Event Watch (Update 2): Upcoming Time Windows
It's looking like January/February to me...

As I look forward into the next few months, I see two clear windows of opportunity for Cabal mischief: the first one starts later this month and is likely related to military tensions and actions, and the second is a major window that comes in January/February and presents an opportunity for the global financial reset.
The November/December/January window for an Israeli strike on Iran
Late last month, I encountered this article from the Jerusalem Post. It offers the following quote from a report on the Iranian nuclear program issued by the Institute for Science and International Security:
"Today, Iran could break out most quickly using a three-step process with its installed centrifuges and its low-enriched uranium stockpiles as of August 2013. In this case, Iran could produce one significant quantity in as little as approximately 1.0–1.6 months, if it uses all its near 20 percent low-enriched uranium hexafluoride stockpile.”
The report is basically stating that the Iranians already have enough low-enriched uranium and centrifuges to produce a sufficient amount of weapons-grade uranium to build one atom bomb in as little as 1 to 1.6 months. Notably, it also adds...
"...This assessment means that Tehran [or Israel] would have to destroy more than half of its 19,000 centrifuges to extend the time it would take to build a bomb to six months..."
These statements, taken together, set the stage for the drama that is to come. They offer both an imminent threat and the measure necessary to delay that threat.
Interestingly, the ISIS report was issued on October 24, and what date comes exactly 30 days later? November 23. And what is noteworthy about November 23?
> It is the first day after the next round of Geneva Talks on the Iranian nuclear program (November 20-22) are likely to end.
> It is the day of the "Aion Portal" astrological alignment, after which "the Light will begin to initiate action," claims 'white hat' Dragon propagandist Cobra.
Note how the alignment features a six-pointed star...

...kinda like these aircraft do...

If you add these interesting timing coincidences to the belligerent noises coming out of Israel, such as those offered in the article Zero Hour: Israel must now choose between attack and enslavement, one can foresee two possible scenarios arising...
Scenario 1: November 23 could be used as the strike date by the Israelis. They would explain the rationale for the attack like this...
"Our intelligence indicates that shortly after the ISIS report was released, Iran moved quickly to start uranium enrichment to produce a nuclear weapon. They wanted to act before their now-publicized capability was taken away by negotiations or military strikes, and they used the Geneva Talks to buy time for the enrichment. It was their plan to have the weapon ready to deter a military strike in case the negotiations failed. Israel had to act unilaterally to stop this from happening, and our limited strike on their centrifuge facilities will delay their weapon long enough for an international coalition to apply multilateral force."
A limited strike targeting only centrifuges might be able to avoid an immediate, full-scale Iranian response, but it would set in motion a chain of events to dramatically escalate military confrontation in the region. This would provide an excellent lead-in to the financial reset window in January/February.
Scenario 2: November 23 could be used as the beginning of a 1 to 1.6 month countdown to a strike. This scenario would be sold as follows...
"Our intelligence indicates that upon the failure of the latest round of Geneva Talks, the Iranians began a crash effort to enrich uranium to produce their first nuclear bomb. Since a nuclear-armed Iran threatens Israel's very survival, we intend to strike before they can complete their weapon. Our agents are monitoring the enrichment process closely, and we vow to strike with our full might before it is complete."
If they then stretched out the countdown for the full 1.6 months, it would reach into the first half of January and provide the desired segue into the second time window.
The January/February window for a global financial reset
In January and February of next year, there is a glaring window of opportunity coming for the financial reset. As was noted in a previous entry, the debt limit deal that ended the government shutdown and potential debt default last month merely put off both contingencies for 90 days. So we face the following events early next year:
> On January 16, the US government will partially shut down again unless a budget or stopgap spending measure is passed to keep it funded.
> On February 7, the temporary suspension of the debt ceiling ends, and we might once again be embroiled in debt default drama. Since the debt limit deal didn't actually raise the debt ceiling (it only suspended enforcement of it for 90 days), if no deal to raise it is made before the suspension ends, we will be officially over the limit by at least half a trillion dollars. One wonders what the hell will happen then.
These new shutdown / debt limit dates will provide an excellent excuse to unseat the dollar as the global reserve currency and introduce its replacement, which will likely be a weighted basket of currencies with gold backing. Also arguing for this time window are a number of other factors:
> On January 31, it will be Chinese New Year, the Year of the Green Wood Horse. And what better way is there to start such a year than to gallop into the leading position of the global financial system?
> On February 1, Janet Yellen will take control of the Federal Reserve. According to this Zero Hedge article, "a new Fed Chair typically has to deal with a bout of market volatility early in his/her tenure." (This might turn out to be the understatement of the millennium

> Triggering either the government shutdown or the debt limit lockdown will enable the IRS to withhold all tax refunds (they'll still demand tax payments of course). Should they do the reset after the refunds are blocked by the "extraordinary measures the Treasury will undertake to avoid default," they'll be able to pocket roughly half a trillion dollars of taxpayers' money.
> Doing the reset in January/February will allow the corporations to put one last Christmas shopping season under their belt before they pull America's life support plug. Don't fret, though, because the new financial system will step in to "save" the West from total destruction (but not from a lowered standard of living). The Dragons are such sweethearts!

The Wild Cards
Two prominent wild cards in the financial transition scenario are Japan and Europe. The falling dominoes that will knock over the current financial system could be tipped from either of those places as well. But wherever the first domino falls, the cascade will end up here...

Another wildcard is "we the people." When these two time windows come, we do have the capacity to stop, delay or alter the course of events. Although the Cabal wants a limited military conflagration in the Middle East (which will look like the start of WW3) as part of the Event scenario (so the "white hats" can come forth and "save the day" before things get too bad), it is totally unnecessary from the perspective of we the people. We can therefore set our intent firmly against a new war and act to completely block it.
As for the collapse of the old financial system, that is something that must happen under any scenario, and the sooner the better. It may turn out that the Occulted Powers' new financial system is the very segue we need to gracefully transition to a people-controlled system (in an "Event counterattack" scenario like I mentioned in this entry). For this reason, I will not be setting my intention against the collapse of the old system or the momentary implementation of the Beast system. I'll simply set my intent towards the smoothest transition possible from an "elite"-controlled system to a global network of local systems controlled by us, and I'll allow Universe to chart out the best course for how it all goes down.
Click here for the previous update in this series. There is more to come.
Till then, much love....