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Event Watch (Update 35): The Green Dragon, the Illuminati, and the Anunnaki
I came across the latest update by Neil Keenan during this morning's infoscan, and I couldn't help but notice the symbols he used in the documents he posted. The first symbol is this Green Dragon on a Cross...
...which is a nod to the Dragon family he works for.
While I know many of you view characters like Keenan, Fulford, and Cobra as mere conmen full of nonsense (I don't necessarily dispute that perspective), I would ask you this: are the "elite" not the biggest conmen of all? So why would it be strange for them to employ likeminded street hustlers to sell their political and spiritual snake oil to the masses? Aren't political offices and religious pulpits full of such conmen? Given the themes these guys are selling to the alternative community, allow me to suggest that they are more than just scammers out for a quick buck. This is why their messages are worth monitoring.
Getting back to the Green Dragon on a Cross symbol, though, it shows the Dragon Family's connection to the Blood Cult I've been writing about, and it portrays the Dragon in a color that is most telling: green. Seeing it brought to mind a quote from a source I included in my very first entry on the Dragon Family...
"There are some who claim to trace the Illuminati or at least its philosophies and plans back 4,000 years to Mesopotamia, in the Sumerian era. The ruling king at that time was King Ur-Nammu. King Ur established, through his influence, which of three great brotherhoods would eventually gain dominion over the world.
During the Babylonian era, three warring brotherhoods were established, the White Order, or White Brotherhood; the Green Brotherhood, or Green Dragon; and the Yellow Brotherhood. The White Order inhabited Greece, the Green Brotherhood operated (and apparently still operates) in Asia, and the Yellow Brotherhood's seat was in Egypt. The Green and Yellow Brotherhoods eventually merged into one, which they called the Green Dragon. Because of the merge, the order's bloodline was split in four directions and thinned, leaving no pure descendants of the brothers. However the bloodline of the White Brotherhood stayed in a straight line of descendants, from father to son, without breaking at all."
This narrative suggests that the Green Dragon is indeed composed of the descendants of the Anunnaki (whether the Anunnaki are real ET/EDs or just a family myth that is mistaken for reality), and that they and the European bloodlines are in fact one big family (and within all "royal" families, there are inevitable sibling rivalries for power).
The passage also notes that "three warring brotherhoods were established" and "King Ur established, through his influence, which of three great brotherhoods would eventually gain dominion over the world." Herein we see the "divide and conquer" template being used on even the hybrid bloodline itself. But why?
Imagine, for a moment, that you are the king of an ET/ED empire that had just gained dominion over the Earth. With the planet finally in your hands, it's time to move on to another conquest, so how do you hold on to the Earth in your absence? You'd leave behind an occupation garrison to keep possession of your prize of course. But how would you keep them from using their position to consolidate power over the planet and call it their own? You'd have to leave behind a factionalized contingent, because a unified contingent would pose a threat to your dominion. With two or more warring factions in place, each would be dependent on your support to keep from being overrun by the others, and their dependence would ensure their loyalty.
This being said, don't interpret any of the contrived global conflict you see around you as being done for your benefit. None of it is. It is a dispute within a global "royal" family to see who gets to be our taskmasters for the next cycle. In the end, it's all about the Family, not your family. I suggest staying out of their conflict and concentrating instead on unifying the human community, because together we are much stronger than they are. In our world, they are few in number but tight in coherence; since we are so vast in number, it won't take nearly as much coherence among us to outweigh their spiritual mass.
On a final note, I also noticed the symbol Keenan placed at the bottom of his documents. It is called an "Ouroboros," and it depicts a Dragon blowing itself...

[Update 35 - 4 January 2013]
Lipstick on a Pig
As it turns out, Keenan responded to concerns about his symbols with a comment on Jean Haines' blog. In this reply, he used the same words for Dragons that I've come to expect from those steeped in their ideology, such as "power," "vision," "wisdom," "prophecy," "guardian(ship)," and "knowledge." These are high-sounding words, but do they reflect the real truth of the Dragon Family and their traditions?
To start, let's look at a snippet of what Dragon lore (about 1/3 down on this page) tells us about the Celtic Dragon...
"The concept of the dragon in Celtic mythology emerged directly from the holy crocodile (the Messeh) of the ancient Egyptians. The Pharaohs were anointed with crocodile fat, and thereby attained the fortitude of the Messeh (Thus Messiah -- Anointed One). The image of the intrepid Messeh evolved to become the Dragon, which in turn became emblematic of mighty kingship.
The Celtic Kings in Britain were called 'dragons' in the ancient Messeh tradition as intrepid guardians. But there were many separate kingdoms in those days before England gained an overall monarch in Saxon times. It was therefore necessary to appoint a King-of-Kings -- a High King to preside overall, and to lead combined armies from different tribal areas. The first Pendragon (Head Dragon/High King) was Cymbeline."
So the tail of the Celtic dragon leads back to Egypt, and ultimately Sumer. But also consider what the second paragraph says about kings and armies, and ask yourself this:
the days of the ancient cities, did the farmers, herders, fishermen,
woodworkers, carpenters, metalworkers, fabric spinners, etc. get
together and decide to hand their youths swords and march them off to
conquer other cities?
Probably not, right? So who did that?
Probably not, right? So who did that?
It was the "kings," wasn't it? It was their "noble" desire to expand their turf and accumulate more power and wealth that led them to conscript the youths of their victims... err... subjects and march them off to slaughter. Just like the common street gang claims ownership over a neighborhood today, the "royal" brigands of yesteryear used force of arms to terrorize cities into submission to their presence and rule. And once that rule had been attained, they dressed themselves up in fine clothes and pranced about like show ponies talking of their "nobility" and "divine right" to rule (due to their genetic contamination by space lizards). GMAFB. The truth is that the people of those cities would have lived peacefully and prosperously had they not been deprived of life and drained of wealth by the "royal" parasites.
If you look into Dragon lore, you come away with an unavoidable impression: it is all about their bloodline, their right to rule over the rest of humanity, and their (bullsh*t) spiritual paradigm which justifies it. The Dragon tradition is the paradigm of the slavemaster, and any non-bloodline humans who embrace it are embracing their own servitude. So I would advise against being impressed by the high ideals and sweet-sounding justifications expressed by those with forked tongues, and would suggest using common sense instead.
If you are a new reader, you might want to peruse these entries for more info on Keenan and the Dragons:
Neil Keenan reveals his Illuminati ties
Do the "Dragons" really own the Earth? Part 1
Do the "Dragons" really own the Earth? Part 2 of 2
For the previous update in this series, click here.
Much love....