Monday, December 2, 2013

Benjamin Fulford Update - December 2, 2013

Heavy duty last minute negotiations continue, Okinawa, Korea and Sunni/Shia divide remain sticking points

Based on high level contacts being made to the White Dragon Society, it is clear there is a growing consensus that the old dollar system be used to start a $700 trillion campaign to end poverty and stop environmental production, without impeding the continuation or start-up of alternative financial systems. However, as the world waits impatiently for the campaign to be announced, ongoing high level geopolitical negotiations, with a bit of saber rattling as a back-drop, are continuing to delay implementation, according to multiple high-level sources.

The main sticking points to world peace and the start of a new golden age are now the ancient Shia/Sunni political divide in the Islamic world, Israel and a few unresolved issues in East Asia, notably the Korean Peninsula and the Okinawan archipelago.

In Asia, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin four times and the heads of all the ASEAN countries in a campaign to build a coalition to contain China. The Pentagon, worried about continued financing, secretly supports this as it is keeping the war card as its last big negotiation leverage.

New SIRIUS DISCLOSURE Interviews - (4 Videos) UFO Crash, Moon Bases, NASA Coverup & More

Published on Dec 2, 2013
John Maynard, Defense Intelligence Agency (ret.).

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John Maynard was a military intelligence analyst for the Defense Intelligence Agency. In the course of his 21 years career he saw evidence of the military's interest in UFOs in a variety of ways: electronic communications which did not originate from earth; military photos of UFOs. While at the DIA, he became familiar with the compartmentalization process of maintaining secrecy. He saw spy plane photos with clear UFOs in them.

How your Thinking Affects Your Health! (Law Of Attraction)

The Golden Rule: Cory Sturmer Interviews Karen Hudes - 3 Part Interview

Published on Nov 27, 2013
Part I - September 20, 2013

In part 1/3, I sit down to discuss the state of our fiscal dis-order with former world bank lawyer turned planetary-level whistleblower Karen Hudes. She shares her insights on the global financial situation, where we are in the fight to regain control of our monetary system, and some of the more pivotal experiences throughout her career.

Ellen Brown on Bail-ins (the Big Disaster Coming), GMO Foods, Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Published on Dec 1, 2013 Ellen Brown, founder of, thinks so-called 'bail-ins' are coming. Depositors' money will be legally taken. Brown says, "That's the big disaster that's coming. Probably one of these big derivative banks will go bankrupt . . . the derivative players will get first dibs. They'll grab all the deposits, and there won't be anything left." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with author and journalist Ellen Brown.

ZenGardner: 2014 – Year of the Boycott?

boycott-boycottby Indigoviolet

We need a Revolution, of course we do.  The question is: What can we do?

What we can do is BOYCOTT.  No energy is required to say “NO”.

For example… we can stop taking flights needlessly.  Take the train, coach, drive, or stay at home.  If we don’t want to be sexually abused, irradiated, provide iris and fingerprint scans for their databanks, do not pay to do so.  Withhold money.  Money is the only language businesses understand.  Cut off their supply until those who practise bad or unethical business cannot go on.  Tell them why.  A very brief and nonchalant email is all that is required, and it sends a powerful message.  Very soon, their bottom line will be reached.  Shareholders ‘Sell’.  Panic sets in, and then, and only then, will people be listened to – and soon.

Another example is food.  If you have a query relating to a product, find the name and email address (very easy to do) of the Managing Director or Marketing Manager of the company.  Email them, asking, for instance, “Does your product contain x?” or “Is your product GMO?”  If they don’t respond within a week or so, do it again.  (There’s no need to go to great time, trouble and expense marching around the capital with banners and be ignored deliberately anyway by the Media.)  If the company says, “No, it doesn’t contain x”, or, “No, it is not GMO”, we can thank them for replying and say we will continue to use their product.  If they say, “Yes, it does contain traces of x”, or “Yes, it does contain GMO components”, email them back and thank them for replying and tell them you will be boycotting their product/company until x is removed, or until they change their policy.  Then cut off their money supply / their lifeline.  It is important to let the company know why their profit is nosediving.  If we do this en masse, things will start to improve.

On the Cusp of HISTORIC COMEX EVENTS -- Turd Ferguson & Silver Doc Roundtable

Published on Dec 1, 2013
DON'T MISS THIS ONE: 'We are on the cusp of something historic happening on the Comex,' says TF Metals Report's Turd Ferguson. In this roundtable discussion which also includes the Doc from Silver Doctors, we examine the strange purchase of gold contract with a $3,000 strike price in 2015. We cover the PROVEN Gold and Silver manipulation with the London fix, we chat about the new gold-backed crypto-currency known as e-gold, and we finish with the gripping story of the very real drain on the Comex. 'We know that for the first time anyone can remember, the US banks are net long Comex gold futures, US banks meaning JP Morgan. And net long to the point of having CORNERED the paper gold market in New York because the position is so large. I'm talking the extent of 20% of open interest. And now we're heading into the December delivery period..."

Canada complicit in NSA spying on world leaders

Published on Dec 2, 2013
It's no longer news that the National Security Agency is spying on the leaders of the United States' closest allies. But it is news that one of our closest allies, Canada, helped us spy on leaders at the G8 and G20 Summits in 2010, according to the latest leaks by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. According to a Canadian Broadcasting Company report, the US "turned its Ottawa embassy into a security command post during a six-day spying operation by the [NSA] while U.S. President Barack Obama and 25 other foreign heads of government were on Canadian soil in June of 2010. The covert U.S. operation was no secret to Canadian authorities." RT's Meghan Lopez talks with Steve Anderson, the executive director of OpenMedia, a group that works to safeguard the Internet, about Canadian complicity in NSA spying.

Censorship in Times Square

Revisit: Jordan Maxwell - Takeover Of Planet Earth (Part 1-4)

Jordan Maxwell - Takeover Of Planet Earth (Part 1-4)
Published on Jun 18, 2012 By dazz1ful
Superb talk with Jordan about his awakening... and the insertion of the Illuminati on the Earth.

Roy Potter Update - December 1, 2013

Published on Dec 1, 2013
Time for our awareness to cause action. The evil in our government is constantly seizing more and more power through manipulating us. Paramount is Charles Krauthammer's article in the Washington Post titled "The Outbreak of Lawlessness." The link is below to his article and I include a letter I wrote to friends and family. I discuss Oathkeepers, Chuck Smith (smithfix), and gun confiscation in NY and CA. Here below are the links I refer to in the video:

Cobra Update - December 2, 2013



After the very successful activation of the Aion portal, it is time to take action again! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the solstice on December 21st, to experience the Return to Innocence. Many of us will gather and open ourselves to the deepest aspect of our Being, the innocent Soul, to anchor our consciousness beyond the world of games the Cabal tries to play with us. 
Our inner experience will support the plan for planetary liberation, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We can do it! It needs to go viral! We need to reach many people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.
The moment of solstice on December 21st will be a culmination point of a mini portal which will open at the end of October-December Window of Opportunity. This mini portal will be a multidimensional window to further anchor and ground the energies of the Aion portal and prepare us for the activation of a very important portal which will open in April 2014. 
The mini portal will open with full moon on December 17th, will have its turning point with Return to Innocence activation on December 21st and will close on December 25th. 
The heliocentric chart for Return to Innocence activation shows a grand trine of Jupiter, Saturn and Chiron (together with Juno), healing a grand square of Venus, Vesta, Mercury and Juno. This signifies the time when healing of all tensions within the collective feminine principle is finally possible, leading us towards the return of innocence: 

Cobra Update - Jesuit Agenda

The Jesuit agenda is to infiltrate the Eastern Alliance with its agents and hijack the process of creating the new financial system. Needless to say, top people within the Eastern Alliance are aware of this and will not let it happen. Also, top members of the White Dragon Society have learned their lesson after their predecessors were fooled decades ago when they surrendered much of their gold to Jesuit agents for worthless pieces of paper (US government bonds). The White Dragons are much more careful now, especially as the Jesuits are trying to infiltrate them through Te-Wu, the Chinese secret intelligence agency. 
The Jesuit plan is to let the Light forces purge the Illuminazi faction (Rockefeller, Bush, Kissinger, Cheney & Co.) and then secretly team up with the Rothschilds to take over the process of creating the new financial system. Their agents are present on endless negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal and they are trying to steer the agreements closer to the Jesuit agenda. This is the source of proposals to make the Pope the new M1 (monetary controller). This is the reason why the new Jesuit Pope is promoting the idea of a central world bank. They are also seriously considering the idea of allowing a worldwide debt jubilee so that they would be portrayed as saviors of humanity under the wings of »benevolent« Catholic church. They would then promote the Catholic cult in a renewed, more publicly appealing way, and gradually absorb other religions into it (starting with Buddhism) until they would reach their goal of a global religious mind programming cult, at the same time keeping all past atrocities of the Catholic church under the carpet.
Through special compartmentialized CIA programs they have infiltrated the truther movement to the point that about 70% of intel in alternative media is disinfo coming directly or indirectly from Jesuit sources. I have a list of people and groups inside the truther / liberation movement that are either under direct Jesuit control or are manipulated by the Jesuits and it may or may not be released in the near future. 

Tom Heneghan Update - December 1, 2013

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled,fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Sunday   December 1, 2013

Oh Canada!

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


UNITED States of America -  It can now be reported that as massive bank asset deleveraging continues Bank of England Governor Mark Carney is engaged in a FOREX foreign currency ponzi scheme illegally using worldwide financial settlement funds as a marker.

Bernake, Carney and Draghi

Carney is the former head of Canada's Central Bank and has been conspiring with ECB (European Central Bank) President Mario Draghi to cross-collateralize derivatives tied to the Central Bank of Greece and, accordingly, appreciate the value of the British pound sterling and the euro currency.

Note:  Crooked, illegal high frequency algorithm trading is used to create phony spreads between the euro and the British pound on a nightly basis.

Veritas Radio - Sanni Ceto | An Alien Hybrid with a Message for Humankind - Part 1 of 2

Published on Dec 2, 2013

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This is Segment 1 of 2. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio. To listen to Segment 2 of this exclusive interview, subscribe at to watch the rest.

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S y n o p s i s

Sanni Ceto is the author of two books...STRANDED ON EARTH, The Story of a Roswell Crash Survivor and Zeti Child, Lost Upon a One Star World... both autobiographies of her experiences and past-life memories. A hybrid is technically a cross between two different species of plants, animals or beings. ET hybrids comprise a blending of characteristics from both species. In the case of an Esassani, which is a cross between a human and a Gray, such traits include the narrow face and albino hair from the Gray species, combined with earthling traits, such as being prone to earthling illnesses, and other things. Hybrids are not as robust as their full-blood parents. This mixture of their genes and DNA is flawed, due to interspecies incompatibility. Hybrids are created to prolong the Grays' existence as a way to carry on their dominant DNA into the future, by combining both species, which ultimately will enable the Earth people's DNA to survive as well, even after their planet and culture have been destroyed.

Paul Walker "Murdered by the Illuminati" According to Countless Conspiracy Theorists

Published on Dec 1, 2013
Many people believe the Illuminati murdered 'Fast & Furious' actor Paul Walker. Why? Take a look and see.
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Check out The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction in paperback on, or e-book on Kindle, iBooks, Nook, or Google Play.

Mark Dice is a media analyst, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives. Check out Mark's books in paperback on or e-book on Kindle, iBooks, Nook, or Google Play.

Chemtrail Tanker Up Close with ON and OFF Spraying

Published on Dec 1, 2013
The cockpit chatter near the end is interesting considering this flight crew witnessed the event with their own eyes before uploading the low resolution video to Youtube.
CHEMTRAIL PROOF: : -- In 2010 an Aerospace Engineers presented conclusive evidence for Covert Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, (aka "Chemtrails") in a 336 page report called "CASE ORANGE". The report was commissioned by THE BELFORT GROUP (UK), who held a "CHEMTRAILS SYMPOSIUM" where the conclusions were presented by Aerospace Engineer, Dr. Coen Vermeeren. The Video is on YOUTUBE -- ALSO: The term "chemtrails" is in the text of 2001 legislation, (HR-2977) where "chemtrails" are defined as an "exotic weapon.

Mountain Goat Update - December 1, 2013

Hi Everyone,

Want to thank everyone for all the 100s of heartfelt emails wishing me and my familie a great holiday season. As you know we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving like the USA. It is not a national holiday in Germany. Nonetheless we did enjoy the day and yes we did cook a nice dinner yesterday consisting of foul and all the fixings but it was not turkey. thought it now would be a good time to talk now about some recent  news on the revaluation of the Iraq dinar. Also there are many rumors about that are just not correct and I do not understand why some “intel providers” do not check more closely and use some old fashioned, common sense prior to posting such nonsense. These people are being irresponsible and should be banned from providing intel if it were up to me.

My intent now is not to bash other intel providers, or to make myself sound all high and mighty but maybe to awaken them to realize some send the entire dinar community on a spin with all the unnecessary hype over such unverified rumors and misinformation. Are you only looking for fame or are you really sincere in helping unravel this revaluation process?