Sunday, November 3, 2013

Update From Insider 'daniel' At ConsciousHugs.Com - Life, Death, Reincarnation, and Ascension


Life, Death, Reincarnation, and Ascension

Introducing Part 3 of in the “Hidden Origin of Homo Sapiens” by –daniel

???????????????????????????????????????Perhaps this paper should be sub-titled as “The Holodeck Handbook”, because it really provides a great tutorial once one realizes that “all experience” that is perceived, is in fact a “projection” our your unconscious choice of experience as part of your  conscious evolution. It’s notright or wrong“, but rather have you “learned & earned” enough from your holodeck experiences to choose “End Program”.

To my knowledge, this is the most comprehensive work I’ve read, dealing with the concepts of Life, Death, Reincarnation, and Ascension, and is certainly appropriate as part of this series.  For me, whats really amazing is that we can finally see and define these things as tangibles that have specific roles in the fabric of life and conscience experience– and not just mythological concepts that are disregarded as fantasy.

When we understand the reciprocal relationship of the Body, Mind, and Spirit, as well as the energy types and realms that integrate with these, things really start to fall into place.