Saturday, March 15, 2014

TransformationIsComing Blog: "I AM Awakening Academy"

"I AM Awakening Academy"

For those of you who have been following my blog you have noticed that I am NOT a fan of spreading disinformation or lies. I am a BIG fan of TRUTH! If I make a statement on something or back it up, it is something I myself have investigated and or, had my own experience with. I certainly do not want to acquire any Karma from anything I share with others. I am also a huge fan of Self Empowerment and anything that can help one empower themselves in their journey through, “The Great Awakening”! Here is a little bit of my own experiences with the material I am going to share to those of my reading audience.

When I started awakening years ago I was having physical experiences such as vibrating in parts of my body, pressure between my eyes, weird sensations in my Chakras, heart palpitations, a buzzing feeling on top of my head as if sucking in something unseen, seeing flashes of light and what I call fireflies which I now know is millions of photons dancing around before me, feeling the impact of solar flares and CME’s, seeing UFO’s, spontaneous telepathic communication with unseen entities, feeling like a crown is on my head squeezing it, energies flowing throughout my body and the list can go on and on. This was all before I even knew anything about Ascension, The Shift or Awakening. I also did not ever meditate.

Through reading and investigating I later stumbled upon information about Ascension symptoms and The Great Awakening or Shift as some call it. I did not understand what was going on but through learning, I started to. Suddenly things that have happened throughout my lifetime started to make sense and the puzzle pieces started falling into place one at a time.


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