Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence
agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of
the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's
massive deceptions
Thursday April 10, 2014
North by Northwest
by Tom Heneghan,
International Intelligence Expert
Malaysian Airline flight MH370
UNITED States of
America - It
can now be reported that the missing Malaysian Airline flight MH370,
after landing in India and being diverted to Pakistan, is in a Chinese
hangar in Beijing, China.
member of the U.S. Navy seals was a passenger on the flight that had
documentation and evidence proving that the alleged death of U.S. CIA
operative and Nazi Bush Crime Family employee Osama bin Laden was a
staged political psy op and furthermore that the entire 9/11 BLACK OP
aka FALSE FLAG attacks on the American People was a staged event on the
behalf of the George W. BushFRAUD German Nazi Richard Cheney illegal
Note: 9/11 remains illegal criminal occupant Nazi George W. BUSFRAUD's Reichstag Fire.
Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has now ordered and
commissioned Russian Special Forces into mainland Ukraine with an object
to assassinate U.S. Nazi Paperclip NSA-British Blackwater mercenaries
who were sent to the Ukraine on the orders of the Bush-Clinton-Obama
bank-controlled Crime Family Syndicate with former NSA Chieftain, Nazi
Michael Hayden as the director of the Blackwater mercenaries.
to Hayden: You are a Nazi, you are a piece of filth and my late
father's Silver Star at Normandy Beach will be used to arrest you, try
you and bring you to justice with due prejudice.
At this hour worldwide banks are totally insolvent with
cross-collateralized derivatives cross-collateralized to each other.
is massive deflation that will affect the commodity sector of the
worldwide economy with stock market and crude oil bubbles.
closing, the United States of America owes the Peoples Republic of
China as much as 18.7 trillion dollars tied to back ended Bank of
America, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays Bank of England and insolvent U.S.
Citibank derivatives.
The time is now.