There are many within the Truth Movement who are being led around by the nose by "insiders" (Cabal operatives involved in disinformation operations). For instance, John Machaffie's sources are telling him...

Instead of relying on the words of these agency assets, it is best to do your research and thinking for yourself. With just a little personal investigation, you can find information like this...
"The Federal Reserve Act of 1913--which established the Federal Reserve as the central bank of the United States--has been amended or altered by the Congress numerous times over the years, but the act has never included an "expiration date" or repeal date. As stated in the law itself, the Federal Reserve Act can only be repealed, amended, or altered by the Congress."
This is from the Fed themselves, and although it's technically accurate, it's a bit disingenuous. Even though the Federal Reserve Act and its amendments never included an "expiration date" or "repeal date," it did originally include a renewal date for its charter in 1933...
"The Federal Reserve Act was originally granted a twenty-year charter, to be renewed in 1933. This clause was amended on February 25, 1927: 'To have succession after the approval of this Act until dissolved by Act of Congress or until forfeiture of franchise for violation of law.' 12 U.S.C. ch. 3. As amended by act of Feb. 25, 1927 (44 Stat. 1234). The success of this amendment is notable, as in 1933, the US was in the throes of the Great Depression and public sentiment with regards to the Federal Reserve System and the banking community in general had significantly deteriorated. Given the political climate, including of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration and New Deal legislation, it was uncertain whether the Federal Reserve System would survive."
So the Fed will not end on December 23 due to any lapse in a 100 year contract that never existed. In addition to taking a few minutes to look this up, a simple application of common sense would save anyone from falling for this. If the "Federal Reserve Contract" were going to expire on December 23, then why is Congress going to all the trouble of confirming Yellen to take over for Bernanke at the end of January? Jeez, guys.
"Insiders" are full of bullsh*t, and they're feeding gullible truthers information that supports the Cabal agenda. The only reliable way of getting to the truth is to filter-feed from as many sources as possible and put the puzzle together yourself. If you're going to invest your hope in someone, invest it in you.
With love....