only lasting change is one that is welcomed and embraced.

[MarkZ] Bear'sOpenHeart Yes it should have. By mid week if it hasn't , look for some very uncomfortable politicians. They will all get outed. If I disappear this week storm DC for me. :)

[Lvn42day] MarkZ Hello, you can count me in the category of not knowing what your post means. Any clarification?

[MarkZ] Lvn42day The history is so long that I am not certain I could explain quickly. I will see if I can speed up the conference calls to get you all informed as to how we got here.

[oucrazy] MarkZ. . . are there enough good politicians left to make a difference?

 [MarkZ] oucrazy I believe there are. There are many that have just been to scared, They need to know we FULLY support the cleaning house of the banks, wall street and DC. They need us.

[notsoguru] MarkZ i think that means that all americans need to take an active role in what goes on in their country instead of just relying on the politicians to do it for them! get our heads out of the sand so to speak!

[starpath1] My opinion: we have a lot of good people who have been bought or compromised by the real PTB. When the PTB become the PTW; some -- maybe many -- will join in the healing process. JMO

[MarkZ] starpath1 I agree, many good people have just lost their compass under pressure. They just need positive pressure.

[Bear'sOpenHeart] Money is a the great Distractor..

[MarkZ] Mods if you can when you capture this can you email it to me? It needs to go to some trustees and to Canada, they will want a copy so they know it was posted.

[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ Yes

[flashhair] MarkZ unfortunately most Americans are watching honey boo boo and that leaves us with few.. IMO of course..

[MarkZ] flashhair The great American truth, if the average person can pay rent, the cable bill and afford a six pack they are content... What happened to the greatest nation on earth? The one that fought the good fight because it was the right thing to do.

[notsoguru] MarkZ sometimes the best way to keep from disappearing is to remain out in the open - now if our government would comply!

 [flashhair] Truedat perhaps we the people will grow and with the grace be allowed to simply succeed ..

[MarkZ] notsoguru That was the decision on me coming out of intel retirement. I was to be so loud that they couldn't hush me. I am waiting on some more to get loud. More will, you guys need to harass Tony to speak, he knows some he hasn't shared. He is a bit too close to the Bush camp because of his sources but he has a good heart. Stand on your intel people to talk.

[MarkZ] Oh one more post for the bloggers..... Hey Bob..... man up, call MC directly and help things stay on track.

[oucrazy] MarkZ. . . Papa Bush the bad guy in all the delays?

[MarkZ] oucrazy He has been the bad man in world politics and world banking since the mid 60's. Bin Laden as a teenager even hung out in Texas with him.

[oucrazy] MarkZ. . . knew he was a snake but not till now to what extent!

 [starpath1] Learned a lot about daddy Bush after Vietnam conflict.. . . but it was just rumors . . . . like most of our information . . . JMO

[littledip1921] MarkZ May I dare ask who Bob and MC are?

 [MarkZ] littledip1921 You will know who they are by mid week this week.

[Akjon] Bob Barker and MC Hammer

[Akjon] hehe

[MarkZ] Akjon rofl

[littledip1921] MarkZ wii they help get this RV or RI done?

[MarkZ] littledip1921 MC is a good guy that has been through the ringer trying to see this done.

 [starpath1] Climate of fear must go away before people will step out and stand! . . . .JMO

[MarkZ] starpath1 I have excellent knowledge on his involvement in the heroin trade through Cambodia using the US military to fund provoke wars. You guys will learn so much. A huge amount is already out there though. This is going to be a big few weeks. Honestly their only hope saving their collective rears is to let this move forward as quickly as possible.

[starpath1] MarkZ Bingo! Matches what I have heard!

 [stebusan] MarkZ Where does our military fit in in all this?

[MarkZ] stebusan Our military is tired of being used by crooked politicians. Look for great and honorable things from our military.

[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ I agree about our Military ,they are disgusted with a lot of what has been happening ..

[notsoguru] MarkZ so are you saying the ptb are still pulling purse strings to waylay the rv or to just continue to corrupt the gov?

 [stebusan] MarkZ That is great news. Ty

 [Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ I is good to see this all coming out in the open ,the stuff I have been reading about for many years.. So long ago ,I have forgotten most of it ..

[sandytob] MarkZ well I missed some of what you started with....would have to sit staring at the screen all day to not miss you coming in, lol. I know it will be captured. But, bottom line......are we at a stand still now? Have there been major delays?

[MarkZ] sandytob We are not standing still and things are moving forward. This post is to help assure that they do not try more stalls. Next will probably an expose on Barclay's stunt in the Ukraine.
[sandytob] MarkZ thank you!

 [SCgunner] MarkZ good to see ya back pal, nice to hear some sense in this dinar conversation!

[kismet] MarkZ . . Is the "Bob" in question going to dole out some help?

 [MarkZ] kismet lol. Not Bob Dole. Bob D is a good fellow as far as I know. I know a fellow that served in WW2 with him. He speaks very highly of him and Bob D calls and checks in with him often. WW2 vets are a special class of men and women.

 [MarkZ] kismet or I should say used to call and stay in touch

[littledip1921] MarkZ Don't the Bushs and other polititions belong to a group called "Hell's Skulls"?

[Bear'sOpenHeart] littledip1921 Skull and Crossbones from Yale..

[starpath1] I believe that, when the lid is off, we will see a great shift in the whole attitude of our world citizens. . . . end of despair . . . . just thinking

[SCgunner] littledip1921 yes, a secret Harvard society I believe

[MarkZ] littledip1921 Shulls and bones I believe it was

[SCgunner] ahhhhh, Yale

[MarkZ] starpath1 There will be no sudden change, we will have to work on our prosperity. Due diligence. OK gang this isn't a political forum and I have made it that for too long this afternoon. Thank you mods

[sandytob] MarkZ this past week there were 2 separate radio shows, each with an author who had written a book about banking corruption. Have not heard that before in the public media.

[SCgunner] sandytob I am reading a Brad Thor, Hidden Order, about the formulation of criminality of the Fed Reserve

[MarkZ] sandytob The tide has turned. Now we need to give it momentum. People call your local news stations and ask for in depth news on banking fraud. reference those books. We are in control of cleaning up banking through having a voice. No violence needed at all.

[sandytob] MarkZ This was actually on my local station of NPR

[SCgunner] sandytob only just begun but Jeckyl Island is already mentined

[notsoguru] MarkZ whether or not they move forward in a timely fashion they still need to be ousted and flogged (mildly putting it)- an example as to what the us will not stand for in the future! or any other country for that matter!

[MarkZ] notsoguru I agree

[indian10] MarkZ thank you so much for providing hope that the truth will soon be coming out!!! We have been waiting a long time to see all of the travisties exposed!!!

 [highhopes] this reminds me of the plot in the new Captain America Movie so much- A evil secret group inside the good group but controlling everything...until its exposed

 [MarkZ] highhopes hahaha we need to make a movie....

[highhopes] MarkZ maybe its already made- just needs to be released!! Lol

[Akjon] I recently did a another order from my bank of VNN (Better deal from the banks BTW) And on the receipt from the bank it states VNN not VND.. So that was nice to see.. :)

[MarkZ] Akjon Those little signs are telling. Keep sharing them.

[MarkZ] Guys Jester knows a tremendous amount about a lot of this as well. Tell him I asked you all to harass him. :) He will burn my ear a new one!

 [oldrichguy2b] The Truth is out there. My main concern is that the Mainstream Media is controlled by the evil ones. JMO

[sandytob] MarkZ your way of speaking is very clear and forthright and I so appreciate that. Others often are vague or talk in riddles. I guess I have a simple mind, lol, so I prefer your way of presenting information.

[MarkZ] sandytob I had someone once tell me"Listen to exactly what I am saying, it is what I mean for you to hear." I hate riddles

[SCgunner] I will vote for MarkZ as Intel Guru in official residence of the castle :>)

[MarkZ] SCgunner They added a wing to Pluto's dog house for me. I live here now.

 [SCgunner] MarkZ oughta been the dungeon doncha think?

 [SCgunner] I have extra chaines >

[MarkZ] SCgunner lol. I am trying to stay out of that

 [MarkZ] Well the lawn will not finish mowing itself. I will be back in a bit.

 [sandytob] MarkZ define a bit. I have to go out and don't have a sma [MarkZ] sandytob Lol. How about no more juicy intel until this evening. You have about 6 hours to go be free.

 [sandytob] MarkZ Wonderful....see you then

[MarkZ] bye gang


[MarkZ] I came back early but only for a quick fly by. Back again this evening.

[MarkZ] Mr Cottrell said I could reveal who he is, he said there would be no hiding and he is looking forward to a very interesting call around mid week.

 I have perhaps the most plugged in person in the intel world who we will call "Charlotte" for now who will be helping me with moderating the call(her knowledge about the event is stunning). This call will be all about informing the masses.

You will feel like Neo when he took the pill.... :) I hope some more of the framers will join as well but that is what we have to look forward to so far. Try to ignore all the slander attacks which I am convinced will be launched in hopes of dis-crediting the call before it happens.

[catz] Markz what is the US Dollar Refunding Project? Thanks

 [MarkZ] catz We operate on a fiat currency now which has no real value other than percieved. The dollar refunding project is where real asset based money and hard assets(ie gold, oil, silver etc.) will be used to 'fund' the UST to once again be in charge of our US asset backed dollar. Right now the UST is flat broke. Mr Cottrell is the person that refunds/funds the UST or as we call it. He will 'reset' the US dollar.
[MarkZ] catz The FED which is a private company had a license or contract if you will to manage our 'currency' they did it with little or no oversight and raped and pillaged us.

[willy1] MarkZ - I speak with MC often and confirm the info you have stated -- it will certainly be good for Dinaroland to know the truth of the inner workings and cons and hero's ")

[MarkZ] willy1 Thank you and yes it is time

[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ Do you have a timeframe on the call ?

MarkZ] Bear'sOpenHeart We are looking at wed

[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ Okay.. In the evening ? Or has that been determined yet..

[MarkZ] Bear'sOpenHeart evening

[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ Thanks .. Let us know ,when time gets closer so we can help you get out the word..

 [nolaspice.] Z why aren't we at the bank?

[MarkZ] nolaspice. because it is closed? :) I am looking to be there soon

[MarkZ] If I had to write a book on this whole thing I am not certain I would even know where to start!

[oucrazy] MarkZ. . . will someone be available to transcribe the call? Thnx [MarkZ] oucrazy I hope so. We need Tony's infrastructure for this one.

[catz] We still don't know who Bob is. Hopefully we will next week.

[bryan1972] Maybe we can find out who shot JR grin

[MarkZ] bryan1972 wasn't it Bobby?

[bryan1972] MarkZ I don't know..... I think the Cabal might have had something to do with it lol

[MarkZ] bryan1972 it did happen in Texas..... hahaha

[MarkZ] bryan1972 hahah I doubt you will get much intel out of me right now. I can say WOW though. which is just MOM upside down.... The news has been stellar today. Especially after yesterdays antics by our 'trusted' cough cough politicians. WF in LA even tried to jump the gun SKR some more 'connected' folks... shame...

[catz] Markz, Whitehatsauxilliary said to provide a link to the conference call when we can . So when we get the word I'll send it over. [oucrazy] MarkZ. . . Jester gonna be on the call?

[MarkZ] oucrazy I actually was thinking of asking him to be on it.

[sonnayhwh] MarkZ Any weight to talk of a dual US currency, iyo?

[MarkZ] sonnayhwh yes, The fed note should run 1 to 1 with the treasury note for awhile and then un-couple and float based on what it's value is. Which I believe will tank... IMO

[sonnayhwh] MarkZ See one as foreign and one domestic, as in China?

[MarkZ] sonnayhwh No, domestic and the new fed offices are in London as i understand it

[catz] Will Mr. Cottrell be on the call?

[MarkZ] catz Yes he will. oucrazy He is the final person that resets the US dollar.

[oucrazy] WOW!!


MarkZ And Intel4u Member Chat Saturday Evening .....5/3/2014


[MarkZ] I need to clarify that the Admiral will not be on our call this week. I was told there was some confusion somewhere. Keep in mind that the admiral is 3 people or so, meaning a number of people are thought to be him. His real identity is a mystery that I am sure for now they want to stay a mystery. lilypad Thank you for thinking of me. I will pour myself a glass soon after I chat with you all.


[BigDog-OH] MarkZ Looks like you gave the pot a good stir
[MarkZ] BigDog-OH oh my..... I kicked the pot over. The phones blew up all around the globe. You all being here and then it being moved to recaps got enough eyeballs to shake the foundations

[lilypad] MarkZ, might we be seeing updated rates on the CBI and or Forex on Sunday?
[MarkZ] lilypad If things go very smoothly you could see them.
[MarkZ] We are causing an earthquake.

[FLPatriot59] MarkZ How about instead of an earthquake we cause an RV!
[MarkZ] FLPatriot59 we are doing just that

[bandit] MarkZ Have you visited with OKIE lately
[MarkZ] bandit No. He is not on my speed dial although I do have great respect for him. He has a HUGE heart.

[goddess] Are we really going to see this come to fruition soon?
[MarkZ] goddess It looks highly likely. But if they stall we will out them every time. We will push until we have it.

[Muruga] MarkZ, pleasure to meet you sir. I am aware that talking rates is taboo at this time, but in general, are the contract rates limited only to those participating in private placements, or will the public have an opportunity as well?
[MarkZ] Muruga I am told the general public will be offered something better than the street rate.

[ModelWoman] MarkZ Is the info and the picture of the guy on the Nesara Site yesterday, it he the real deal as far as the President of The Republic to begin with????
[MarkZ] ModelWoman I didn't see it.

[sandytob] MarkZ Hey. I received an email from your site telling me that I cannot win the 20 million dinar because I have not posted the link to the site on my fb page (of course I don't have a fb page). This was signed by David Durst.
[MarkZ] sandytob I am talking to the web guys monday morning. I think I outed the landing page a few days ahead of schedule. :) Blow it though and give them something to do.

[SpecialAgentGibbs] MarkZ Yo Bro
[MarkZ] SpecialAgentGibbs Gibbs!!!! Miss you brother.

[goddess] Mark,wish more could be revealed now.
[MarkZ] goddess I am trying to figure out a place to start the story for you all. I think MC will do it best since he was there and lived it.

[MarkZ] The story starts before the Wanta, reagan, Mitterand trust. If I picked one person that really moved it forward I would say Reagan, the Iron Lady helped and Mitterand you all will  love getting the whole truth.
anyone can start here....

[SpecialAgentGibbs] MarkZ YES, Ronnie was THE man
[MarkZ] SpecialAgentGibbs He doesn't have the keys yet. He is guarding the door witing on the keys.

[notsoguru] MarkZ and our history books all need to be rewrtten!
[MarkZ] notsoguru good point. Kennedy pushed for a true return to asset backed and no fed. He was quickly killed for it.

[ModelWoman] MarkZ We need some clues here to figure out who MC is.......Is he Military?
[MarkZ] ModelWoman He was in the Navy but I do not consider him military. I will let him tell his own story this week.

[Silvereagle7] MarkZ Got an email alert on the contest saying that I need to share on Facebook, but it's still not working..
[MarkZ] Silvereagle7 Working on that on Monday

[MarkZ] notsoguru We will have to make certain they are re-written truthfully


[notsoguru] MarkZ when you know what time you are going to spill the beans can you have the   post it ahead of time please? and thank you!
[MarkZ] notsoguru I hope to have the number out late tomorrow or Monday.

[justincase] MarkZ - will that be Wed???
[MarkZ] justincase That is the plan now. We have someone setting it up. Our tenative time is 9pm EDT wed

[MarkZ] ChildOfGod I am trying to figure out my twitter. I am social media challenged. I will post it soon.
[ChildOfGod] MarkZ Are you on twitter? If yes, what is your username so I can follow you

[Digs] MarkZ question: This "RI" that you claimed is fact.. this time, where is it? you claim this "RI" happened (a week ago today), but NOTHING!!! looks like all you came here to do was pump your site.. NOT BASHING AT ALL.. BUT...
[MarkZ] Digs I am being told by people I trust in Iraq that Maliki did pull that trigger. If I were pumping a site the   happening now would make it useless for profit. I would rather have an RV.

[1974Z28Camaro] MarkZ Yes burt been reading all I could. I noticed you on the posts. I been off longer than that. I even stopped leave comment on recaps. They wouldn't put them out.
[MarkZ] 1974Z28Camaro I made it a point not to read what people commented on mine. If they hate that much or think I am that full of it.... why do they read it? Makes no sense.

[sandytob] MarkZ Will you still do a call if the  RV  happens before it?
[MarkZ] sandytob especially will post rv.

[FLPatriot59] MarkZ Then what was the 72 hours everybody was talking about last week?
[MarkZ] FLPatriot59 I have no idea where they came up with 72 hours. I actually made it a point to ask and all I got was dead silence.

[Digs] MarkZ 72 hours from when?
[MarkZ] Digs so many reasons, this has been stalled for so long and they had to keep giving a bone to Iraq to explain the timeline that they were finally close enough to be able to do something about it.
[MarkZ] Digs I never said 72 hours

[1974Z28Camaro] MarkZ I heard it was an internation law after a RI??? US has been breaking alot of laws
[MarkZ] 1974Z28Camaro US breaks laws all the time

[goddess] Mark, besides the call you will have on Wednesday, how long before all the truth comes out?
[MarkZ] goddess It will be on going. We will do regular calls and webinars until it is out. People can then make their own decisions.

[lilypad] So MarkZ, in your heart of hearts, when do you think the announcement will come?
[MarkZ] lilypad I am afraid to say but I think early this week

[kazorlando] MarkZ Did you hear about the new WHouse criminal attorney???
[kazorlando] MarkZ Makes you go HUMMM
[MarkZ] kazorlando why would the WHouse need a criminal atty? Makes you wonder..
[kazorlando] MarkZ WHouse has hired new counsel.....big DC criminal attorney.....word is that there are looming investigations and an email regarding Benghazi and the IRS and other matters...if the Dems lose the Senate....well, might be trouble for the WHouse
[MarkZ] kazorlando I want all the crooks fried no matter which side of the floor they sit one.
[kazorlando] MarkZ Agree

[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ And they are on BOTH sides..
[MarkZ] Bear'sOpenHeart They definitely are on both sides

[kazorlando] MarkZ Have you heard of hte Million Man March on DC??? What do you think of the Million Man DINAR March on DC??
[MarkZ] kazorlando That we might actually have a million show up
[MarkZ] kazorlando If we weren't all so broke from buying options month after month we could afford to go march on washington....

[slh1812] MarkZ I'll take my last unemployment check and drive there to be a part of it...
[MarkZ] slh1812 I will wash my thumbs and start hitching

[kazorlando] MarkZ I am sure there is some governmental assistance program that we can apply for to provid funding....
[MarkZ] kazorlando hahaha

[MarkZ] my last news out of Iraq came from a contractor there on Sunday. It all went dead after that for the most part. Spooky quiet.

[MarkZ] I am too tired to make it too last call tonight...... I am hitting the pillow. I can't be in tomorrow until late.

[FLPatriot59] MarkZ So, 10 days from the RI is this Monday, May 5. After that we're hearing the canaries will start singing. Do you really think that threat will precipitate the public RV or has this been the plan all along (since Maliki RI'd ahead of the game)?
[MarkZ] FLPatriot59 I think he forced it when he did it. He was told before that it would happen on the 25th and when they made another excuse. He forced the issue I believe.


Here is Michael Cottrell's official website:



Some information about the US Dollar Refunding Project