Lots of high level threats and murder taking place as cabalists turn on each other
High level cabalists have begun killing and threatening each other
in a sign that their unified centralized control grid is falling apart.
The recent shooting at Ft. Hood was an attack against George Bush Sr.
and other members of the Bush clan, according to Rothschild and
Rockefeller family sources. However, it is not clear if the attack was
successful because of a total information black-out following the
incident. The death of a CIA agent last week is also believed to have
been part of an anti-Bush/Nazi campaign now underway.Then last week a photograph of a T-shirt with the number 44 written on it being held in front of President Obama was widely publicized.
The number 44 symbolizes death in many Asian languages and the T-shirt incident appears to have been to remind Obama that he needed to stop blocking the new financial system.
Also, the murder of former ABN Ambro Bank CEO Jan Peter Shmittmann, his wife and his daughter was part of an ongoing Rothschild plan to eliminate any people who would testify against them, according to CIA sources. The list contains 250 names, including 50 bankers, the sources said. The Rothschilds also believe the Rockefeller family is about to be rounded up and jailed.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, for his part, thinks the entire Rothschild family
needs to be killed in order to end the ongoing financial crisis. The Slavic nations are particularly bitter about the destruction of Yugoslavia and the theft of its mineral resources, which they blame on the Rothschilds. They see the recent shenanigans in the Ukraine as yet another Rothschild resource theft.
The Russians are now occupying Eastern Ukraine and have offered the Western portion to Poland in a sign they are no longer going along with the cabal controlled group of sock puppets known as the United Nations.
Since all the major players are now pointing fingers at each other, perhaps this is a good time to review the forensic trail followed by the White Dragon Society agents to try to find out who was behind the plan to “save the environment” by killing 90% of humanity.
The first suspect was David Rockefeller because he sat at the top of well-known globalist institutions like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.
However, Rockefeller’s people said they were not the problem but rather it was George Bush Sr. and his Nazi faction that were the true bad guys.