"Anonymous" Mischief and Realistic Hope
I just came across this article about the "Worldwide Wave of Action" being promoted by the Agency front group Anonymous. It raises some valid questions about Anonymous...
...and the people behind their agenda...

...so it's worth a read. But the writer seems to be viewing the situation from an East versus West paradigm, so just remember that it is the Globalist Cabal behind all the wars and strife, not the US/NATO. The US/NATO intelligence/military complex is simply the vehicle through which the globalists wield their Left Hand.
I also recommend watching the first video contained in the article (it's only 2 minutes long). Take note of its cloying nature and its highly polished and professional production values. I wouldn't be surprised if the Hollywood contractor who produced the video is named "Wag the Dog Productions."

On another note, I have been getting a fresh round of "is there any hope?" messages. So if you are a new reader, please have a look at this entry:
Whenever people who are still invested in the White Hats illusion first encounter my work, they are understandably crestfallen. They find that what I write confirms the doubts and thoughts that have long been festering in them, but the full realization that...
...White Hats...

...and Dark Hats...

...are just opposing, controlled chess pieces on the Masonic chessboard...

...is still a shock to their system.

...and Dark Hats...

...are just opposing, controlled chess pieces on the Masonic chessboard...

...is still a shock to their system.
The great lessons of humanity's current situation seem to be to stop looking outside of ourselves for leadership and to stop handing our power to others. How long have we handed power to (and invested our false hope in) "blue team" leaders only to see them misuse it? And how long have we then handed power to opposing "red team" leaders (to save us from what the blue team did) only to see them misuse it too? Will we now invest our hope in the Russia/China Red Team to save us from the US/EU Blue Team?
Looking outside of ourselves for salvation is a fool's game, and it always has been. And this means we should stay clear of mass movements (herd migrations) that are laid conveniently at our feet by people we don't know. At the end of the day, those engaging in heady macro movements disperse to go back to their unchanged micro lives. But it is in our micro lives where the change must be made, then the macro will automatically follow.
This reminds me: I have to finish the series on government and money in my solutions section. More work for Kenny.

I send you my love....