Officials in China have indefinitely banned the import of certain shellfish from the United States over concerns that geoduck clams, oysters and other double-shell aquatic animals are contaminated to the point that human consumption is unsafe.
Chinese officials ordered the ban on December 3 against exports from the states of Washington, Oregon, Alaska and the northern chunk of California, effectively putting a hold on a multi-million dollar West Coast industry that is now scrambling to make sure their shellfish is safe.
Recently shipped American exports, China claimed, contained dangerous levels of arsenic and paralytic shellfish poisoning, or PSP, which in high enough doses could kill a human being.
University of Washington public radio station KUOW was the first to report on the prohibition last week, and said China’s decision stood to heavily jeopardize an area industry valued at roughly $270 million.
In 2012 the US exported around $68 million worth of geoduck clams — a type of deep-water shellfish that lives to be up to 100 years of age — mostly mined from the Puget Sound region of Washington, KUOW reported, and of that nearly 90 percent was shipped off to China.
“It’s had an incredible impact,” George Hill, a geoduck harvest coordinator for Puget Sound's Suquamish Tribe, said to the station with regards to the ban. “A couple thousand divers out of work right now,” he said.
“They’ve never done anything like that,” added Jerry Borchert of the Washington Department of Health, “where they would not allow shellfish from this entire area based on potentially two areas or maybe just one area.”
KUOW first reported news of the ban last Thursday, and this Tuesday Borchert was telling The Olympian newspaper that he believes the geoducks in question came from Alaska and Puget Sound waters in Washington state. China has yet to verify that claim, but Borchert said he made the determination after checking information provided by authorities there and with the health certificates issued by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Testing done there by Borchert’s crew returned PSP toxin levels well below the standard US contamination threshold, he told The Olympian, and other reports indicate that toxicity levels in that area have been far from as dangerous as Chinese authorities insist.
“We’ve gone back and looked at all records — they show results way below any human-health concern,” Washington State Department of Health spokesperson Donn Moyer told the Seattle Times. “We don’t have any evidence or information whatsoever about any high levels of PSP in any shellfish.”
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