Monday, November 4, 2013

Ken's Blog: Addressing Canauzzie's latest propaganda piece (Update 1)

Addressing Canauzzie's latest propaganda piece (Update 1)

When I sat down this morning with my cup of coffee to read the morning's news, I came across this wretched creature: Clown Posse crewmember Canauzzie...

...trying to sell more of his juvenile RNWO (Real New World Order) propaganda.

Since a deciphering of the key points in his article can be informative to some, allow me to go ahead and do that....

Point 1: "For many it’s now time to think out a new life plan. Life owes us nothing. The Cavalry is now NOT coming, why should Wealth Creators fund Welfare cases? The Private Placement money is unfolding with serious intent. That will underpin countries and Real Projects."

People often speak ill of "welfare cases," but the reality is that welfare is the only immediate choice for people who have been squeezed out of good-paying jobs as a result of the Cabal's deliberate destruction of the American economy. It was the "elite's" strategy all along to deindustrialize America (and rapidly industrialize China), then push displaced workers into welfare and food stamps to create a culture of government dependency.

Have you noticed how hard the government is pushing to add people to the food stamp rolls? Why do you think that is? Hell, while I was in the hospital emergency room a few weeks ago, a social worker came to my bed and tried to convince me to apply for food stamps (and now that I have about $6,000 in medical bills from a 3 hour stay at the hospital, I might have to).

He also refers to the "Private Placement money," which is presumably the "prosperity programs" that will give money to hand-selected individuals for projects the program administrators approve of. Now that the banksters have stripped so much wealth from the hands of regular working people, the money will be handed back by such programs with strings attached. If people accept the new system, these program administrators (who are "white hat"-wearing Cabal henchmen) will determine the direction in which humanity develops after the transition, and it will be in accordance with the demands of the UN's Agenda 21.

Point 2: "The US $Dollar will NOT be allowed to crash. Got that? America is NOT going to be allowed to fold. Fact! To know that for many is a relief. Kill the speculation, the American Dollar is SAFE!"

No rational person is expecting the US dollar to go to zero, but many are anticipating that it will "crash" in terms of being stripped of its global reserve status and being devalued by a significant percentage. So Canauzzie is knocking down a straw man here.

Point 3: "The Bloodlines, R’s and others have LOST their Banking monopolies and will NOT be allowed back in. Their time is over as banking manipulators. The Bloodlines time is over as new powers emerge."

In this, he is referring to their plan in which the Western bloodlines will be publicly stripped of their power (while nothing behind the scenes really changes), but he conveniently fails to mention that the bloodlines in the East (the Dragons) will be taking control. Since the Western bloodlines are currently wearing the scary masks and the Eastern bloodlines are currently wearing the smiley masks, they are counting on a gullible public to accept this as a "good guys triumph over bad guys" fairy tale. GMAFB.

Point 4: "A new Global Monetary system is coming in with Regional Administration centers and hierarchies."

This line is better restated as follows...

"A new Globalist monetary system is coming with administration centers and hierarchies in the 10 UN development zones"...
...On a side note, this map shows you why they're trying so hard to break Japan; it's included with the "developed nations" such as the US, all of which must be debased according to their plan.

He is also referring to these 10 UN development zones when he says, "A balanced Council of Regional Superpowers is being developed, with flexible Capital support to maintain the needs and integrity of the regions in harmony with an emerging new and coordinated world."

By the way, the creation of 10 "kingdoms" is in keeping with Biblical prophecy the Satanists are trying to fulfill.

Point 5: "US domination of Global Fiscal Power is ending. The US no longer determines Capital Markets, emerging Chinese and Asian Liquid Capital Owners now do. Those who pay, now have their say... The BIS via Switzerland has no money to dominate and is under review. As is US based control and domination of the UN, IMF, World Bank etc. Other nations have now emerged, their ownership of Capital as Base Liquidity moves them into control."

In this passage, Canauzzie is hinting at Chinese control of "the UN, IMF, World Bank, etc." I wrote about this in my The New BRICS Financial System: What they're not telling you entry...

In the Xinhua article, the Chinese brought up some very interesting "corner stones" to "underpin a de-Americanized world":

> "the authority of the United Nations in handling global hotspot issues has to be recognized. That means no one has the right to wage any form of military action against others without a UN mandate."

Whose pet project is the UN? It is the creation of the Luciferian/Satanic globalist "elite" and their worldwide network of collaborators, is it not? It's therefore quite interesting to find China pointing to the authority of the UN.

> "Apart from that, the world's financial system also has to embrace some substantial reforms. The developing and emerging market economies need to have more say in major international financial institutions including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, so that they could better reflect the transformations of the global economic and political landscape."

Hmmm, here are the Chinese affirming the role of the globalist-created World Bank and IMF. They are also saying "we, the BRICS, need to run those institutions" in diplomatic parlance.

Point 6: "Both Russia and China are not just emerging, but also evolving. Each has quality Leadership in control. Each have sophisticated support hierarchies. The new world will emerge based on consensus of strong, competent Leadership. Emerging nations have evolved under competence. America has been constrained by decades of endemic corruption."

Quality leadership, eh? Russia is under the firm control of KGB man Vladimir Putin, who is Russia's version of George H.W. Bush (who was a CIA director before he came to Presidential power). And China is in the middle of an intensified crackdown on internet "rumor mongers" who spread "lies" about corrupt government officials. To suggest that America is alone in having "endemic corruption" is absolutely infantile. As our brother/sister truthers in both China and Russia can attest, corruption is so over-the-top and in-your-face in those nations that it borders on being comical. Just have a look at one vignette of the corruption that exists in China...

For six months, a property developer had been trying to get his hands on Mr Shen’s house...

At first, the property company stuck up posters warning of dire consequences for any families who held out. Then, Mr Shen said, when 70 of the 100 households had left, the threats escalated.

“This mob of thugs would block the street most days. They would pick on the women, threatening to kill their kids. Then people started tossing bricks through windows and letting off fireworks at night. Some people got beaten on the street.”

On October 29, as Mr Shen went to work and his wife popped out for a packet of instant noodles, a mob of “30 to 50 men” materialised at their front door.

“My wife tried to close the door, but they pushed it back and she tripped over. That is how the fight started,” said Mr Shen.

With a flurry of kicks and punches, he and his 18-year-old son, a fellow kung fu devotee, set about the attackers, rendering seven of them near unconscious in the hallway.

“It was self defence. I really cannot remember what kung fu skills I used.

It was quite messy. Only seven people were injured because the rest were scared and stayed outside. Some of them ran away,” he said.

When the police arrived, however, they were little help, insisting that since the thugs were unarmed, it was Mr Shen and his family who were in the wrong. They urged the family to sign the contract.

Instead, the Shens posted their homemade video online, where it has gone viral as a rare David versus Goliath moment in the bleak fight against China’s avaricious property barons.

They then fled, on the evening of November 21, to Beijing. Upon arriving in the capital, however, Mr Shen’s son was arrested by the police, who said they would charge him with assault.

“I do not regret the fight, but I am worried about my son,” said Mr Shen.

“I think they are trying to fit up him up with some crime. I am concerned that my actions will end up hurting him,” he said, acknowledging that officials may try to emotionally blackmail him into signing over his lease.

Suffice it to say that corruption exists in all nations, and the governments in the BRICS nations are up to their necks in it.

Point 7: "America is going to have to reign in and cut back on its Military spending extravagance. America is facing a crisis on Welfare and Retiree spending."

It's true that we need to end our wars and cut back on military waste, but to lump in welfare recipients and retirees as a drain on our system is bullsh*t. There is more than enough wealth in our nation to take care of people who need help, but a vast portion of our fortune is being stolen through deliberate inflation of the money supply, financial fraud/theft, and taxation. Cabal vampirism is the real crisis we are facing.

As for all the talk in Canauzzie's entry about how bad Obama is, who engineered his rise to power? It's pretty clear that he is the Cabal's man, and he was placed into the Presidency to fulfill the exact role he is playing now: to be the incompetent boob that makes America look like a dangerous, disorganized, corrupt hellhole. His Presidency, like Canauzzie's entry, is meant to underscore the "West is bad / East is good" propaganda line the banksters are using to usher in their new financial system. The more terrible you make the old order look, the more people will welcome a new order that appears to be different.

While we are on the subject of the Cabal and its new financial system, I'd also like to correct the definition of what the Cabal really is:

The Cabal - a global network of interlocking families and criminal interests.

The RNWO propagandists have gone to great lengths to define the Cabal as a purely Western affair, but this is simply not so. The Cabal extends into every nation on the planet, but due to the cultural differences in the various nations, their level of control varies in each. In this, they are much like a disease germ: it might infect 200 different people, but it will not affect them all in the same way.

If you look at China, for instance, the Cabal can get away with doing things there that they could never pull off here, such as digging a moat around a family's home to force them out...

The Communist government in China is a Satanist's wet dream. They can openly dump poisons in the water, sky and food; they can take away women's reproductive rights and conduct forced abortions (in-womb blood sacrifices); they can work human beings like disposable slaves; they can imprison dissidents and cut out their organs for sale; etc. This is why they are putting China in the lead role. The Chinese are "the strong ones" in the Satanists' eyes, since being human is something they regard as a weakness.

In closing, I'd like to address Canauzzie and all of his cohorts (Fulford, Wilcock, Drake, Poof/Zap, etc.) directly:

Your sh*t is weak, and it grows weaker by the day. I recommend you take all of your writings and bundle them together as a children's book so they can reach a more appropriate audience. I can see it now: "Once upon a time, there were White Hats and Dark Hats..." The kiddies'll love it! But before you do, go tell your pals in the White Brotherhood, the Dark Brotherhood, and the Ascended Mindfu*kers... err... Masters that their plans are transparent to us. They'll have a hard time sneaking up and surprising humanity when we can see them coming from a mile away.

All you have worked so long to build will soon be washed away...

...but such is the fate of those who build their castles upon the shifting sands of lies.

[Update 1 - 4 November 2013]

Here is a very interesting article on the coming financial reset. It too is written in accordance with the "West is bad / East is good" propaganda template, but it is worth a read nonetheless. While the reset can happen at any time, there is a pre-scheduled window for it coming between January 15, 2014 and February 15, 2014. I'll write an Event Watch update to explain why.

With love to all....