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The debt limit situation is even worse than I thought. I'd been expecting Congress to work till this weekend before taking their Presidents Day recess, but according to this Politico article, Tuesday is their last work day this week...
"Time is running short for Congress to raise the nation’s borrowing limit — the Treasury Department says it will run out of spending authority by Feb. 27. Congress recesses this week on Wednesday, then takes a week off and comes back Feb. 25 — just two days ahead of the deadline."
I confirmed Congress' early departure on this online Congressional schedule and discovered that it is due to a House Democratic Retreat scheduled for February 12-14...

From at least one report I've encountered, Treasury claims it will be down to $50 billion in cash by the 27th, so they could start defaulting on the 27th or 28th. This means there are only 5-6 Congressional workdays before trouble begins, and the situation begs some questions...
Will the Treasury continue paying out tax refunds through the 27th, or will they halt them to stretch things out more?
Are we looking at one or more false flags before Congress returns to work on the 25th? And if we are, will Congress' return to Washington be delayed?
If someone wanted to take down the dollar as the world's reserve currency by destroying confidence in its value, this month presents a prime opportunity. As mentioned in previous updates, an attack in Sochi could result in a Russian attack on Saudi Arabia, thus disabling the core of the dollar's petroleum backing. And an attack in Washington (especially if it's biological or nuclear/radiological) could keep Congress from returning in time to avert a default. Even without false-flags, though, Congress might just dither into a default due to "Tea Party extremism" in the House.
Such a scenario would also give context to the IMF's recent remarks about America's need to avoid creating "confidence shock" by instilling doubt in our ability to meet our obligations, as well as to the recent talk about the IMF needing a "reset" due to an under-representation of the BRICS countries in its leadership...
"2014 is the 70th anniversary of the Bretton Woods conference at which the International Monetary Fund and World Bank were founded. Breaking the deadlock in I.M.F. governance reform would help to ensure that emerging-market and developing countries see the fund as a cooperative of states — and no longer a device for Western countries to impose their conditions on others. It also would boost the prospects for international financial stability, and not incidentally, constitute a triumph for President Obama and the I.M.F.’s current managing director, Christine Lagarde."
I bolded one particular passage in the excerpt because it represents the classic "elite" modus operandi: deliberately creating an instability problem in order to present a premeditated solution to restore stability. Here's how they might unfold their solution using their US debt default contingency plan...
1) Engineer a grand "confidence shock" in the US dollar.
2) As the shock ripples through the markets and the banks, the "authorities" shut down everything to prevent a complete, catastrophic meltdown.
3) All the globalist financial experts speak out on the need to go to a supranational reserve mechanism like the SDR to restore confidence in the financial system and prevent a total collapse. But due to diminished public confidence in fiat currencies, they claim there must be some sort of commodity backing, including gold, for the new system. "Wherever shall we find such a quantity of stockpiled gold and commodities?" they publicly wonder.
4) China and the BRICS step forward and offer the reserves they've been accumulating in gold and other commodities to back the new system, but only if they are given a strong role in the IMF.
5) The problem / reaction / solution cycle is complete and the new global financial system is in place. The banksters pass around the champagne, caviar and brie to celebrate.
6) In the US, the political system reset begins. A public outraged at the sudden and substantial decline in their living standards turns their attention upon the existing political system and players. The populace is then handed the heads of the current leaders on a silver platter by "loyal Pentagon/Agency elements," "veterans," and "patriotic Tea Party people." But I will write more about this in the upcoming "Operation American Spring" entry.
Of course, there is more than one contingency plan in place to bring about the banksters' desired outcome, but this seems to be the one they're gunning for right now. And our awareness of their plans does not bode well for their long-term success.
Once the audience knows how the magician's trick works...

...the magician no longer receives the reaction he desires from them.

...the magician no longer receives the reaction he desires from them.
For the previous update in this series, click here. To follow the Event narrative from the beginning, click here.
Much love....