by Preston James
World Zionists have labeled Khazarian Imposters as the real “Descendents of Abraham” in order to form a tyrannical Racial Delusion and Criminal Conspiracy against those they wrongly believe are “American Goyim”.
And also against all those who are the actual descendents of Abraham including Arabs and Palestinians who actually are the real descendents of Abraham.
World Zionists have worked hard to create a sinister Racial Delusion in Khazarian Judaic Converts to foster the attack, asset stripping, tyrannizing, capture, and eventual mass eradication of the real ancient Abrahamic bloodlines which actually have scattered, disseminated and diffused over most of Planet Earth.
Note: This has been a difficult article to write and unless folks are up to speed on the information contained in earlier articles on Secret Space War, they will likely find it incomprehensible, incredulous and a complete waste of time. It’s no use arguing against a shadow. Unless you have a working knowledge of Secret Space War issues, please stop reading this article and do not waste your valuable time.*
This is a long article and those with limited time may want to read only the bold print headers.
Unbeknownst to most, there has been a Secret War being waged against “American Goyim” by a grotesquely evil, Cosmic Alien Force centuries old and known only to top insiders as the Dracos or the “Great Serpents of Old” or the “Fallen Ones”.
These Dracos are reported by some to be Shape-Shifting Inter-dimensional “Fallen Angels” or “Cosmic Parasites” which are negative-energy vampires, exceedingly evil beyond what most can imagine and duplicitous beyond normal human reason.
They are experts at convincing the public that black is white, and white is black, good is evil, and evil is good. And the worst part is that they have apparently gained control of the most of the earth riches by hijacking most of the Monetary Production and Distribution Systems under the power of the Draco ancient Babylonian Money-Magick or applied Black-Magic Arts.
Their specialty is manufacturing and distributing mass Mind-kontrol culture by Hollywood and Television which conditions humans to enjoy behaving in self-destructive ways that also destroy their families, sex roles, religion and nations. They are believed to be parasites that feed off of the negative energy of great pain and long term suffering of humans.
These Dracos are reputed to be able to induce this massive human suffering and fast-kill and slow-kill death in many different varieties.
They do this by the use of ultra-high tech Mass Mind-kontrol, Psi-power, administration of Black-Magick spells, induced manufactured long term illness through aerosol spraying, pollution, contaminated or poisonous vaccines, fluoride in the water, aspartame and other bio-chemical and chemical means designed to slow-kill humans by the masses.
The short term goal of the Dracos has always been to create as much human suffering and painful mass death as possible.
These methods are also used to create the massive suffering and early death which provide the negative energy these Cosmic Vampires the Dracos need to thrive. The more negative energy they get from suffering and dying humans and animals, the more energy and power they receive to further their anti-human agenda of suffering, death and total destruction of all who they identify as “Goyim” and eventually all humans even their own Cutouts and kingpins. More on whom and how they have selected and targeted Goyim as targets later on, which itself is a very big deception and lie. Also later on will be covered the subject of how and when these Dracos descended to Planet Earth and how long they have been here wreaking havoc on Mankind.
One of the Dracos main long term agendas is to allegedly depopulate the earth and replace humans with a very small number of their Draco-human hybrids and custom designed, engineered and cloned biological androids and trans-humans which are biological machines.These “creatures of the night” are alleged to receive optimal feeding by the generation of the highest levels of painful death possible, with the best means that artificially induced by war, mass-murder, or murder with those dying violent and exceedingly painful deaths.
Yes, there appears to have been an Evil Alien Agenda being unleashed on Planet Earth by a Cosmic Parasite known to top insiders as the Dracos for at least the last 4,000 years, and this alien entity feeds off of human suffering and painful human death.
If you doubt the high level control now exercised by these alien Cosmic parasites, just take a look upward and anyone can easily see the aircraft often spraying chem-trails in a criss-crossing pattern over America. Who has the power to induce the SSG to deploy such a major operation which impacts the whole earth? When you figure this out what these chem-trails are comprised of and how harmful it is to humans, and what criminal cabal is doing this under whose power and instructions, then you are at least half way there.
The Evil Empire of the Soviet Union as well as the criminal Central Bankster System run out of the City of London have all been part of this Evil, anti-human Agenda of the Dracos, the inter-dimensional fallen angel parasites that are alleged to have hijacked the Twelve Ruling-class “Bloodlines”.

World Zionism has been their chief creation and their main vehicle to generate a Racial Delusion among their selected Cutouts (Puppet world leaders and top Policy-Makers) as well as many Judaics which further their cause of destroying humankind and replacing it with Draco-human hybrids and trans-human type “hived” cloned androids. World Zionism has been alleged to have become secretly obsessed will mass murdering all Goyim.
The Dracos have allegedly hijacked most of Planet earth through their central banking debt-based pernicious usury system of Babylonian Money-Magick and used this network to further their anti-human Alien Agenda.
But the Draco’s evil anti-human agenda is specifically targeted to those they secretly identify as “Goyim” which they believe carry true ancient Hebrew blood coming from Abraham and they target as their ancient enemies. This involves most Palestinians and most Arabs as well as most Europeans and Americans. As strange and counter-intuitive as this seems there may be ample background to support this assertion.
Why, you might ask? Because there is substantial evidence that the various ancient Hebrew Tribes scattered during the Diaspora migrated to Europe and America where they greatly intermixed. This has been previously written about as the missing tribes but has been largely ignored or considered to be bunk. This is a mistake to ignore these because such an assertion is accurate. It is true that some with ancient Hebrew Blood remained in Palestine or migrated to other Arab nations or to Spain.
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