The countdown begins, Secretary of Skull and Bones Kerry goes on begging mission
The families that own the Federal Reserve Board missed making gold
payments due on January 31st so they now have to scramble to find gold
before February 27th or face the bankruptcy of their United States of
America Corporation. That is why Secretary of Skull and Bones John Kerry
is off this week to beg for gold from the United Arab Emirates,
Indonesia, South Korea and China. The cover story about the US Congress
having to raise the debt ceiling in order to avoid government bankruptcy
is only fooling a steadily shrinking group of the brainwashed living
dead.When they missed their payment last September 31st the cabalist were able to postpone bankruptcy by making a deal with Iran, selling weapons to China and a few other tricks. Let us see if they manage to kick the can down the road once again perhaps by offering the Okinawan archipelago to China or some such thing.
Otherwise President Obama can prove he is the real deal and start issuing US government currency instead of borrowing foreign Federal Reserve Board debt notes misnamed the US dollar.
Then again something entirely different might happen. According to the P2 Freemason lodge, Pope Francis and Obama signed an agreement recently that was related to the formation of a world government. Obama was forced to sign the agreement because of the change in management of the Vatican Bank where bribe accounts for many world “leaders” are held. The recent meeting between the Pope and Vladimir Putin as well as meetings between the Pope and Obama in March and between the Pope and Queen Elizabeth in April are all connected to this, the source says. What is still not in the works, however, is a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Pope.
This reflects a fundamental rift between two factions still battling over the right to decide the world’s future course. That is what is at stake in the ongoing financial war because the right to issue Dollars, Euros, Yen etc. is basically the same as the right to decide what humanity does in the future.
The Chinese and their allies are saying that the West has ruled for long enough and now it is Asia’s turn to take charge. However, the Western faction says that China is too Sino-centric and is ignoring the rights of the rest of the world.
In the end some sort of compromise is going to be reached because the alternative is World War III.
It is also worth noting, as many people have, that many US and other banks are scheduling some sort of “drill” on the weekend of February 15th and 16th. This could for the introduction of a new currency in the US but then again it could be one of those many dates that come and go without the predicted “happening.” However, just as a precaution, it might be a good idea to keep some cash on hand.