UU1100 - Now Is The Time - Mnt Goat
Hi Everyone,My Bavarian family and I are getting our customary party items ready for a celebration. As we prepare for the Christmas magic ahead we also know that the celebrations this year will include something very special. Most special this year will be the blessings we have been waiting for so long. Yes it is finally upon us. There will be a spiritual aspect to this years celebration since this blessing seems almost unreal. We are very fortunate to be able to a part of this effort and watch the nation of Iraq grow and become it’s full potential as a democratic nation. The USA too as will Germany and other EU countries benefit greatly from this blessing.

I wanted to email some news now to all for an update on what I am hearing about this currency revaluation of Iraq dinar. As I have notified everyone on Monday of last week that this event is very close at hand and now we are at the end of this last Thursday thru Sunday window. It is upon us. All news is exceptionally good and the process is on target for exchanges in USA to begin on Monday 11/18 (tomorrow).
My sources are now telling me that Iraq is about to announce their ascension in the World Trade Organization (WTO). This announcement is to be broadcast early this week. It will be proceeded by or followed by the activation of their currency revaluation. So what does this mean.
This means that the Iraq currency will no longer be a provisional currency and will have full international trading status throughout the world. The Iraq QI Cards will then work in any ATM machine and/or credit vendor, just like your bank Visa card or ATM cards. Our banks rates will be activated since it is now a recognized currency. The currency exchanges also go live. Iraq is open for business !
Also all Article 8 provisions will be met and Iraq will become a full member of the United Nations (UN) under article 6. It then must abide by all UN rules and receive all the benefits as a member nation such as future security and economic protections.
Dinar Class 101 for Newbies
I thought it would be a good idea to include a short class on this Iraq dinar and why it is valuable to us now to own. The new value of the Iraq currency must coincide with a value equal the riches (or assets) of the country of Iraq. I will not go into details as to what value will be assigned the new currency, but I have been told that as far as the USA is concerned there will be two rates. An Iraq in-country rate (IQD) (which will be internationally recognized and they will have a rate indicative of Saddam’s era (pre-2003) plus equity over the last ten year period) and a separate in-country USA rate (IQN) ( it will be indicative of the agreements made between Iraq and the USA for this purpose). What purpose? Read on.
Remember the majority of the IQN echanged for USD from citizens in the USA by the banks will not go back to the CBI. Rather it will be verified by Iraq finance ministry and electronically entered for accountability and then probably incinerated. These electronic credits will be used as future oil credits at around approximately $32 a barrel for sweet crude oil. Some of these credits have also been discounted already and sold to China. But let’s keep it simple shall we.
For instance- the USA decides to use these oil credits and the IQN exchange rate in USA is $36.87 upon activation. Within the 30 day window for exchanging the dinars is over, the dinars that are exchanged at USA banks amounted to 4 trillion dollars. This is now 4 trillion dollars of oil credits with Iraq. Are you with me so far?
If at the timeframe the USA decided to broker the oil, the markets are selling crude oil at $120 a barrel. There are 2,000 barrels shipped to Japan from USA orders. That is a gross profit of 176,000 dollars for the US Treasury ($120-$32) x 2,000. With minimum expenses deducted we can see how this can help supplement the annual US budget and they begin to pay down the national debt very quickly.
There is also plans in the USA to fund to newly formed “infrastructure bank” The plans are for this bank to fund the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the USA i.e roads, bridges, transportation, etc... Yes – you heard correct. Iraq is not the only country needing reconstruction. Pay attention post RV for this news. It is soon to make national headlines in the news media. There are other factors involved too but I am trying to simplify this process for you in this example. You do get the point?
So in this example above the USA brokered the oil from Iraq and paid them $32.00 a barrel and had it shipped to whatever country (for example Japan) and sold it at the market rate of $120 a barrel. There are plenty of countries destined to have this oil and to mention a few include GB, Canada, Japan, China. The gross profit in this example was then $88 per barrel. There are plans for barges after barges filled with the sweet crude oil of Iraq to leave their harbors every hour carrying hundreds of thousands of barrels of crude to customers each and every day for years to come. Once this income begins to stream into the UST and the infrastructure bank ( the money earmarked for this purpose), one can easily see how the value of the USD can not stay low for very long....hint....hint...hint...
So today is a great day! It is at the eve of making history. Something we have been waited for now for 10 years.
If for some reason the exchanges are delayed do not get stressed. It is planned for early this week and I am told it will begin tomorrow. I have known this date for over a week already since I knew the process that had to be played out prior to this event occurring. Could the plan change? As we all know nothing is certain in this process. So stay calm and be relaxed. Get your own plan out, review it and have it ready for implementation.
Peace and Luv to ya,
mnt goat