Sunday, February 23, 2014

NEO Update - February 23, 2014

The Self-Righteous Finger | its always someone else's fault

One World of Nations
By Neo
23 February 2014

Man's view of religion has been the source of wars and the needless slaughter of millions of people. Humanity scorns Hitlers genocide in the concentration camps of Word War II, while justifying the unconstitutional enforcement of the US Indian removal act of 1830 that cost the lives of thousands of native people. Genocide is justified if the end justifies the means.

JPAC (Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command) spends 50 million dollars annually recovering the remains of our missing service men and women. We would agree, that is certainly a righteous cause in support of those who made the supreme sacrifice in defense of this nation.

To date not one cent has ever been appropriated in recovering the remains of any of the thousands who died in the internment camps or from along the trail of tears. Four to Five times the number died on the trail than the 9/11 tragedy.

According to some historians Hitlers final solution was modeled after the United States policies regarding Native People Groups. All told many millions more tied on US soil at the hands of the white man than ever died in Nazi Germany in the death camps. This kind of predation gets glossed over by the convenient truth allowing the US to justify just about any eventuality even when the Supreme Courts had clearly rules other wise. (Worcester v. Georgia, 31 U.S. (6 Pet.) 515 1832)

The Catholic and the Protestant Church are spiritually impossible to separate. We are them and they are us. Even though we all want to point a righteous finger in each others face, the historic fact is that prior to the reformation, the Catholic Church was the church. What branch can condemn its undeniable roots? Anyone who chooses to worship in a Protestant church centered around the noon hour on Sunday is in fact acknowledging that connection. Third century Roman worship patterns were first established by what evolved into the Catholic Church. Having wrapped ourselves in a religious spirit (not a good spirit to entertain by the way) we continue these religious habits mindlessly throughout the generations.

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