Friday, December 27, 2013


Published on Dec 24, 2013
Dr. Eugene Mallove.

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When this interview was filmed in October 2000, Dr. Eugene Mallove was Editor-In-Chief of the magazine Infinite Energy and Director of the New Energy Research Laboratory in New Hampshire. He holds two MIT degrees in Aeronautical-Astronautical Engineering and a Harvard Doctorate in Environmental Health Sciences (Air Pollution Control Engineering). He has broad experience in high-technology engineering at companies including Hughes Research Labs, TASC (The Analytic Science Corporation) and MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Dr. Mallove was the Chief Science Writer at MIT when the cold fusion story broke in March 1989, and he resigned in 1991 after his requested investigation into the altered cold fusion data at MIT (which helped to discredit the whole subject) was not properly done. The marginalization by the scientific establishment of the cold fusion topic bears strong resemblance to the similar marginalization of the ET/UFO topic: both have been ridiculed and defamed because they break established paradigms. As Dr. Mallove states in this interview, "There is nothing worse...than suggesting to academic physicists in particular, and academics in general, that they are not only wrong; they are disastrously wrong, catastrophically wrong." In his magazine, Dr. Mallove has advised us to remember the sentiments of Michael Faraday: "Nothing is too wonderful to be true."

Published on Dec 24, 2013
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Bearden, US Army, PhD.

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Colonel Bearden is a leading conceptualist in alternate energy technologies, electromagnetic bio-effects, unified field theory concepts, and other related areas. He is a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the US Army and holds a Ph.D. and an M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. At the time of this interview, he was CEO of CTEC, Inc., Director of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists, and Fellow Emeritus of the Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Study. In Colonel Bearden's testimony he speaks extensively about how it is possible to derive useable energy from the vacuum without violating any currently known laws of physics. He and others have built electromechanical devices which actually demonstrate this technology. He also explains how certain powers would rather keep this technology from becoming widely known outside of small esoteric circles. Time is running out however because our Earth does not have enough oil and coal reserves to last even for this generation. He explains how our top minds and scientists must first recognize then rally around an effort to solve this energy problem before 2004.

Published on Dec 24, 2013
David Hamilton, Department of Energy.

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David Hamilton worked for the Department of Energy in the area of new generation power systems. He explains that we have nearly exhausted the world's supply of fossil fuels, just at the time when Asia and China are undergoing an "industrial revolution" and are positioning to become bigger consumers of these fuels than the "first world" countries already are. In order to alleviate the current earth crises of environmental pollution, global warming, etc. and advance as a sustainable technological society, we must develop technologies that don't fit into the old paradigm.

Published on Dec 27, 2013
Dr. Paul LaViolette, Scientist / Author.

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Dr. Paul LaViolette has written four books and has published many original papers in physics, astronomy, climatology, systems theory, and psychology. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA from the University of Chicago, and PhD from Portland State University, and at the time of this interview was president of the Starburst Foundation, an interdisciplinary scientific research institute. He is the developer of subquantum kinetics, a novel approach to microphysics that accounts for electric, magnetic, gravitational and nuclear forces in a unified manner and resolves many long-standing physics problems. Based on the predictions of this theory, he developed an alternative cosmology that effectively replaces the Big Bang theory. Dr. LaViolette has also developed a new theory of gravity that replaces the deeply flawed theory of general relativity.

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