Thursday, November 21, 2013

Judge Dale On The Iraqi Dinar & (NDA) Non-Disclosure Agreement


Consider the following content as being MORE serious than a Heart Attack.
It is intended for your understanding and protection of your assets. Give
yourself time to evaluate fully the following statements. facts and Truths!
We live in and under an Anti-Constitution Criminal Corporate government.
They were the ones that devised a Plan to rape, pillage and Steal Iraq's wealth.

Their PLAN needed to create a war AND, DeValue the Iraqi DINAR currency.
We know they did this!  We were NEVER to know the Truth as to WHY !!!
Some figured it out that the DINAR had to revalue upwards.  Word Spread fast. The Public invested. To relieve us of it, Our government Mafia now needed plan B.

Mafia plan B was well designed to take advantage of Public Greed and StupidityThey "Created" a 30 day window to Exchange;  AND kept increasing the Rate !!!  IF YOU are not beginning to Smell a on.  The "odor" increases.

Plan B includes for YOU to sign a 10 year Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). WHY?  It's a CONTRACT !! Against YOU!!  Providing ways to relieve you of your new wealth. REMEMBER this Criminal Enterprise passed a law that the BANK owns any deposits.
Be Aware that ANY exchange with a Central Bank supports the Cabal, extends its Life.

WE need The REPUBLIC RESTORED FIRST and Control of the BANKS prior to any RV. This will then protect your funds left on deposit, regardless of amount exchanged.

Understand there is NOT, repeating NOT, ANY RUSH to exchange ALL of your Dinars.  WHY???  The Criminal Cabal KNOWS the Dinars hold HighValue, perhaps $120 each. They are counting on your GREED and STUPIDITY to obtain them with all ease possible.

YOU HAVE A CHOICE:  Control of Wealth and Freedom,  OR,  GREED and STUPIDITY.

May OUR Creator, Source, God grant YOU the Wisdom to make the proper Choice.


Dinar Guru Tony TNT talks about what his "government" contacts told him to tell his followers.  You must sign an NDA in order to exchange currency and if you tell anyone about the exchange you did with the dinar you lose your rights to your money.  Transparency seems to have gone out the window. Judge Dale is right, there needs to be a return to the Republic before any global currency reset happens.   Does this mean Tony TNT is a "puppet" for the corporate cabal?