Wednesday, February 19, 2014

are we lemmings

are we lemmings

There are so many roads in this world that we can take. So what makes us take the road of the FOLLOWER? What makes some decide that following another and what they have to tell you is all that is true? Why are most humans following another? Why are we so quick to believe what we read or see without testing it out? Often I get questions like, “Is this true?” I can tell you, "yes it is" until I am blue in the face; but you won’t ever know if it’s true unless you have your own experience, and try it out. That doesn’t mean you try everything someone talks about. What it means is if someone presents you with knowledge of deception, why would anyone walk away from that without questioning its validity? Why would anyone just dismiss it as being another conspiracy or nut job story? Why would anyone not take time to find the evidence for YOU? If it's presented that means it is a possibility! We look too much for things on the outside of us to please our physical existence, and current state of beliefs. It has totally taken us away from what lies within and being responsible for that which we believe; also for that which we attempt to make others believe.
The knowledge to all things is within. I have noticed that once one really truly escapes the programmed world of deceptions, and does the hard work by going within, things just seem to get better. I also have noticed that those that are following their great leaders, or shall I say unknowing liars, false prophets or what not, close themselves off to other information that does not stroke that current belief they have clung so hard to. I also have noticed that those that are making you believe something, are trying really hard to make you feel guilty and wrong to even look outside the box of that belief.

Personally I would question anything and anyone who says it is wrong or a sin for me to question anything. It’s like the bible, we are so quick to believe what others teach us about this great book that so many hold captive to their hearts. I can say there is a lot within that book that is true yet it is misconstrued and taught improperly to keep you a follower. If the truth of these things were taught you would no longer follow anyone but your own heart, truth and love.

I was told recently from someone that I spoke a lot of truth but I did not have the gospel. Yet again I am being told from someone elses point of view, where I am wrong because I am not letting another tell me what the meaning of a religion is, or a gospel itself. This article is not about religion itself, although religions are a big problem when it comes to being a follower. It was formed as a tool for social control. Most all of them teach you if you don’t do this you go to hell, if you don’t have this you will not go to heaven. I am sorry but for one thing I do know that God/Source/Creator and also Jesus did not teach anyone out of FEAR! So I question anyone that is attempting to instill guilt or fear itself into my psyche because of my own choices. If you click on the next picture you can get a history of where religious ideas came from.