Donny Gillson explores the ideas of what Comet ISON is, or what it could be, as we separate fact from fiction, while exploring the avenues of a positive timeline, and hoping the the collective mind will do the rest. I also talk about the Comet Negra that flew by us exactly 666 years ago.
Get ready to explore further down the rabbit hole and see what you may find.
Click here to listen to the ON-AIR archive on Spreaker.com
Please join me every Sunday evening at 9pm PST/Midnight EST for 32 Degrees of Insanity on the Truth Frequency Radio
Network and visit www.truthfrequencyradio.com to listen to show archives including last weeks incredible show about COMET ISON!
Click here to listen to the ON-AIR archive on Spreaker.com

Please join me every Sunday evening at 9pm PST/Midnight EST for 32 Degrees of Insanity on the Truth Frequency Radio Network
and visit www.32degreesofinsanity.com or www.truthfrequencyradio.com to listen to the show archive in case you have missed them. We are also in Spreakerwww.spreaker.com/themessage.
Don Gillson
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Recent Radio Show 11/3/2013
Tonight we discuss the False Flag event that took place on Nov. 1st 2013 at LAX, along with information regarding COMET ISON. We rethink the possibility that the Mayan Calender did not end on Dec 21st 2012, but actually will end on Dec 31st 2013 the very day COMET ISON makes its closest approach to the earth.
Click here to listen to the archive
P.S. - Thank you Jerry Wizman
