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So much of this crap is out there just to get you all in a frenzy!
Yet again I have come to this VERY important discussion. First I would like the reading audience to take a good look at this photo. I blacked out some of the faces as I DO NOT know who these people are.

Now that you have read this and got angry and upset about the photo itself; I found this photo in a group I am in. The person that posted it was talking about this very subject that I can’t stress enough. She made this photo herself, to point out a very important FACT! The fact that IT IS FALSE! That we are too quick to fall for the FEAR, and PROPAGANDA campaign that has littered the internet, and our minds.
Photos are shared across Social Media like a leaf in a windstorm. When people get angry and upset with what they watch or read; they feel they must share this to get the word out, and “FEEL”, they are helping while doing the right thing. I can’t stress enough that 99% or so of photos that are made like this are full of lies. When we don’t know who the people are in the photos, and randomly spread them across the internet; we are just as guilty as the people who created the fictional propaganda in the first place.
ARE FEEDING that which we don’t want. WE ARE GIVING OUR ENERGY to those
things that fuel our emotions. We don’t stop to question, or
research, if what we are reading, watching and spreading is even true
or not. This is in turn making us the bearers of false information, or
one can say “False Prophet”! As a “Truth Seeker” myself, I have to
question all things. I do not spread stuff across the internet often at
all. Lately I have been extremely mindful of what I allow into my life,
and what I allow to affect my emotional state. When we give into these
types of things we are lowering our vibration, and taking on negative
emotions and energy. I for one do not want that type of thing in my life
at all.
It is one thing to spread around things that you can verify to make people aware, but there is a fine line between spreading truth, and negative energy and disinformation. When are we going to take responsibility for what we allow ourselves to be involved in, and spread around? If I were to be someone who wanted to post that picture all over the internet, I am making other people angry and upset. I am passing along that type of negative energy to them as well. Personally I really only want to help people see the lies for what they are. Help them stop and think before taking action’s such as posting the latest video, pictures and or articles that have no bearing on what we all really want in life. Let’s stop feeding the fire that we no longer want. Let’s start feeding the fire we want for Humanity!
If we want Peace, Happiness, Love, Joy, Harmony, Abundance and all of those things; there is a fine line between informing those that are still unaware of the Deceptions, and feeding into the lies and disinformation. It is more than important at this time, more than any, that we hold ourselves at a high level of respect. Not only for ourselves but for others as well! It is imperative that we hold the space of that which we desire rather than feeding that which we do not.
It is one thing to spread around things that you can verify to make people aware, but there is a fine line between spreading truth, and negative energy and disinformation. When are we going to take responsibility for what we allow ourselves to be involved in, and spread around? If I were to be someone who wanted to post that picture all over the internet, I am making other people angry and upset. I am passing along that type of negative energy to them as well. Personally I really only want to help people see the lies for what they are. Help them stop and think before taking action’s such as posting the latest video, pictures and or articles that have no bearing on what we all really want in life. Let’s stop feeding the fire that we no longer want. Let’s start feeding the fire we want for Humanity!
If we want Peace, Happiness, Love, Joy, Harmony, Abundance and all of those things; there is a fine line between informing those that are still unaware of the Deceptions, and feeding into the lies and disinformation. It is more than important at this time, more than any, that we hold ourselves at a high level of respect. Not only for ourselves but for others as well! It is imperative that we hold the space of that which we desire rather than feeding that which we do not.
Click Picture for a feel good moment!
post things for informational purposes and try very hard to take the
fear out of it so that it is informative, and not stroking those
unwanted emotional responses. I might not be perfect at this, but I am
still trying and still thinking of new ways to deliver information to
others. On this journey of doing so I am sure I will make my own
mistakes, while learning from them at the same time. I truly hope that
we think before we post and send that which strokes those
unwanted emotional responses, that are fueled with hate, anger and
negativity. We can’t just ignore what has been going on, or we can’t fix
it. At the same time we can find creative ways to bring awareness,
while shinning that light into others lives.
So hold yourselves up high and pat yourself on the back each time you decide to be mindful of what you allow yourself to share with others. As we practice bringing in the New Paradigm and become more discerning of information, we find that most of these things no longer serve’s us. We can’t bury our heads in the sand, at the same time we can at least work on ourselves. I would like to lead by example with Integrity, Love and Respect for all and most importantly myself. If I can’t have Integrity, Respect and Love for myself then I will never be able to have this for my fellow brother’s and sister’s of Planet Earth!
So hold yourselves up high and pat yourself on the back each time you decide to be mindful of what you allow yourself to share with others. As we practice bringing in the New Paradigm and become more discerning of information, we find that most of these things no longer serve’s us. We can’t bury our heads in the sand, at the same time we can at least work on ourselves. I would like to lead by example with Integrity, Love and Respect for all and most importantly myself. If I can’t have Integrity, Respect and Love for myself then I will never be able to have this for my fellow brother’s and sister’s of Planet Earth!
hope this finds all of you well, and will at least help in the world of
lightning speed information. I would hope that we can stop and gain
control of our emotions, before we send out things willy-nilly, without
the slightest thought of the outcome for others. Although many of us
feel we are doing the right thing by making others aware, we are still
not being mindful of what we are spreading around to do so. So let’s
leave the FEAR behind us, and get to living in that space that we enjoy
being. Live in Grace, Love and Respect for one another, and most of all
respect your emotions. Always be The Conscious Objective Observer of
your own experience. That in itself will help you become more in control
of your emotions themselves, in turn aiding you in becoming
the Master Discerner in all things in life. Star to "FEEL" again
because it's in there. Let’s be conscientious and wise with all things,
taking into consideration all others involved or, that we involve! I for
one, do not want to be accruing any more Karma in this lifetime!
I am going to include a poem I wrote several years ago. I use to be in constant pain, and on those day's that it all went away, I could yet again "FEEL". That is kind of like what happens when you realize the change you really are to this world of ours. You alone can do so much! We all have it in us, we just have to let it out of the BOX! Could you imagine what would happen if we projected this type of world at all times. You feel that? Yeah that is you being one with The All That Is!
When I wrote this poem I remember the day. I was feeling so good. I went outside to play in the snow and pranced around like a bright eyed curious 5 year old. I had no limits again! That space of Grace had touched my heart and penetrated my soul. It was like being hugged by God/Source/Prime Creator or whatever you prefer. That was moment I realized I was a part of it all! It's that very moment when you realize you are that which you are. "ENERGY"! What if we are the mirror, just looking back at ourselves?
I am going to include a poem I wrote several years ago. I use to be in constant pain, and on those day's that it all went away, I could yet again "FEEL". That is kind of like what happens when you realize the change you really are to this world of ours. You alone can do so much! We all have it in us, we just have to let it out of the BOX! Could you imagine what would happen if we projected this type of world at all times. You feel that? Yeah that is you being one with The All That Is!
When I wrote this poem I remember the day. I was feeling so good. I went outside to play in the snow and pranced around like a bright eyed curious 5 year old. I had no limits again! That space of Grace had touched my heart and penetrated my soul. It was like being hugged by God/Source/Prime Creator or whatever you prefer. That was moment I realized I was a part of it all! It's that very moment when you realize you are that which you are. "ENERGY"! What if we are the mirror, just looking back at ourselves?
Please be aware of what you share!
This moment,
so perfect shall it be.
Render me speechless,
Take away all.
As I again,
so perfect shall it be.
Render me speechless,
Take away all.
As I again,
Click there ^ to see what