March 31, 2014
The 'positive' reset of the global financial system [which includes a currency reset for the United States with a new U.S Dollar (TRN), hard asset backed by some gold, other precious minerals in the ground, as well as 'priceless' items, 'national treasures' held in the U.S] - that "Zap" has been speaking of - has come to fruition. You can read the details about it at Kauilapele's site for March 31, 2014 "Office of Poofness" - "HAPPY" posting where - "ZAP SAYS": "HI ALL. ON MARCH 28, THE TREASURY RESERVE NOTE (NEW US DOLLAR) WAS EFFECTED".
Further, for an amazingly accurate, highly detailed explanation of the major initiatives & components leading to and involved in this global reset - I also strongly suggest you read: "Message about the GCR, RV, Reset"