As the light energy expands, it permeates all that was hidden and
cloaked in mystery. This was all part of the plan. 2013 was the year of
preparation. 2014 is the year of completion. You have set so much in
place, and you now have a clear picture of what needs to be done. You
have awakened to the fact that you are not helpless and you know what
needs to be done.
All that was done to control you, needs to be looked at. Now, you can
see clearly how their control system works. They NEED to keep you in
FEAR in order for they, themselves, to survive: it's as simple as that.
The Cabal sets out to make you all feel like victims: the so-called
terror threats, the ill health that is the direct result of what they do
to your food, water and air supply. The evidence for this is
overwhelming. Thankfully, you are now waking up to this.
Questions must be asked. Why would you support those who are destroying
your planet and CULLING THE POPULATION ? Are you assisting in this? For
they cannot do it without your help. I ask that you give serious thought
to this question. Is your conscience clear? Can you look your fellow
man in the eye and say with honesty that what you do, does not have a
detrimental effect on humanity or your planet? Chemtrails do not just
happen. Who is involved in this evil practice? Remember . . . it is your
money, through your taxes, that pays for it. In effect, you are paying
for your own demise. Consider the suffering which this practice is
responsible for.
As you share your light, you open doors, so that others may see and join
what we see as the Family of Light forming on Earth. Every country is
waking up, coming together. You now see that race or creed do not
exclude you. The human race is removing all the man-made barriers. The
Cabal has successfully used the divide and rule principle, which has
worked perfectly for them until now. The awakened can now see through
all these devisive methods of keeping you in fear, under control, and
killing each other in war after war, while they get rich on the spoils
of those wars. It is always the same people who benefit. Surely, that
alone should make you ask, what is all this really about?
The propaganda used to induce your cooperation in war is always the same
old formula, and some foolishly fall for it, every time. When did you
last hear someone expounding the benefits of peaceful co-existence? Ask
why it is that some parts of your world are deliberately kept in poverty
when there is more than enough for everyone? Who decreed that some live
in plenty and others near starvation? This could not have happened by
chance, it was planned to be so. You are sufficiently awake now, to deal
with such issues and make plans to ensure that these evil practices
cease. For all humans are born equal.
You have nothing to fear. You are the majority, so believe in
yourselves. Together, you will rebuild your planet. You will ensure that
never again will you set out to kill each other in needless wars.You
will share your technology and expertise so that every country has an
equal chance of creating a safe environment and sustenance for its
people. This will createHeaven on Earth as opposed to the hell on Earth
that you have experienced until now. Think of the sense of achievement
that you will have, when you look around you and see peace and love
everywhere. Everything that was false and evil, gone forever. This
should be your waking thought everyday, and this is what you must strive
for. Together, you can bring this about quickly. The timing is right
and everything is lighting up your path to enable this. Together, you
have got what it takes to bring this about peacefully.
It is good to see that many of you have made a choice not to buy into
the Christmas hype. You are using this time for family and friends to
come together and to bond as never before. Christmas presents only serve
to make the Cabal richer and you, poorer. They have not missed a trick
to make slaves of you, and they like to keep you in debt to them. This
keeps you in your place: a place which they have designed for you. Take
every opportunity to be with your family and friends, for these are
precious times, and the memories of them will sustain you, as you go
forward to create a better future for all.
Everything will soon be out in the open. It will not be possible to keep
the truth hidden, about who you are, and what was done to you, in an
attempt to take over your planet. One day, you will sit back and wonder
how you survived to tell the tale, when so much was against the truth
becoming known. Many of the instigators of this situation will leave
your planet and return from whence they came. Others, will try to con
you into accepting them. Some will genuinely ask for forgiveness, and
this has to be given serious thought. Emotion cannot be allowed to
interfere with what is best for humanity. Many of them cannot exist on
Planet Earth when it is completely light. They will be exposed, as they
need the energy of fear and killing, in order to live on Earth. Their
human appearance will disintegrate. They will put up a fight to try to
hold on to what they have acquired at your expense. You need to be
sensible when you have to deal with all these eventualities, with a calm
mind, free of anger. There must be no calls for retribution as that
would lower you to their level. Be dignified and in control of the
situation. Remember, this is what you have waited and strived for. Both
sides of life will work together on this, in order to ensure that all is
You will be able to see and enjoy the sun once more, as it will no
longer be blocked by chemtrails. This will bring so many benefits
healthwise, and energywise, because of course, this is why they blocked
it. Your skies will be blue and filled with stars again. All will be
light. How wonderful is that! This will replenish the Earth and prepare
it to produce food once again, just as it did before. The Earth and your
connection to it, cannot be emphasized enough. You were deliberately
prevented from having a real connection with the Earth. Everything was
designed to block your connection: rubber soled shoes, fibres in your
clothing that are detrimental to your health and well-being. Just
remember that everything NATURAL is good, whereas that which is man-made
is not, as it prevents your connection with the Earth. To walk barefoot
on the Earth is so beneficial. It connects you to the energy of All
That Is. You can obtain aids in order to make a connection to the Earth
and these have proved helpful when dealing with illness. Everything that
has separated you from the Earth's energies must be removed. This may
take a little time but please keep it in mind.
Those who must work together will come together. Their instinct will
guide them to be in the right place at the right time. Fear not, for the
Divine Plan is working as it should. We have considered everything.
Nothing has been left to chance. We know that you will respond when the
call goes out to come together. You have come a long way since I passed
to Spirit. I have ensured that Veronica is aware of my presence at all
Please send your healing thoughts and love to one who is going through
terrible times at the hands of the Cabal in an effort to prevent him
carrying out his mission. The power of love will set him free. Please
remember him at this time.
My dear, dear friends, I wish you all a peaceful, joyful time with your families and friends during this season of goodwill.
Veronica, my love, take time to enjoy being with your family and friends. Know that I am there with you, as always.
Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation