ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside
intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
what is really going on behind the
scenes of the corporate-controlled,
fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S.
media's massive deceptions
Sunday November 10, 2013
UNITED States of America - It
can now be reported that all too big to fail worldwide banks are close
to having 50% of their assets (worthless toxic mortgage backed
securities) in overmargined naked positions tied to the FOREX foreign
currency market.
Reference: Naked written put options on the Swiss currency.
At this hour the margin spread affecting the banks is 43%. In September of 2008 when the margin spread hit 50% the result was the BushFRAUD-Henry Paulson-Lehman Brothers debacle.
Item: Sources close to the U.S.-French Joint Task Force expects a major NSA pysop to take place on American soil, which will coincide with the financial emergency allowing the Federal Reserve and these crooked banks to "bail in" on the savings deposits of every American citizen so that the banks can use the depositors' funds to meet their margin call.
Accordingly, massive bank deleveraging continues with eyes over the Union Bank of Switzerland and New York Mellon Bank.


Reference: Naked written put options on the Swiss currency.
At this hour the margin spread affecting the banks is 43%. In September of 2008 when the margin spread hit 50% the result was the BushFRAUD-Henry Paulson-Lehman Brothers debacle.
Item: Sources close to the U.S.-French Joint Task Force expects a major NSA pysop to take place on American soil, which will coincide with the financial emergency allowing the Federal Reserve and these crooked banks to "bail in" on the savings deposits of every American citizen so that the banks can use the depositors' funds to meet their margin call.
Accordingly, massive bank deleveraging continues with eyes over the Union Bank of Switzerland and New York Mellon Bank.


Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, is sitting on
emails from the U.S. State Department showing that then Secretary of
State Hillary Rodham Clinton ordered then Under Secretary of State and
now President Barack Obama's National Security Adviser Susan Rice to
issue a stand down order to the U.S. military involving the need for
extra security at the unregistered diplomatic outpost in Benghazi,