Steve Quayle, V, and the Dragons/Illuminati - Part 1
My posts about "V, the Guerrilla Economist" have apparently struck a nerve, because I found this entry in the Alerts section of Steve Quayle's website: THE ATTACKS ON V, BY 'BEFORE IT'S NEWS' POSTING ACCUSING HIM OF BEING A MASON AND INSIDER ARE LIES. It was written by V and supplemented by Steve Quayle (whose additions are in all caps), and it references this posting of one of my articles that someone else placed on Beforeitsnews. So now that they've formally issued a rebuttal, let's measure it with the BS meter and see what reading we get, shall we?V starts out by saying this about the symbol on his website...

"That symbol is my one finger salute to the banksters... Ultimately it is a jab against the banksters symbolising that I have gone "Rogue" from the system. (Those in the International banks know what I mean. It is an insider symbol) I flew the coup essentially."
So in essence, he's saying, "I'm flying the flag of our enemies to show them how opposed to them I am."

First off, on what planet does such a move make sense? If he wanted to show his opposition to the banksters, one would think that he'd display the eagle upside down, with broken wings, or with a slash through it. To give one example of such real oppositional symbolism, consider this logo on Alan Watt's website...

Secondly, if V were actually acting against the banksters, what he's doing would be the only "one finger salute" that would be needed. It wouldn't be necessary (or make sense) to place an Illuminist symbol on a website that is intended for public consumption. If you wanted to free abused slaves, would you show up bearing the whip of their taskmasters? So why is he displaying this Cabal symbol to the general public who visit his site? (I'll answer this question a little later on

V also says this about the symbol...
"Its origin actually does not go back to Egypt and the benu bird (phoenix) but to south India to a region where my father is descended from. It's a royal symbol again predating the egyption use of it."
Upon doing a search to verify his claim, I came across an article on Swami's Indology Blog: "Double Headed Eagle: Sumerian-Indian Connection" It offers the following bit of insight...
"There are striking similarities between the Indian and Sumerian civilizations. One of them is the use of the Double Headed Eagle as a royal symbol...
Sumerians considered this bird the symbol of God Ninurta of Lagash. They thought it had divine power. We can trace the history of this mythical bird from the Sumerian days."
As for the "god" Ninurta, she is part of the "Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki," the ET/ED beings from whom the earthly Dragon/Illuminati "royal bloodlines" (whom also can be tracked back to Sumer) trace their genetic contamination...

Isn't it funny how when you start pulling the thread on anything wicked in our world, you always end up in Sumer?

So when V said...
"...south India to a region where my father is descended from. It's a royal symbol..." he implying that his father was a descendant of that "royal" line? If so, V is more than a mere Mason or Illuminati minion, he is a bearer of the tainted DNA of the Dragon bloodline.
Since my time is limited today, I'll continue with this in my next entry.
Till then, I send my love to all, even the Dragons. And to them I say, "I love you unconditionally, but that doesn't mean I have to put up with your BS or accept your rule. I pray for your peaceful surrender and safety in the times ahead. Besos, bitches.