Wednesday, January 1, 2014

David Wilcock Comments On Benjamin Fulford Update

December 31, 2013 @ 3:32 pm
David_Wilcock_Search62Good to hear this stuff. I predicted, through cycle analysis, that we would see the defeat of the Cabal, or at least a major change in that direction, in 2014.
Given how rough they had it in 2013, and how rapidly things are accelerating, there is no doubt that we will see some action this coming year.

It is tough to say whether it will continue to be gradual or whether there will be certain events that change the game very quickly. I have had a tendency to want to see mega-events, but so far “gradual” has been the way it goes.

Nonetheless, I do feel that even if it stays gradual, the pace of positive news is going to increase dramatically — and at some point there will be that “Moment of Truth” that we’ve all been waiting for.

I needed some time to rest and recuperate for the winter but I’m getting my strength back and looking forward to doing more!