Monday, November 25, 2013

Ken's Blog - Update November 24/25

Obama becomes a "Good Guy"?

Event Watch (Update 12): Obama becomes a "Good Guy"?

It appears that Canauzzie has fired the first shot of the new media blitzkrieg with a post titled
"A New Path Forward | it begins." The "it begins" part really got my attention, because that's exactly what I wrote in Update 9.

The new post basically paints Obama as making moves against the Cabal in order to salvage his presidential legacy. In short, he's becoming a good guy. Given the longstanding narrative on full-blooded Kool Aid drinker sites like "Golden Age of Gaia" (GAG, how appropriate ) that Obama is just playing along with the bad guys but will show his true enlightened colors someday, this shift in propaganda tone is not unexpected. Obama may be taking off his dark mask and putting on a light mask, but rest assured he's still the same ol' Barry underneath.

To see the transition in Obama's portrayal, compare this photo and excerpt from a previous Canauzzie entry...

"The Patriot Act was neither written by Patriots nor is it operated by Patriots. Barry Soetoro (Obama) is neither a Patriot nor even an American. Yet he and the Cabals minions use it at will to abuse freedoms." this photo and excerpt from the new entry...

"Over the last few days we have been made aware of REAL and significant efforts the President and his team ARE making to seek both External Investor help for collapsing America, with also additional targeted recovery of vast funds misused by Banks and Hedge Funds, and for such funds to be forcefully reversed back into Presidential Economic Initiatives. Good!... We absolutely WILL support it to the hilt and give him and his team full backing with this."

Also take note of what they're saying. They're saying Obama is deliberately attempting to collapse America (no surprise there; many watchmen have been warning about that from the beginning of his Presidency). And they're saying that he's trying to seize everyone's money and funnel it into his own economic initiatives.

What do you call it when the government seizes all money and industry, then starts running the economy itself? Communism. They're selling a communist revolution as a good thing. And when Obama starts exerting all the police state power he's been accumulating through new laws and executive orders, they'll say, "He's just using it against the 'bad guys' for the benefit of the proletariat." This is the same ol' globalist sh*t with a spiritual candy covering.

It will be interesting to see if this theme emerges in David Wilcock's upcoming entry and on Jean Haines' blog.

[Update 12 - 25 November 2013]

David Wilcock's new article is now online, and I found it to be relatively innocuous. He didn't make a single reference to the name Obama (although it did show up once in a Max Keiser excerpt). David did, however, mention Russell Brand and Kim Kardashian, but notably left out any reference to "Nature Boy" Ric Flair...
...How disappointing, David....

I did find one anomaly with the entry, though: the time stamp on it says that it was published Sunday afternoon...
...But I checked his website several times on Sunday, and it hadn't appeared as of midnight Central time (my bedtime). So the post seems to be suffering from roughly 12 hours or more of "missing time." This begs the question: did aliens abduct his entry on its way to cyberspace?

For the previous update in this series, click here.

Love always....