
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mass Global Arrest Website Now Live Includes Arrest List

Video link:

April 28, 2014

Special International Tribunal for High-Profile and High-Level Crimes (SITHHC)
In response to the general public’s decision of April 6, 2014, to arrest and bring to justice those high-profile and high-level individuals who the general public deems guilty of crimes against humanity and their respective nations, i.e.: actively and knowingly conspiring in well-planned efforts and constructions to consolidate power and resources – with the intention to establish a world government which would provide them with full immunity from any form of prosecution regarding their past and future crimes; the following Charter is adopted for the purpose of establishing the Special International Tribunal for High-Profile and High-Level Crimes (SITHHC).

April 26, 2014
Round-op Alpha Issues 157 Public Notices of International (Citizens’) Arrest to and Against (Former) Heads of State and Government Officials

April 24, 2014
Round-op Alpha Issues 64 Public Notices of International (Citizens’) Arrest to and Against Members of the EU, OSCE, AIPAC, ADL, CFI, BICOM, MAGNA BSP and AIJAC.

April 24, 2014
Round-op Alpha Issues 14 Public Notices of International (Citizens’) Arrest to and Against Members of NATO.

April 16, 2014
The first 420 Public Notices of International (Citizens’) Arrest have been issued (.PDF format) to and against members of the United Nations (67) and the Bilderberg Group/Club/Meetings (353).

List R-oA2014

The following 713 individuals all actively and knowingly conspire in well-planned efforts and constructions to consolidate power and resources – with the intention to establish a world government which would provide them with full immunity from any form of prosecution regarding their past and future crimes – and are therefore, according to Round-op Alpha, collectively guilty of crimes against the sovereignty of their respective nations and against humanity as a whole, i.e.:
  • High-level brigandage: Looting of public wealth; oppressing of populations; attacking the rights to good health, education, personal/national sovereignty and real security; the murdering in name of corporate profits; democide; psychological warfare; (eco-) terrorism – which deliberately jeopardizes any attempts for world peace and causes regional, cultural tensions, armed conflicts, forced poverty and the decay of the public’s health, the public order and society as a whole.

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  1. Ki-moon, Ban /SOUTH KOREA/ PDF
  2. Eliasson, Jan /SWEDEN/ PDF
  3. Malcorra, Susana /ARGENTINA/ PDF
  5. Sajdik, Martin /AUSTRIA – USA/ PDF
  6. Tomka, Peter /SLOVAKIA/ PDF
  7. Sepúlveda-Amor, Bernardo /MEXICO/ PDF
  8. Pachauri, Rajendra K. /INDIA/ PDF
  9. Lee, Hoesung /SOUTH KOREA/ PDF
  10. van Ypersele, Jean-Pascal /BELGIUM/ PDF
  11. El Gizouli, Ismail A.R. /SUDAN/ PDF
  12. Bokova, Irina /BULGARIA/ PDF
  13. da Silva, José Graziano /BRAZIL/ PDF
  14. Aliu, Olumuyiwa Benard /NIGERIA/ PDF
  15. Nwanze, Kanayo F. /NIGERIA/ PDF
  16. Sekimizu, Koji /JAPAN/ PDF
  17. Lagarde, Christine /FRANCE/ PDF
  18. Lipton, David /USA/ PDF
  19. Viñals, José /SPAIN/ PDF
  20. Blanchard, Olivier /FRANCE/ PDF
  21. Touré, Hamadoun /MALI/ PDF
  22. Zhao, Houlin /CHINA/ PDF
  23. Yong, Li /CHINA/ PDF
  24. Chan, Margaret /CHINA/ PDF
  25. Halton, Jane /AUSTRALIA/PDF
  26. Grimes, David /CANADA/ PDF
  27. Moura, Antonio Divino /BRAZIL/ PDF
  28. Ostojski, Mieczyslaw S. /POLAND/ PDF
  29. Mokssit, Abdalah /MOROCCO/ PDF
  30. Zerbo, Lassina /BURKINA FASO/ PDF
  31. Dubourg, Thierry /FRANCE/ PDF
  32. Li, Genxin /CHINA/ PDF
  33. Bell, W. Randy /USA/ PDF
  34. Maryssael, Vorian /MEXICO/ PDF
  35. Rozhkov, Oleg /RUSSIA/ PDF
  36. Ozawa, Toshiro /JAPAN/ PDF
  37. Azeez, Aliyar Lebbe Abdul /SRI LANKA/ PDF
  38. Haak, Hein [1, 2] /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
  39. Weston, Michael [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
  40. Amano, Yukiya /JAPAN/ PDF
  41. Dunn Lee, Janice /USA/ PDF
  42. Mohamad, Daud /MALAYSIA/ PDF
  43. Aning, Kwaku /GHANA – USA/ PDF
  44. Varjoranta, Tero /FINLAND/ PDF
  45. Bychkov, Alexander /RUSSIA/ PDF
  46. Flory, Denis /FRANCE/ PDF
  47. Horin, Olexandr [1, 2] /UKRAINE/ PDF
  48. Azevêdo, Roberto /BRAZIL/ PDF
  49. Agah, Yonov Frederick [1, 2] /NIGERIA/ PDF
  50. Brauner, Karl [1, 2] /GERMANY/ PDF
  51. Shark, David [1, 2] /USA/ PDF
  52. Xiaozhun, Yi [1, 2] /CHINA/ PDF
  53. Gore, Al /USA/ PDF
  54. Buffett, Warren [2] /USA/ PDF
  1. Kim, Jim Yong [1, 2] /USA – SOUTH KOREA/ PDF
  2. Indrawati, Sri Mulyani /INDONESIA – USA/ PDF
  3. Badré, Bertrand /FRANCE/ PDF
  4. Mohieldin, Mahmoud /EGYPT/ PDF
  5. Basu, Kaushik [1, 2] /INDIA/ PDF
  6. Leroy, Anne-Marie /FRANCE/ PDF
  7. Kyte, Rachel /USA/ PDF
  8. De Villeroche, Hervé /FRANCE/ PDF
  9. Hines, Gwen /UK/ PDF
  10. Hoven, Ingrid G. /GERMANY/ PDF
  11. Aviel, Sara Margalit [1, 2] /USA/ PDF
  12. Suzuki, Hideaki /JAPAN/ PDF
  13. Chen, Shixin /CHINA/ PDF
  1. Rothensteiner, Walter /AUSTRIA/ PDF
  2. Treichl, Andreas /AUSTRIA/ PDF
  3. Sigurgestsson, Hörður /ICELAND/ PDF
  4. Lundestad, Geir /NORWAY/ PDF
  5. de Oliveira, Manuel Ferreira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  6. Salgado, Ricardo /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  7. Silva, Artur Santos /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  8. Mazzie, Mark G. /USA/ PDF
  9. McKinnon, Neil /CANADA/ (status unknown) PDF
  10. Sikora, Sławomir /POLAND/ PDF
  11. Bon, Michel /FRANCE/ PDF
  12. Lévy-Lang, André /FRANCE/ PDF
  13. Schrempp, Jürgen Erich /GERMANY/ PDF
  14. Szwajcowski, Jacek /POLAND/ PDF
  15. Barnevik, Percy Nils /SWEDEN/ PDF
  16. Stråberg, Hans /SWEDEN/ PDF
  17. Uǧur, Agah [2] /TURKEY/ PDF
  18. Browne, Edmund John Philip /UK/ PDF
  19. Gerstner, Louis Vincent /USA/ PDF
  20. Bergsten, C. Fred /FRANCE/ PDF
  21. Pipes, Richard Edgar [2] /USA/ PDF
  22. Black, Conrad Moffat /CANADA/ PDF
  23. Frum, David J. /CANADA/ PDF
  24. Beytout, Nicolas /FRANCE/ PDF
  25. Rossella, Carlo /ITALY/ PDF
  26. Ringier, Michael /SWITZERLAND/ PDF
  27. Kohen, Sami [2] /TURKEY/ PDF
  28. Hutton, William Nicolas /UK/ PDF
  29. Knight, Andrew Stephen Bower /UK/ PDF
  30. Stephanopoulos, George Robert /USA/ PDF
  31. Scheel, Walter /GERMANY/ PDF
  32. Eliot, Theodore L. /USA/ PDF
  33. Yost, Casimir A. /USA/ PDF
  34. Allaire, Paul Arthur /USA/ PDF
  35. Rockefeller, Sharon Percy /USA/ PDF
BILDERBERG [2010, 2011, 2012, 2013]

  1. Davignon, Etienne /BELGIUM/ Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel PDF
  2. Achleitner, Paul M. /GERMANY/ Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG PDF
  3. Ackermann, Josef /GERMANY/ Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG PDF
  4. Agius, Marcus /UK/ Former Chairman, Barclays Bank PLC PDF
  5. Ajami, Fouad /USA/ Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University PDF
  6. Alexander, Helen /UK/ Chairman, UBM plc PDF
  7. Alexander, Keith B. /USA/ Commander, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency PDF
  8. Alierta, César /SPAIN/ Chairman and CEO, Telefónica PDF
  9. Almunia, Joaquín /SPAIN/ Commissioner, European Commission PDF
  10. Altman, Roger C. /USA/ Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc. PDF
  11. Amado, Luís /PORTUGAL/ Chairman, Banco Internacional do Funchal (BANIF) PDF
  12. Andresen, Johan H. /NORWAY/ Owner and CEO, FERD PDF
  13. Apunen, Matti /FINLAND/ Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA PDF
  14. Arrison, Sonia /USA/ Author and policy analyst PDF
  15. Athey, Susan /USA/ Professor of Economics, Stanford Graduate School of Business PDF
  16. Aydıntaşbaş, Aslı /TURKEY/ Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper PDF
  17. Babacan, Ali /TURKEY/ Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs PDF
  18. Bäckström, Urban /SWEDEN/ Director General, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise PDF
  19. Balls, Edward M. /UK/ Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer PDF
  20. Balsemão, Francisco Pinto /PORTUGAL/ Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister PDF
  21. Barré, Nicolas /FRANCE/ Managing Editor, Les Echos PDF
  22. Barroso, José M. Durão /PORTUGAL/ President, European Commission PDF
  23. Baverez, Nicolas /FRANCE/ Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP PDF
  24. Bavinchove, Olivier de /FRANCE/ Commander, Eurocorps PDF
  25. Bazire, Nicolas /FRANCE/ Managing Director, Groupe Arnault /LVMH PDF
  26. Béchu, Christophe /FRANCE/ Senator, and Chairman, General Council of Maine-et-Loire PDF
  27. Bell, John /UK/ Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford PDF
  28. Berberoğlu, Enis /TURKEY/ Editor-in-Chief, Hürriyet Newspaper PDF
  29. Bernabè, Franco /ITALY/ CEO, Telecom Italia S.p.A. PDF
  30. Bezos, Jeff /USA/ Founder and CEO, PDF
  31. Bildt, Carl /SWEDEN/ Minister of Foreign Affairs PDF
  32. Björling, Ewa /SWEDEN/ Minister for Trade PDF
  33. Blåfield, Antti /FINLAND/ Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat PDF
  34. Boles, Nick /UK/ Member of Parliament PDF
  35. Bolland, Marc J. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Chief Executive, Marks and Spencer Group plc PDF
  36. Bonnier, Jonas /SWEDEN/ President and CEO, Bonnier AB PDF
  37. Borg, Anders /SWEDEN/ Minister for Finance PDF
  38. Botín, Ana P. /SPAIN/ Executive Chairman, Banesto PDF
  39. Boxmeer, Jean François van /THE NETHERLANDS/ Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO, Heineken N.V. PDF
  40. Brabeck-Letmathe, Peter /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman, Nestlé S.A. PDF
  41. Brandtzæg, Svein Richard /NORWAY/ CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA PDF
  42. Bredow, Vendeline von /UK/ Business Correspondent, The Economist PDF
  43. Bronner, Oscar /AUSTRIA/ Publisher and Editor, Der Standard PDF
  44. Çakir, Ruşen /TURKEY/ Journalist PDF
  45. Cameron, David /UK/ Prime Minister PDF
  46. Campbell, Gordon /CANADA/ Premier of British Columbia PDF
  47. Carlsson, Gunilla /SWEDEN/ Minister for International Development Cooperation PDF
  48. Carney, Mark J. /CANADA/ Governor, Bank of Canada PDF
  49. Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime /SPAIN/ Managing Director, Advent International PDF
  50. Castries, Henri de /FRANCE/ Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA PDF
  51. Cebrián, Juan Luis /SPAIN/ CEO, PRISA PDF
  52. Cernko, Willibald /AUSTRIA/ CEO, UniCredit Bank Austria AG PDF
  53. Chalendar, Pierre André de /FRANCE/ Chairman and CEO, Saint-Gobain PDF
  54. Chavannes, Marc E. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Political Columnist, NRC Handelsblad; Professor of Journalism, University of Groningen PDF
  55. Christiansen, Jeppe /DENMARK/ CEO, Maj Invest PDF
  56. Chubais, Anatoly B. /RUSSIA/ CEO, OJSC RUSNANO PDF
  57. Ciliv, Süreyya /TURKEY/ CEO, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. PDF
  58. Cisneros, Gustavo A. /SPAIN/ Chairman and CEO, Cisneros Group of Companies PDF
  59. Clark, W. Edmund /CANADA/ President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group PDF
  60. Clarke, Kenneth /UK/ Member of Parliament, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of Justice PDF
  61. Coene, Luc /BELGIUM/ Governor, National Bank of Belgium PDF
  62. Collins, Timothy C. /USA/ Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC PDF
  63. Conti, Fulvio /ITALY/ CEO and General Manager, Enel SpA PDF
  64. Corydon, Bjarne /DENMARK/ Minister of Finance PDF
  65. Cospedal, María Dolores de /SPAIN/Secretary General, Partido Popular PDF
  66. Cowper-Coles, Sherard /UK/ Business Development Director, International, BAE Systems plc PDF
  67. Cucchiani, Enrico Tommaso /ITALY/ CEO, Intesa Sanpaolo SpA PDF
  68. Daele, Frans van /BELGIUM/ Chief of Staff to the President of the European Council PDF
  69. Daniels, Jr., Mitchell E. /USA/ Governor of Indiana PDF
  70. David, George A. /GREECE/ Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A. PDF
  71. Davis, Ian /UK/ Chairman, Rolls-Royce plc PDF
  72. DeMuth, Christopher /USA/ Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute PDF
  73. Dijkgraaf, Robbert H. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Director and Leon Levy Professor, Institute for Advanced Study PDF
  74. Dinçer, Haluk /TURKEY/ President, Retail and Insurance Group, Sabancı Holding A.S. PDF
  75. Donilon, Thomas E. /USA/ National Security Advisor, The White House PDF
  76. Dudley, Robert /UK/ Group Chief Executive, BP plc PDF
  77. Eberstadt, Nicholas N. /USA/ Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute PDF
  78. Eide, Espen Barth /NORWAY/ Minister of Foreign Affairs PDF
  79. Ekholm, Börje /SWEDEN/ President and CEO, Investor AB PDF
  80. Eldrup, Anders /DENMARK/ CEO, DONG Energy PDF
  81. Elkann, John /ITALY/ Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. PDF
  82. Enders, Thomas /GERMANY/ CEO, Airbus SAS PDF
  83. Entrecanales, José Manuel /SPAIN/ Chairman, Acciona PDF
  84. Evans, J. Michael /USA/ Vice Chairman, Global Head of Growth Markets, Goldman Sachs & Co. PDF
  85. Faymann, Werner /AUSTRIA/ Federal Chancellor PDF
  86. Federspiel, Ulrik /DENMARK/ Vice President Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S PDF
  87. Feldstein, Martin S. /USA/ George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University PDF
  88. Ferguson, Niall /USA/ Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University PDF
  89. Ferreira Alves, Clara /PORTUGAL/ CEO, Claref LDA; writer [1, 2, 3] PDF
  90. Fillon, François /FRANCE/ Former Prime Minister PDF
  91. Fischer, Heinz /AUSTRIA/ Federal President PDF
  92. Fishman, Mark C. /USA/ President, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research PDF
  93. Flint, Douglas J. /UK/ Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc PDF
  94. Fu, Ying /CHINA/ Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs PDF
  95. Gallagher, Paul /IRELAND/ Attorney General PDF
  96. Gates, William H. /USA/ Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Chairman, Microsoft Corporation PDF
  97. Gephardt, Richard A. /USA/ President and CEO, Gephardt Group PDF
  98. Gfoeller, Michael /USA/ Political Consultant PDF
  99. Giannitsis, Anastasios /GREECE/ Former Minister of Interior; Professor of Development and International Economics, University of Athens PDF
  100. Goolsbee, Austan D. /USA/ Professor of Economics, University of Chicago Booth School of Business PDF
  101. Gordon, Philip H. /USA/ Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs PDF
  102. Graham, Donald E. /USA/ Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company PDF
  103. Groth, Hans /SWITZERLAND/ Senior Director, Healthcare Policy & Market Access, Oncology Business Unit, Pfizer Europe PDF
  104. Gruber, Lilli /ITALY/ Journalist – Anchorwoman, La 7 TV PDF
  105. Gucht, Karel de /BELGIUM/ Commissioner, European Commission PDF
  106. Guindos, Luis de /SPAIN/ Minister of Economy and Competitiveness PDF
  107. Gülek Domac, Tayyibe /TURKEY/ Former Minister of State [1, 2] PDF
  108. Gürel, Z. Damla /TURKEY/ Special Adviser to the President on EU Affairs [1, 2] PDF
  109. Gutzwiller, Felix /SWITZERLAND/ Member of the Swiss Council of States PDF
  110. Halberstadt, Victor /THE NETHERLANDS/ Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings PDF
  111. Hardouvelis, Gikas A. /GREECE/ Chief Economist and Head of Research, Eurobank EFG PDF
  112. Harris, Britt /USA/ CIO, Teacher Retirement System of Texas PDF
  113. Heinonen, Olli /FINLAND/ Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School of Government PDF
  114. Henry, Simon /UK/ CFO, Royal Dutch Shell plc PDF
  115. Hermelin, Paul /FRANCE/ Chairman and CEO, Capgemini Group PDF
  116. Hoffman, Reid /USA/ Co-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn PDF
  117. Hommen, Jan H.M. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Chairman, ING Group PDF
  118. Hormats, Robert D. /USA/ Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs PDF
  119. Huang, Yiping /CHINA/ Professor of Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University PDF
  120. Hughes, Chris R. /USA/ Co-founder, Facebook PDF
  121. Huntsman, Jr., Jon M. /USA/ Chairman, Huntsman Cancer Foundation PDF
  122. Huyghebaert, Jan /BELGIUM/ Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group PDF
  123. Ischinger, Wolfgang /GERMANY/ Chairman, Munich Security Conference; Global Head Government Relations, Allianz SE PDF
  124. Isla, Pablo /SPAIN/ Chairman and CEO, Inditex Group PDF
  125. Ivanov, Igor S. /RUSSIA/ Associate member, Russian Academy of Science; President, Russian International Affairs Council PDF
  126. Jacobs, Kenneth M. /USA/ Chairman & CEO, Lazard PDF
  127. Janom Steiner, Barbara /SWITZERLAND/ Head of the Department of Justice, Security and Health, Canton Grisons PDF
  128. Johansson, Ole /FINLAND/ Chairman, Confederation of the Finnish Industries EK PDF
  129. Johnson, James A. /USA/ Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC PDF
  130. Jordan, Thomas J. /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank PDF
  131. Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. /USA/ Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC PDF
  132. Kaplan, Robert D. /USA/ Chief Geopolitical Analyst, Stratfor PDF
  133. Karp, Alexander /USA/ CEO, Palantir Technologies PDF
  134. Karsner, Alexander /USA/ Executive Chairman, Manifest Energy, Inc PDF
  135. Karvar, Anousheh /FRANCE/ Inspector, Inter-ministerial Audit and Evaluation Office for Social, Health, Employment and Labor Policies PDF
  136. Kasparov, Garry /RUSSIA/ Chairman, United Civil Front (of Russia) PDF
  137. Katainen, Jyrki /FINLAND/ Minister of Finance PDF
  138. Keane, John M. /USA/ Senior Partner, SCP Partners PDF
  139. Kerr, John /UK/ Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc. PDF
  140. Kerry, John /USA/ Senator for Massachusetts PDF
  141. Keyman, E. Fuat /TURKEY/ Director, Istanbul Policy Center and Professor of International Relations, Sabanci University PDF
  142. King Philippe of Belgium PDF
  143. Kissinger, Henry A. /USA/ Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. PDF
  144. Kleinfeld, Klaus /USA/ Chairman and CEO, Alcoa PDF
  145. Knot, Klaas H.W. /THE NETHERLANDS/ President, De Nederlandsche Bank PDF
  146. Koç, Mustafa V. /TURKEY/ Chairman, Koç Holding A.Ş. PDF
  147. Koch, Roland /GERMANY/ CEO, Bilfinger Berger SE PDF
  148. Kodmani, Bassma /SYRIA/ Member of the Executive Bureau and Head of Foreign Affairs, Syrian National Council PDF
  149. Kravis, Henry R. /USA/ Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. PDF
  150. Kravis, Marie-Josée /USA/ Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc. PDF
  151. Kroes, Neelie /THE NETHERLANDS/ Commissioner, European Commission PDF
  152. Krupp, Fred /USA/ President, Environmental Defense Fund PDF
  153. Kudelski, André /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group SA PDF
  154. Kyriacopoulos, Ulysses /GREECE/ Chairman, S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. PDF
  155. Lambert, Richard /UK/ Independent Non-Executive Director, Ernst & Young PDF
  156. Lamy, Pascal /FRANCE/ Director General, World Trade Organization PDF
  157. Lander, Eric S. /USA/ President and Director, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT PDF
  158. Lauk, Kurt J. /GERMANY/ Chairman of the Economic Council to the CDU, Berlin PDF
  159. Lauvergeon, Anne /FRANCE/ Chairman of the Executive Board, AREVA PDF
  160. León Gross, Bernardino /SPAIN/ Secretary General, Office of the Prime Minister PDF
  161. Lessig, Lawrence /USA/ Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership, Harvard Law School; Director, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University PDF
  162. Letta, Enrico /ITALY/ Deputy Leader, Democratic Party (PD) PDF
  163. Leuthard, Doris /SWITZERLAND/ Federal Councillor PDF
  164. Levite, Ariel E. /ISRAEL/ Nonresident Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace PDF
  165. Lévy, Maurice /FRANCE/ Chairman and CEO, Publicis Groupe S.A. PDF
  166. Leysen, Thomas /BELGIUM/ Chairman, Umicore, Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group PDF
  167. Li, Cheng /USA/ Senior Fellow and Director of Research, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution PDF
  168. Lindner, Christian /GERMANY/ Party Leader, Free Democratic Party (FDP NRW) PDF
  169. Lipsky, John /USA/ Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins University PDF
  170. Liveris, Andrew N. /USA/ President, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company PDF
  171. Löfven, Stefan /SWEDEN/ Party Leader, Social Democratic Party (SAP) PDF
  172. Löscher, Peter /GERMANY/ Chairman of the Board of Management, Siemens AG PDF
  173. Lynn, William J. /USA/ Chairman and CEO, DRS Technologies, Inc. PDF
  174. Magnus, Birger /NORWAY/ Chairman, Storebrand ASA PDF
  175. Mandelson, Peter /UK/ Member, House of Lords; Chairman, Global Counsel PDF
  176. Mansbridge, Peter /CANADA/ Chief Correspondent, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation PDF
  177. Mathews, Jessica T. /USA/ President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace PDF
  178. McDowell, Michael /IRELAND/ Senior Counsel, Law Library; Former Deputy Prime Minister PDF
  179. Mchangama, Jacob /DENMARK/ Director of Legal Affairs, Center for Political Studies (CEPOS) PDF
  180. McKenna, Frank /CANADA/ Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group PDF
  181. Mehlman, Kenneth B. /USA/ Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. PDF
  182. Micklethwait, John /UK/ Editor-in-Chief, The Economist PDF
  183. Montbrial, Thierry de /FRANCE/ President, French Institute for International Relations PDF
  184. Monti, Mario /ITALY/ President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi PDF
  185. Mordashov, Alexey A. /RUSSIA/ CEO, Severstal PDF
  186. Moreira da Silva, Jorge /PORTUGAL/ First Vice-President, Partido Social Democrata (PSD) PDF
  187. Moyo, Dambisa F. /ZAMBIA/ Economist and Author PDF
  188. Mundie, Craig J. /USA/ Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation PDF
  189. Myklebust, Egil /NORWAY/ Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA PDF
  190. Nagel, Alberto /ITALY/ CEO, Mediobanca PDF
  191. Naím, Moisés /USA/ Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Policy PDF
  192. Nass, Matthias /GERMANY/ Chief International Correspondent, Die Zeit PDF
  193. Ng, Andrew Y. /USA/ Co-Founder, Coursera PDF
  194. Nin Génova, Juan María /SPAIN/ President and CEO, La Caixa PDF
  195. Nogueira Leite, António /PORTUGAL/ Member of the Board, José de Mello Investimentos, SGPS, SA PDF
  196. Noonan, Michael /IRELAND/ Minister for Finance PDF
  197. Noonan, Peggy /USA/ Author, Columnist, The Wall Street Journal PDF
  198. Nyrup Rasmussen, Poul /DENMARK/ Former Prime Minister PDF
  199. Oldham, John /UK/ National Clinical Lead for Quality and Productivity PDF
  200. Ollila, Jorma /FINLAND/ Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc PDF
  201. Omand, David /UK/ Visiting Professor, King’s College London PDF
  202. Orbinski, James /CANADA/ Professor of Medicine and Political Science, University of Toronto PDF
  203. Orszag, Peter R. /USA/ Director, Office of Management and Budget PDF
  204. Osborne, George /UK/ Chancellor of the Exchequer PDF
  205. Ottersen, Ole Petter /NORWAY/ Rector, University of Oslo PDF
  206. Ottolenghi, Emanuele /USA/ Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies PDF
  207. Özel, Soli /TURKEY/ Senior Lecturer, Kadir Has University; Columnist, Habertürk Newspaper PDF
  208. Özilhan, Tuncay /TURKEY/ Chairman, Anadolu Group PDF
  209. Papaconstantinou, George /GREECE/ Minister of Finance PDF
  210. Papahelas, Alexis /GREECE/ Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper PDF
  211. Papalexopoulos, Dimitri /GREECE/ Managing Director, Titan Cement Co. PDF
  212. Parker, Sean /USA/ Managing Partner, Founders Fund PDF
  213. Pavey, Şafak /TURKEY/ Member of Parliament (CHP) PDF
  214. Pechtold, Alexander /THE NETHERLANDS/ Parliamentary Leader, Democrats ’66 (D66) PDF
  215. Pécresse, Valérie /FRANCE/ Member of Parliament (UMP) PDF
  216. Pekin, Şefika /TURKEY/ Founding Partner, Pekin & Bayar Law Firm [1, 2] PDF
  217. Pentikäinen, Mikael /FINLAND/ Publisher and Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat PDF
  218. Perle, Richard N. /USA/ Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research PDF
  219. Petraeus, David H. /USA/ General, U.S. Army (Retired) PDF
  220. Polanco, Ignacio /SPAIN/ Chairman, Grupo PRISA PDF
  221. Polman, Paul /THE NETHERLANDS/ CEO, Unilever PLC PDF
  222. Portas, Paulo /PORTUGAL/ Minister of State and Foreign Affairs PDF
  223. Prichard, J. Robert S. /CANADA/ President and CEO, Metrolinx PDF
  224. Prince Haakon of Norway PDF
  225. Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands PDF
  226. Queen Sofía of Spain PDF
  227. Rabinovich, Itamar /ISRAEL/ Global Distinguished Professor, New York University PDF
  228. Rachman, Gideon /UK/ Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times PDF
  229. Ramanantsoa, Bernard /FRANCE/ Dean, HEC Paris Group PDF
  230. Rangel, Paulo /PORTUGAL/ Member, European Parliament PDF
  231. Rattner, Steven /USA/ Chairman, Willett Advisors LLC PDF
  232. Redford, Alison M. /CANADA/ Premier of Alberta PDF
  233. Reding, Viviane /LUXEMBOURG/ Vice President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, European Commission PDF
  234. Reisman, Heather M. /CANADA/ Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. PDF
  235. Reitzle, Wolfgang /GERMANY/ CEO & President, Linde AG PDF
  236. Renström, Lars /SWEDEN/ President and CEO, Alfa Laval PDF
  237. Rey, Hélène /FRANCE/ Professor of Economics, London Business School PDF
  238. Rinnooy Kan, Alexander H.G. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Chairman, Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) PDF
  239. Robertson, Simon /UK/ Partner, Robertson Robey Associates LLP; Deputy Chairman, HSBC Holdings PDF
  240. Rocca, Gianfelice /ITALY/ Chairman, Techint PDF
  241. Rockefeller, David /USA/ Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank PDF
  242. Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías /SPAIN/ Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander PDF
  243. Rogoff, Kenneth S. /USA/ Professor of Economics, Harvard University PDF
  244. Rompuy, Herman van /BELGIUM/ President, European Council PDF
  245. Rose, Charlie /USA/ Producer, Rose Communications PDF
  246. Rosenthal, Uri /THE NETHERLANDS/ Minister of Foreign Affairs PDF
  247. Ross, Dennis B. /USA/ Counselor, Washington Institute for Near East Policy PDF
  248. Rostowski, Jacek /POLAND/ Minister of Finance PDF
  249. Roy, Olivier /FRANCE/ Professor of Social and Political Theory, European University Institute PDF
  250. Rubin, Robert E. /USA/ Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury PDF
  251. Rutte, Mark /THE NETHERLANDS/ Prime Minister PDF
  252. Sabanci Dinçer, Suzan /TURKEY/ Chairman, Akbank PDF
  253. Sáenz de Santamaría Antón, Soraya /SPAIN/ Vice President and Minister for the Presidency PDF
  254. Scaroni, Paolo /ITALY/ CEO, Eni S.p.A. PDF
  255. Scheffer, Paul /THE NETHERLANDS/ Professor of European Studies, Tilburg University PDF
  256. Schieder, Andreas /AUSTRIA/ State Secretary of Finance PDF
  257. Schmid, Martin /SWITZERLAND/ President, Government of the Canton Grisons PDF
  258. Schmidt, Eric /USA/ CEO and Chairman of the Board, Google PDF
  259. Scholten, Rudolf /AUSTRIA/ Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG PDF
  260. Scholz, Olaf /GERMANY/ Vice Chairman, SPD PDF
  261. Schütze, Peter /DENMARK/ Member of the Executive Management, Nordea Bank AB PDF
  262. Schweiger, Rolf /SWITZERLAND/ Member of the Swiss Council of States PDF
  263. Seguro, António José /PORTUGAL/ Secretary General, Socialist Party PDF
  264. Senard, Jean-Dominique /FRANCE/ CEO, Michelin Group PDF
  265. Shambaugh, David /USA/ Director, China Policy Program, George Washington University PDF
  266. Sheeran, Josette /USA/ Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme PDF
  267. Siilasmaa, Risto /FINLAND/ Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nokia Corporation PDF
  268. Skogen Lund, Kristin /NORWAY/ Director General, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise PDF
  269. Slaughter, Anne-Marie /USA/ Bert G. Kerstetter ’66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University PDF
  270. Soiron, Rolf /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman of the Board, Holcim Ltd., Lonza Ltd. PDF
  271. Solana Madariaga, Javier /SPAIN/ Former Secretary General, Council of the European Union PDF
  272. Solberg, Erna /NORWAY/ Leader of the Conservative Party PDF
  273. Speyer, Jerry I. /USA/ Chairman and Co-CEO, Tishman Speyer PDF
  274. Steinberg, James B. /USA/ Deputy Secretary of State PDF
  275. Steinbrück, Peer /GERMANY/ Member of the Bundestag; Former Minister of Finance PDF
  276. Stewart, Rory /UK/ Member of Parliament PDF
  277. Stigson, Björn /SWEDEN/ President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development PDF
  278. Summers, Lawrence H. /USA/ Director, National Economic Council PDF
  279. Supino, Pietro /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman and Publisher, Tamedia AG PDF
  280. Sutherland, Peter D. /IRELAND/ Chairman, Goldman Sachs International PDF
  281. Taylor, J. Martin /UK/ Chairman, Syngenta International AG PDF
  282. Teixeira dos Santos, Fernando /PORTUGAL/ Minister of State and Finance PDF
  283. Thiam, Tidjane /UK – IVORY COAST/ Group CEO, Prudential plc PDF
  284. Thiel, Peter A. /USA/ President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC PDF
  285. Thompson, Craig B. /USA/ President and CEO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center PDF
  286. Timuray, Serpil /TURKEY/ CEO, Vodafone Turkey PDF
  287. Topsøe, Jakob Haldor /DENMARK/ Partner, AMBROX Capital A/S PDF
  288. Tremonti, Giulio /ITALY/ Minister of Economy and Finance PDF
  289. Trichet, Jean-Claude /FRANCE/ President, European Central Bank PDF
  290. Trittin, Jürgen /GERMANY/ Parliamentary Leader, Alliance 90/The Greens PDF
  291. Tsoukalis, Loukas /GREECE/ President, ELIAMEP PDF
  292. Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude /AUSTRIA/ Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank PDF
  293. Urpilainen, Jutta /FINLAND/ Minister of Finance PDF
  294. Varney, Christine A. /USA/ Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust PDF
  295. Vasella, Daniel L. /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman, Novartis AG PDF
  296. Vaupel, James W. /USA/ Founding Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research PDF
  297. Vimont, Pierre /FRANCE/ Executive Secretary General, European External Action Service PDF
  298. Volcker, Paul A. /USA/ Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board PDF
  299. Voser, Peter /UK – SWITZERLAND/ CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc PDF
  300. Wahlroos, Björn /FINLAND/ Chairman, Sampo plc PDF
  301. Waldvogel, Francis A. /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman, Novartis Venture Fund PDF
  302. Wall, Brad /CANADA/ Premier of Saskatchewan PDF
  303. Wallenberg, Jacob /SWEDEN/ Chairman, Investor AB PDF
  304. Warsh, Kevin /USA/ Former Governor, Federal Reserve Board PDF
  305. Wellink, Nout /THE NETHERLANDS/ President, De Nederlandsche Bank PDF
  306. West, F.J. Bing /USA/ Author PDF
  307. Weston, Galen G. /CANADA/ Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Limited PDF
  308. Williams of Crosby, Shirley /UK/ Member, House of Lords PDF
  309. Winter, Jaap W. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek PDF
  310. Witmer, Jürg /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman, Givaudan SA and Clariant AG PDF
  311. Wolf, Martin H. /UK/ Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times PDF
  312. Wolfensohn, James D. /USA/ Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC PDF
  313. Wooldridge, Adrian D. /UK/ Business Correspondent, The Economist PDF
  314. Wright, Nigel S. /CANADA/ Chief of Staff, Office of the Prime Minister PDF
  315. Yergin, Daniel /USA/ Chairman, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates PDF
  316. Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez /SPAIN/ Prime Minister PDF
  317. Zetsche, Dieter /GERMANY/ Chairman, Daimler AG PDF
  318. Zoellick, Robert B. /USA/ President, The World Bank Group PDF
  1. Hills, Carla A. /USA/ PDF
  2. Rubenstein, David Mark /USA/ PDF
  3. Haass, Richard Nathan /USA/ PDF
  4. Abizaid, John P. /USA/ PDF
  5. Ackerman, Peter /USA/ PDF
  6. Albright, Madeleine K. /USA/ PDF
  7. Baird, Zoë /USA/ PDF
  8. Blinder, Alan S. /USA/ PDF
  9. Boies, Mary McInnis /USA/ PDF
  10. Bradley, David G. /USA/ PDF
  11. Brokaw, Tom /USA/ PDF
  12. Burns, R. Nicholas /USA/ PDF
  13. Denning, Steven A. /USA/ PDF
  14. Fink, Laurence D. /USA/ PDF
  15. Friedman, Stephen /USA/ PDF
  16. Fudge, Ann M. [2] /USA/ PDF
  17. Gann, Pamela /USA/ PDF
  18. Glocer, Thomas H. /USA/ PDF
  19. Henry, Peter B. /USA/ PDF
  20. Hill, J. Tomilson /USA/ PDF
  21. Hrinak, Donna J. /USA/ PDF
  22. Jackson, Shirley Ann /USA/ PDF
  23. Kent, Muhtar /USA/ PDF
  24. Miscik, Jami /USA/ PDF
  25. Owens, James W. /USA/ PDF
  26. Padrón, Eduardo J. /USA/ PDF
  27. Peterson, Peter G. /USA/ PDF
  28. Porat, Ruth /USA/ PDF
  29. Smith, Frederick W. /USA/ PDF
  30. Warner, Margaret /USA/ PDF
  31. Weber, Vin /USA/ PDF
  32. Whitman, Christine Todd /USA/ PDF
  33. Zakaria, Fareed /USA/ PDF
  34. Olson, Keith [photo unconfirmed!] /USA/ PDF
  35. Lindsay, James M. /USA/ PDF
  36. Faskianos, Irina A. /USA/ PDF
  37. Gelb, Leslie H. /USA/ PDF
  38. Greenberg, Maurice R. /USA/ PDF
  39. Annan, Kofi /GHANA – USA/ PDF
  40. Belo-Osagie, Hakeem /NIGERIA/ PDF
  41. Desmarais Jr., Paul /CANADA/ PDF
  42. Döpfner, Mathias /GERMANY/ PDF
  43. Carbajal, José Antonio Fernández /MEXICO/ PDF
  44. Halonen, Tarja /FINLAND/ PDF
  45. Ibrahim, Mohamed /SUDAN – UK/ PDF
  46. Jameel, Mohammed Abdul Latif /SAUDI ARABIA/ PDF
  47. Kelly, Gail /AUSTRALIA/ PDF
  48. Kojima, Yorihiko /JAPAN/ PDF
  49. Mahindra, Anand /INDIA/ PDF
  50. Mansour, Mohamed /EGYPT/ PDF
  51. de Margerie, Christophe /FRANCE/ PDF
  52. Masiyiwa, Strive /ZIMBABWE/ PDF
  53. Ofer, Idan /ISRAEL/ PDF
  54. Olayan, Lubna /SAUDI ARABIA/ PDF
  55. Potanin, Vladimir /RUSSIA/ PDF
  56. Powell, Charles David /UK/ PDF
  57. Walujo, Patrick /INDONESIA/ PDF
  58. Xin, Zhang /CHINA/ PDF
  1. Rasmussen, Anders Fogh /DENMARK/ PDF
  2. Vershbow, Alexander /USA/ PDF
  3. Lungescu, Oana /BELGIUM – ROMANIA/ PDF
  4. Høeg-Jensen, Kasper /DENMARK/ PDF
  5. Stamatopoulos, Thrasyvoulos Terry /GREECE/ PDF
  6. Ducaru, Sorin /ROMANIA/ PDF
  7. Auroy, Patrick /FRANCE/ PDF
  8. Brauss, Heinrich /GERMANY/ PDF
  9. Bush, Wayne J. /USA/ PDF
  10. Grabar-Kitarović, Kolinda /CROATIA/ PDF
  11. Evans, Stephen /UK/ PDF
  12. Smith, Stephen F. /USA/ PDF
  13. Hill, Steven /USA/ PDF
  14. Chagnot, Stéphane /FRANCE/ PDF
  1. Ashton, Catherine /UK/ PDF
  2. Kallas, Siim /ESTONIA/ PDF
  3. Tajani, Antonio /ITALY – FRANCE/ PDF
  4. Šefčovič, Maroš /SLOVAKIA/ PDF
  5. Rehn, Olli /FINLAND/ PDF
  6. Potočnik, Janez /SLOVENIA/ PDF
  7. Piebalgs, Andris /LATVIA/ PDF
  8. Barnier, Michel /FRANCE/ PDF
  9. Vassiliou, Androulla /CYPRUS/ PDF
  10. Šemeta, Algirdas /LITHUANIA/ PDF
  11. Geoghegan-Quinn, Máire /IRELAND/ PDF
  12. Lewandowski, Janusz /POLAND/ PDF
  13. Damanaki, Maria /GREECE/ PDF
  14. Georgieva, Kristalina /BULGARIA/ PDF
  15. Oettinger, Günther /GERMANY/ PDF
  16. Hahn, Johannes /AUSTRIA/ PDF
  17. Hedegaard, Connie /DENMARK/ PDF
  18. Füle, Štefan /CZECH REPUBLIC/ PDF
  19. Andor, László /HUNGARY/ PDF
  20. Malmström, Cecilia /BELGIUM – SWEDEN/ PDF
  21. Cioloş, Dacian /ROMANIA/ PDF
  22. Borg, Tonio /MALTA/ PDF
  23. Mimica, Neven /CROATIA/ PDF
  24. Guy Verhofstadt /BELGIUM – ITALY/ PDF
  25. Draghi, Mario /ITALY/ PDF
  26. Constâncio, Vítor Manuel Ribeiro /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  27. Cœuré, Benoît /FRANCE/ PDF
  28. Lautenschläger, Sabine /GERMANY/ PDF
  29. Mersch, Yves /LUXEMBOURG/ PDF
  30. Praet, Peter /BELGIUM/ PDF
  31. O’Mahoney, John [1, 2] /IRELAND/ PDF
  32. Esteban Perez, Francisco /SPAIN/ PDF
  33. Bolkestein, Frederik /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
  34. de Hoop Scheffer, Jakob Gijsbert /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
  1. Krivokapic, Ranko /MONTENEGRO/ PDF
  2. Burkhalter, Didier /SWITZERLAND/ PDF
  3. Voridis, Makis /GREECE/ PDF
  4. Guliyev, Azay /AZERBAIJAN/ PDF
  5. Kauma, Pia /FINLAND/ PDF
  6. Aknazarova, Roza /KYRGYZSTAN/ PDF
  7. Sena, Nilza /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  8. Williams, Roger /UK/ PDF
  9. Santos, Isabel /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  10. Kulkuloglu, Mehmet Sevki /TURKEY/ PDF
  11. Comic, Gordana /SERBIA/ PDF
  1. Kohr, Howard /USA/ PDF
  2. Fishman, Richard /USA/ PDF
  3. Kern, Chrystal [1, 2, 3, 4] /USA/ PDF
  1. Foxman, Abraham H. /USA/ PDF
  2. Curtiss-Lusher, Barry /USA/ PDF
  1. Polak, Stuart [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
  2. Tamam, Nathalie [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
  3. Gurd, James [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
  4. Stark, Leetal [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
  5. Akademir, Sedef [1 ,2, 3] /UK/ PDF
  6. Murkes, Tanyah [1, 2, 3] /ISRAEL/ PDF
  1. Zabludowicz, Chaim Poju [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
  2. Kehoe, Dermot /UK/ PDF
  3. Fineberg, Tony /UK/ PDF
  4. Pater, Richard /ISRAEL/ PDF
  1. Siboni, Haim /ISRAEL/ PDF
  1. Leibler, Marc /AUSTRALIA/ PDF
  2. Keen, Paul /AUSTRALIA/ PDF
  3. Rubenstein, Colin /AUSTRALIA/ PDF
  1. Bush, George H. W. /USA/ PDF
  2. Clinton, William J. /USA/ PDF
  3. Clinton, Hillary Diane Rodham /USA/ PDF
  4. Bush, George W. /USA/ PDF
  5. Obama, Barack H. /USA/ PDF
  6. Peres, Shimon /ISRAEL/ PDF
  7. Netanyahu, Benjamin /ISRAEL/ PDF
  8. Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary /UK/ PDF
  9. Prince Charles, Prince of Wales /UK/ PDF
  10. Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh /UK/ PDF
  11. Blair, Tony /UK/ PDF
  12. Di Rupo, Elio /BELGIUM/ PDF
  13. Harper, Stephen /CANADA/ PDF
  14. Queen Margrethe Alexandrine Þórhildur Ingrid /DENMARK/ PDF
  15. Thorning-Schmidt, Helle /DENMARK/ PDF
  16. Sarkozy, Nicolas /FRANCE/ PDF
  17. Hollande, François /FRANCE/ PDF
  18. Valls, Manuel /FRANCE/ PDF
  19. Ayrault, Jean-Marc /FRANCE/ PDF
  20. Napolitano, Giorgio /ITALY/ PDF
  21. Renzi, Matteo /ITALY/ PDF
  22. Berlusconi, Silvio /ITALY/ PDF
  23. King Harald V /NORWAY/ PDF
  24. Stoltenberg, Jens /NORWAY/ PDF
  25. Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani /QATAR/ PDF
  26. Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani /QATAR/ PDF
  27. Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias /SPAIN/ PDF
  28. Rajoy Brey, Mariano /SPAIN/ PDF
  29. Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands PDF
  30. Gusenbauer, Alfred /AUSTRIA/ PDF
  31. Kamov, Nikolai /BULGARIA/ PDF
  32. Harris, Mike /CANADA/ PDF
  33. Lord, Bernard /CANADA/ PDF
  34. Chrétien, Joseph Jacques Jean /CANADA/ PDF
  35. Martin, Paul Edgar Philippe /CANADA/ PDF
  36. Heinäluoma, Eero Olavi /FINLAND/ PDF
  37. Niinistö, Sauli Väinämö /FINLAND/ PDF
  38. Vanhanen, Matti Taneli /FINLAND/ PDF
  39. Westerwelle, Guido /GERMANY/ PDF
  40. Schmidt, Helmut Heinrich Waldemar /GERMANY/ PDF
  41. Merkel, Angela Dorothea /GERMANY/ PDF
  42. Fischer, Joseph Martin Joschka /GERMANY/ PDF
  43. Alogoskoufis, George /GREECE/ PDF
  44. Bakoyannis, Dora /GREECE/ PDF
  45. Diamantopoulou, Anna /GREECE/ PDF
  46. Papakonstantinou, Giorgos /GREECE/ PDF
  47. Stournaras, Yiannis /GREECE/ PDF
  48. Papathanasiou, Yannis /GREECE/ PDF
  49. Bjarnason, Björn /ICELAND/ PDF
  50. Oddsson, Davíð /ICELAND/ PDF
  51. Haarde, Geir Hilmar /ICELAND/ PDF
  52. Sigurðsson, Jón /ICELAND/ PDF
  53. Gleeson, Dermot /IRELAND/ PDF
  54. Noonan, Michael /IRELAND/ PDF
  55. Bonino, Emma /ITALY/ PDF
  56. Tanaka, Nobuo /JAPAN/ PDF
  57. Lubbers, Ruud /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
  59. Balkenende, Jan Peter /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
  60. Verhagen, Maxime Jacques Marcel /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
  61. Jensen, Siv /NORWAY/ PDF
  62. Clemet, Kristin /NORWAY/ PDF
  63. de Pinho, Manuel António Gomes de Almeida /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  64. Sócrates Carvalho Pinto de Sousa, José /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  65. Aguiar-Branco, José Pedro /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  66. de Santana Lopes, Pedro Miguel /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  67. Sarmento, Nuno Morais /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  68. da Costa, António Luís dos Santos /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  69. Rio, Rui Fernando da Silva /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  70. Leite, Maria Manuela Dias Ferreira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  71. Silva, Augusto Santos /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  72. de Sousa, Marcelo Rebelo /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  73. Guterres, António Manuel de Oliveira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  74. Rodrigues, Eduardo Luís Barreto Ferro /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  75. de Sampaio, Jorge Fernando Branco /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  76. Amaral, Luís Mira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  77. Constâncio, Vítor Manuel Ribeiro /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  78. Ferreira, José Medeiros /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  79. do Amaral, Joaquim Ferreira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  80. Barreto, António Miguel de Morais /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  81. Cravinho, João Cardona Gomes /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  82. Nabo, Francisco Luís Murteira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  83. Olechowski, Andrzej Marian /POLAND/ PDF
  84. Suchocka, Hanna /POLAND/ PDF
  85. Moratinos Cuyaubé, Miguel Ángel /SPAIN/ PDF
  86. Solbes Mira, Pedro /SPAIN/ PDF
  87. Fälldin, Nils Olof Thorbjörn /SWEDEN/ PDF
  88. Olofsson, Maud Elisabeth /SWEDEN/ PDF
  89. Reinfeldt, John Fredrik /SWEDEN/ PDF
  90. Sahlin, Mona Ingeborg /SWEDEN/ PDF
  91. Blocher, Christoph /SWITZERLAND/ PDF
  92. Ashdown, Paddy /UK/ PDF
  93. Carington, Peter Alexander Rupert /UK/ PDF
  94. Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Michael James /UK/ PDF
  95. Healey, Denis Winston /UK/ PDF
  96. Monks, John Stephen /UK/ PDF
  97. Owen, David Anthony Llewellyn /UK/ PDF
  98. Rifkind, Malcolm Leslie /UK/ PDF
  99. Hannay, David Hugh Alexander /UK/ PDF
  100. Brown, Gordon /UK/ PDF
  101. Berger, Samuel Richard /USA/ PDF
  102. Geithner, Timothy Franz /USA/ PDF
  103. Hamilton, Lee Herbert /USA/ PDF
  104. Powell, Colin Luther /USA/ PDF
  105. Rice, Condoleezza /USA/ PDF
  106. Shultz, George Pratt /USA/ PDF
  107. Daschle, Thomas Andrew /USA/ PDF
  108. Edwards, Johnny Reid /USA/ PDF
  109. Hagel, Charles Timothy /USA/ PDF
  110. Nunn, Samuel Augustus Jr. /USA/ PDF
  111. Perry, James Richard /USA/ PDF
  112. Sanford, Marshall Clement Jr. /USA/ PDF
  113. Sebelius, Kathleen /USA/ PDF
  114. Arapoglou, Takis /GREECE/ PDF
  115. McDonough, William Joseph /USA/ PDF
  116. Bernanke, Ben Shalom /USA/ PDF
  117. Yousfi, Youcef /ALGERIA/ PDF
  118. Boudou, Amado /ARGENTINA/ PDF
  119. Sargsyan, Serzh /ARMENIA/ PDF
  120. Bishop, Julie /AUSTRALIA/ PDF
  121. Aliyev, Ilham /AZERBAIJAN/ PDF
  122. Temer, Michel /BRAZIL/ PDF
  123. Valenzuela, Heraldo Muñoz /CHILE/ PDF
  124. Jinping, Xi /CHINA/ PDF
  125. Bělobrádek, Pavel /CZECH REPUBLIC/ PDF
  126. Loza, Hamdi Sanad /EGYPT/ PDF
  127. Ondimba, Ali Bongo /GABON/ PDF
  128. Garibashvili, Irakli /GEORGIA/ PDF
  129. Martonyi, János /HUNGARY/ PDF
  130. Khurshid, Salman /INDIA/ PDF
  131. Boediono /INDONESIA/ PDF
  132. Noble, Ronald Kenneth /USA/ PDF
  133. Steinitz, Yuval /ISRAEL/ PDF
  134. Abe, Shinzō /JAPAN/ PDF
  135. ibn al-Hussein, Abdullah II /JORDAN/ PDF
  136. Nazarbayev, Nursultan Äbishuly /KAZAKHSTAN/ PDF
  137. Grybauskaitė, Dalia /LITHUANIA/ PDF
  138. bin Yassin, Muhyiddin /MALAYSIA/ PDF
  139. Gómez-Robledo, Juan Manuel /MEXICO/ PDF
  140. Mezouar, Salaheddine /MOROCCO/ PDF
  141. Key, John Phillip /NEW ZEALAND/ PDF
  142. Jonathan, Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe /NIGERIA/ PDF
  143. Sharif, Mian Muhammad Nawaz /PAKISTAN/ PDF
  144. Sikorski, Radosław Tomasz /POLAND/ PDF
  145. Băsescu, Traian /ROMANIA/ PDF
  146. Lavrov, Sergey Viktorovich /RUSSIA/ PDF
  147. Yamani, Hashim [1, 2] /SAUDI ARABIA/ PDF
  148. Hsien Loong, Lee /SINGAPORE/ PDF
  149. Nkoana-Mashabane, Maite Emily /SOUTH AFRICA/ PDF
  150. Geun-hye, Park /SOUTH KOREA/ PDF
  151. Phuangketkeow, Sihasak /THAILAND/ PDF
  152. Gül, Abdullah /TURKEY/ PDF
  153. Yatsenyuk, Arseniy Petrovych /UKRAINE/ PDF
  154. bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Mohammed /ABU DHABI – UAE/ PDF
  155. Nguyễn, Tấn Dũng /VIETNAM/ PDF
  156. Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip /TURKEY/ PDF
  157. Putin, Vladimir /RUSSIA/ PDF