Shouting matches every day in the White House as US corporate government implosion continues
These are not happy times for the internationally isolated bankrupt
pariah Nazi/Zionist government in Washington D.C. There are now daily
shouting matches inside the White House between various cabal bosses
arguing about what to do and who to blame, according to CIA sources. The
hardline faction of Nazi cabalists led by Israeli Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu, is planning new mass murder attacks, including a
massive takedown of the US electric grid, the sources say.The cornered Nazis sent this message to the White Dragon Society last week: “The UN does not want peace, nor does the IMF or the US.” To underline this, they staged new provocations in Nigeria and Vietnam (see below for more detail) to add to their murderous trouble-making in the Ukraine and Syria.
They were told “if they go along with the White Dragon, we will take care of them of and if they refuse, we will take care of them.” So far, no further communication has been received.
Increasingly embattled President Obama, for his part, is now making claims that he is the “Twelfth Mahdi,” i.e. the “ultimate savior of humankind,” they said.
In the meantime, President Vladimir Putin of Russia visits China this week to cement some very serious deals that, based on the announced numbers ($200 billion in bilateral trade per year by 2020) are worth about what Russia now exports to the European Union. This is a way of saying “we can live without EU if we have to.” This would also make China 5 times more important to Russian trade than the US.
The other huge event last week was the replacement of the cabal controlled government of India with a government headed by Narendra Modi, a man who is banned from traveling to the US. The end of the cabal aligned Ghandi/Nehru dynastic control of India is going to give a huge boost to the BRICS alliance plans to end Nazi tyranny. So much for the Nazi plan to use India against China.
In these circumstances, last week US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew visited China while Israel’s Netanyahu visited Japan as part of an effort by the cabal to raise money to prevent the bankruptcy of the US corporate government.