D Responding to Zap Responding to D Responding to Zap: colour coding is essential, lol
Before I begin, I have to profusely thank KP for the amount of work he put into getting this article sorted out, colour coding the various comments and keeping it readably organized- this is a daunting task!! Love you KP!!So, apparently someone forwarded an article I wrote last week, responding to ZAP's weekly update, to ZAP/office of poofness, and he has posted his responses to my responses to his comments.... and so now I am going to respond to Zap's responses to my response to his comments with my own comments.
... colour coded to try and keep the dialogue straight. I'm fully caffeinated and ready!!
My responses to the original ZAP update will be in Blue, My responses to ZAP's responses to My Responses to ZAPs update this week will be in BLUE ALL CAPS AND ITALICS...... Zap and I are not yelling at each other, we're just running out of options to differentiate various sections of the conversation, lol.As a matter of fact, I think that Zappy baby and I would have a hell of a good time chatting over an espresso. Drop on by darlin- I'm in Morocco! Aouchtan to be exact... but then you knew that already didn't you? *giggle*
I am including KP's intro here, but then will skip forward to the part of the weekly update where ZAP is responding to my....... well, you get the picture, lol.
For the preamble, please click HERE to go to Kaulipele's Article.
Office of Poofness 3-31-14… “Happy” (and with ZAP highlighted in RED)
Part of that is that this Poofness message is pretty long, and part is because I’ve gone through and “marked up” (in RED) all of Zap’s comments. And part of the reason for THAT (the red markup thing) is because Zap includes the full text of a response to Dave (of Australia, I believe (Thx, Dave… Love your FIRE!!), which includes the full text of an article from D of RTS. And part of that article from D of RTS included ZAP IN ALL CAPS sections (dammit!)!!
So it took me about 60 minutes to just go through and compare notes from this Poof message to that in the article from D of RTS. Whew….
Hopefully this will make it a bit easier to understand when D’s RTS article is talking, and when Zap is responding. (remember, ZAP quoted, by D, in D’s article is in ALL CAPS BLACK, Zap’s responses TO that, are in ALL CAPS RED)…
Okay, here we go....
Cutting to the part of the article where ZAP responds to my previous article:
Sue, I urge you to read and UNDERSTAND this post below, it may wake YOU up a little.Regards
Dave Ashwell
[start of RTS article by D]
[Kp note: remember, ZAP quoted, by D, in D's article is in ALL CAPS BLACK, Zap's responses TO that, are in ALL CAPS RED]