The other reported beamed-up or
taken-up experiences and land encounters have involved entities either
friendly or neutral who are studying us much like our own scientists
study primitive natives in jungles.There have been reported
contacts with beings from 4 other planets in our own solar
system,including a transparent green etherical energy formation being
allegedly from Saturn and a tall, physical, pure white humanoid claiming
to be from Uranus.The beings claiming to be from Mars and
Venus are human in appearance yet are based in spaceports enclosed in
protective force-fields on those worlds and they represent
colonization’s from other star systems rather than native indigenous
life,most of them sometimes are naga draco reptile hybrids,and in less
cases nephililm giants and then fallen angels both watchers and
luciferian galactic federations. There are also reportedly physical
being colonies on some of the huge moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn
that even NASA admits contain atmospheres and water, including
Lanulous,Titan,Io,Ganymede,etc.One of the moons off Jupiter
is allegedly a capital planet for an interplanetary federation in our
own solar system!
There are reported alien space bases on the dark side
of the moon where greys operate,as well as on certain large asteroids
and one of Uranus’s moons,these are fallen angels known as normadian
pagan gods that were also in some time operating in Atlantis and Lemuria, Hyperborea, Egypt, Babylon, Grece, Rome, Sumeria, Mayan &Ink
& Aztec civilizations,Syria. The Department of Interplanetary Affairs
has summarized research on planets with reported physical beings
civilizations in other star systems,such as the Korendians that Bob
Renaud was reportedly in radio and face-to-face contact with, the
Koldasians that a group in South Africa claimed radio and meeting
contacts with(CE-3s), the Ogattans that a group in North Carolina
claimed physical contact and transport to their planet in dealings with
this race,and the Arcturians. The Ogattans are said to be a
short humanoid bird-like aliens extremely friendly and spiritually
orientated,but they are really full of hate inside,from a planet of
prismatic domed communities of crystalline material surrounded by
crystal forests emanating rainbow colored auras permeated by the
harmonics of the music of the spheres.
These fallen angels are helping
small numbers of Illuminati humans on Earth with guidance,very
low-key,and they have taken many small children from here to their
planet for schooling,where they viewed a Destiny Screen showing future
Earth events many of which have already come true!. The events for the
later part of this decade and early 21st century on the Destiny Screen
present widespread planetary disasters.This a fairly
common warning,and was even given to the Pentagon leaders in the early
1950s by fallen angels from the Zeta&Orion invasion preparation they
plan now.Warnings of wide spread Earth catastrophes in the
next 20 years were common in the 1950s from fallen angels orion
federations claiming to be based on Venus, Mars, planets in the Pleiades
through the 1970s), and some other solar
Many of the events these aliens reportedly prophesied in the 1950s &1980s have already come true,but some of
the things they lied against Bible that first Bible predicted that and
also God warned them also as for part of this end time work to be
done, everything is connected,including several
famines,floods,earthquakes,wars,etc.They make this to make
saving propaganda to make politicians in power to run the agenda they
plan soon to explode with how much they getted it high level on now.
Koldasians,who reportedly look so much like we do when they
shapeshift,they are lower federation of fallen angels principalities
ranked almost always,and they could walk into a supermarket
incognito,say lie they were recently nuked on their own planet in an
interplanetary war that resulted in negative aliens invading their territory.The
leader of these new age movement religions here on Earth
mission,Valdar,who reportedly met on a South African beach with Earth
contacts and also had radio contacts,details another type of
Interplanetary Confederation Koldas is a member of in lengthy writings
by Carl Van Vlierden.
Valdar warns Earth not to make the
same mistakes taking place in the space,but to listen them,that is the
lie they spread to us that will make people go war against Holy
angels,but they are friendly with watchers also as we know and they will
use them as additional help,and they don´t want so much harm as their
bigger ranks,they even warn us, as they posses Alex Jones CIA agent to
tell some stuff,and they made him Freemason and king of infowars, but not
revealing all things too much,because they care also the same deadly
agenda as their bigger ranked federations from Orion. Similar warnings
came from them,who reportedly look exactly like us humans when they
shapeshift in that form except they are only about 3 to 4 feet tall want
always almost to take and live on a planet 6 times the size,of
Earth,with oceans and many more continents as we know is Nibiru.
Vlierden even produced photos of their spaceships,just like Bob Renaud
did with the Korendian spaceships,which look like daytime disc-shaped
flying objects. Meanwhile we hear about fallen angels who are small
humanoid greenish beings semi-physical who are so far beyond us
spiritually,technologically,and mentally we can barely comprehend these
entities,when they get in semi-physical form as they are in most of the
time,they are ranked thrones of same orion blonde nordic groups but they
work lower in andromeda and pleadias to help lower ones directly by
middle research from here and there.They say they guide
certain people through channeling spiritual advice and on their own
planet they have none of our physical or emotional problems.
when they make these lies as one of them are high level fallen Cherubim
and Seraphim of Marduk Ra Lucifer & Reptilian Dracos Nordic Blondes
directly from Orion Galactic Federation Like most of the other advanced
races they live in crystal domes in a garden of Eden they lived before
like paradise with music beautiful beyond our comprehension, scenery
beautiful beyond our dreams,and no pollution or disease.They do not want to get involved in our wars,but just to start them and warn them up in a grate big destructive measure.
Source: http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2013/12/anonymous-warning-of-galactic-fallen.html