Thursday, January 16, 2014

7 Questions for Dinar Speculators

This older article was sent to me for posting.  Article is a counter argument for the Dinar RV.


7 Questions for Dinar Speculators

Those people might like to consider some questions before putting any further funds at risk:
  1. If the dinar becomes 1,000 times more valuable, it will become 1,000 times more expensive to do business in Iraq. Do you think this would be sustainable?
  2. Would you buy dinars at 1,000 times the current price? If not, why do you expect someone to buy your dinars at 1,000 times what you paid for them?
  3. If there was any possibility of a 1,000x revaluation, would dinar sellers be so keen to sell their stock to you? Is it possible that they think their mark-up is the best profit they can make?
  4. Many investment professionals promote their ideas and “talk their book”. Why has no accomplished investor promoted the idea of massive gains from the dinar?
  5. The 1,000x rumour has been circulating for many years, but the forex markets have not reacted by driving up dinar prices significantly. On what basis do you believe you’re more “in the know” than the market?
  6. Does scepticism of massive gains from the dinar make you angry? If so, and if you think you’re going to make 1,000 times your money, what is the reason for your anger?
  7. Do you seek information that confirms your opinion, and dismiss information that challenges your opinion?