Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker Part 2

I know that much of what I revealed in that article was difficult to accept, but I am committed to Truth, wherever it leads.
This article is going to pick up where the last one left off, so if you haven't already read the first part, please go read that first because the terms defined in Why I Am No Longer a Lightworker will be used here without any definitions.
The "Lords" of Karma
The false-light demiurgic parasites known as the "Lords" of Karma are perhaps the worst violators of free-will that I have encountered, second only to the corrupt demiurge itself. They are the primary gatekeepers that allow or deny beings access into and out of the demiurgic system, and as such, they must be exposed.
In the "Free Universe" outside of the corrupt demiurgic enslavement system, a being is free to incarnate onto any planet that they choose.
When a being's physical life comes to an end (after hundreds, perhaps thousands of years), they return to Infinite Source for a rest, and then decide what they want to do next in order to continue to learn and grow. Nowhere in this process is a hierarchical group of controlling, manipulative beings like the "lords" of karma present.
As you can see by my use of quotes around the word "lords," I despise calling them that at all. So in my usual style, I have given these beings a new, somewhat sarcastic name: The Turds of Karma. I started calling them this after an encounter several months ago when I was removing deep layers of imposed agreements that they were trying to hold in place. At one point in the process I forcefully told them, "You are the biggest pieces of sh** that I have ever seen. I don't owe you ANYTHING. YOU owe every single being that you have manipulated a debt that you will never be able to repay!" At that point, they left very quickly.
After that, the name Turds of Karma just kind of stuck. Although it is somewhat juvenile, I think it fits, and I hope that you will think of them in this same way, so that you won't be fooled by their con-artistry now, or later when you depart from the physical realm. With that bit of renaming out of the way, let's explore some of the ways the Turds of Karma (ToK) manipulate beings.
The Light Review Scam

If this process were allowed to occur without interruption, the True Light of that being would emerge from within them and they would release layer upon layer of limiting beliefs generated in that incarnation.
However, within the realms of the demiurgic control system, what happens is that the ToK intercept that being just as their light is starting to emerge from within and surround them in a dazzling display of colorful external light. (This is why most of the people with near-death experiences report going through a tunnel of light.) The dazzling outer display distracts the being from the light emerging from within them and hypnotizes them through frequency entrainment and activation of any and all religious programming that being had been exposed to during their incarnation.
The ToK and other members of the Spiritual Liararchy such as arch(on) "angels" and "ascended masters" will often be present in the background during this process. As the individual is filled with a feeling of universal love and connectedness, they are told that this feeling is coming into them from the external "beings of light" that are surrounding them.
However, this feeling of universal oneness and love is actually emerging from INSIDE of the being, and it is being reflected back to them by the ToK and the liararchy. The individual doesn't have any time to reflect on what is happening, because they are quickly moved into the "review" phase of the process. They are shown a little movie of their life which focuses on the disappointments, unfulfilled desires, painful experiences and hurtful actions the person experienced during their life.
Through this biased and manipulated "life review," the being is made to feel bad about their life, which is exactly what the ToK want.

If that being was raised with a Christian type of indoctrination, they will encounter "Jesus and the angels" but be told that they are "not yet worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven."
Of course, the fear of being sent to hell is so strong in their belief system that they JUMP at the chance to reincarnate and become "worthy" to enter "God's kingdom," which is actually the demiurge's kingdom.
After agreeing to reincarnate, the being is then sent to a "heavenly realm" in the middle to upper astral realms to await reincarnation. This realm is nicely decorated with simulations of nature, lovely views and a staff of "guardian angels" who make sure those beings go back to earth when their time comes. Of course, those "guardians" are actually parasitic sheep-herders tending to their flock, and there is NO allowance for the beings held in this realm to go elsewhere.
Karmic Transference
If the content of an individual's life, unhealed wounds and unfulfilled desires isn't enough to convince them that they need to reincarnate, they are presented with an even more brazen deception. They are shown what they are told is their own past life where they committed horrible crimes, and they are told that they need to continue incarnating into adverse conditions in order to "work off" that bad karma.
Some of that criminal being's malicious energy is then projected onto the individual who is being tricked into believing that they were once that horrible criminal.
That being then takes on agreements to "discharge" the "bad karma" that they have (supposedly) earned for themselves, never realizing that it was all a lie designed to keep them subjugated and enslaved. This is done to coerce the being's agreement to reincarnate and take responsibility for crimes that they did not commit, ensuring that the person's next life is going to be filled with undue hardship.
This karmic transference also allows those dark sorcerers who have aligned with the liararchy to avoid the repercussions of their own actions. This transference is also used on a large-scale upon the populace of the planet through forms of mass mind-control and media manipulation. To properly explain that will require a separate article, but the basic mechanism for how this is done is through subconscious agreements embedded throughout the media, corporate logos (sigils), financial contracts, admiralty law and other "matrix institutions."
Coerced Demiurgic Entry Agreements
One more very important aspect of the agreements that are put upon beings by the ToK are the original "entry agreements" that the beings coming into the corrupt demiurgic realm are forced to make in order to even gain entry into this system. Many of us came here from what I call "The Free Universe" to help dismantle the demiurgic system from within, and the liararchy imposed an extensive list of coerced agreements upon these "Free Souls" in order to limit their effectiveness.
Most of the Free Universe beings coming in were pretty confident they could overcome those limitations, so they signed up.
There really was not much option, but some of us negotiated more fiercely than others and were saddled with fewer of these pernicious agreements, but no one came in "unscathed." Regardless of how many coerced entry agreements we have, it is important to remove all of these agreements in order to get clear and proceed with our chosen tasks of healing and waking up others, as well as pulling apart the demiurgic construct from the inside.
Revoking Agreements
This is the process that I use and have been sharing with others in clearing out agreements. The liararchy hides copies of these agreements in various realms, so specificity is important in this process. It is also important that you engage this process from your Sovereign Inner Self (Higher Self, Divine Inner Self, etc) and that you make this process your own. Just reading revocation statements will not get the job done. We need to be consciously engaging this process using the force of our will to effect the changes we desire.I have found that once a person starts revoking agreements, it becomes easier over time to dig deeper to find more of them. Be aware that agreements often are splintered off into various fragments in order to make them harder to find. For example, there may be agreements to have difficult romantic relationships, difficult relationships with parents, with siblings, with friends, etc. These are all different "agreement clusters" that need to be specified and removed in separate processes.
So don't worry about getting rid of every agreement all at once. Take your time, and work through them on a daily basis as you sense them affecting you. The process outlined below is based on the Self-Clearing System Level 1 and Level 2, which form the foundation for the energy clearing work that I do.
- Stand in the power of your Divine Inner Self's Sovereignty. Expand the light of your Divine Inner / Higher Self from your heart, surrounding your body in a Heart Sphere of Sovereign energy.
- Connect to Earth's Core, Galactic Core, Infinite Source and the Forces of Divine Source Light.
- Ask for a Galactic Vacuum to be ready to remove everything into the Galactic Core. (This is a funnel cloud of galactic core energy that vacuums up everything needing to be removed and transmuted.)
- Call up all agreements related to "feeling like a victim" (or anything else) on this timeline and all other timelines in the past, present and future, and within all dimensions, densities, levels, realms and realities.
- Call forth all reinstatement clauses, copies, back-ups, mirrors, counter-party copies, etc of the agreements.
- State, "From the Inner Authority of my Sovereign Self, I declare ALL of these agreements null and void. I revoke ALL of these agreements as well as all counterparty copies, reinstatement clauses, duplicates, back-ups, mirrors, etc of everything previously named."
- Proclaim, "I reclaim ALL of my energy that has gone into these agreements." As your energies, essences, soul fragments, etc come back to you, reintegrate them through your heart center.
- Command, "I send all of these agreements and all facets previously named into the Galactic Vacuum to be transmuted in the Galactic Core."
- Call forward all "counter party copies" of these agreements and send them into the galactic vacuum for transmutation. These are copies of the agreements held by parasitic beings who drain small amounts of your energy via those agreements. Some of those beings might claim to be "lords" of karma in order to exert authority over you. Don't believe any of their lies.
- Tell those demiurge beings : "I am Sovereign. All of you parasitic 'counterparty' beings are hereby notified that you are FORBIDDEN from EVER affecting my energy again. If you do attempt to violate my sovereign energy sphere, I will FORCEFULLY send you to the Galactic core to be transmuted. While transmuting will be the best thing that has ever happened to you, it's possible that you will not emerge if there is nothing left within you to salvage and transmute. You have been warned."
- Next, offer those demiurgic counterparty beings an opportunity to step into the Galactic Vacuum to be taken to the Galactic core and transmuted. Some of them will take this opportunity so that they can be free from the Demiurge's control and hierarchical enslavement.
- Declare, "I remove ALL imprinting, implants, overlays, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, identities, frozen emotions, etc related to these agreements." Ask your Divine Inner Self to direct a Galactic Vacuum throughout your unconscious mind, subconscious mind, and all throughout your sphere of consciousness to remove all of these components, and anything else related to these agreements.
- Next, expand the light of your True Sovereign Inner Self to fill in all the areas that you have cleared. This allows the Truth of who you really are to replace the false constructs that have been removed.
- Call forward and Restore the original agreement that you made with Infinite Source to incarnate into this troubled realm and to carry Source Light in your incarnation. Let the loving power contained within that original agreement dissolve any remaining constructs related to those old, artificially imposed agreements.
- The most important part of all of this is your WILL to make this happen. Get a little angry if you need to, harness any righteous indignation you have and use the FORCE of your WILL.
- Affirm often:
"I am sovereign and no one is allowed to take my energy."
"I am sovereign and no being or non-being is allowed to infringe on my sovereign space."