There are a few reports that I find disturbing. In light of some of the replies from you which you admit are intentionally vague or selected for effect, (e.g. "Sabbateans" - which you told me was a label chosen simply because you wish to emphasize the evil nature of those responsible for the dark cabal that rules the world; and the recent promise made by the WDS to "take care of" the Saudis, etc.) as well as the strange answer to my question as to who makes up the WDS, the following statements that have come to my attention about you
are difficult for me to dismiss. If you care to reply, I would be grateful.
The statements about you are:
1. You are connected to the Jesuits as an agent.
BF answer: No I, Benjamin Fulford am not, and have never been a Jesuit agent or an agent of any other government. My connection to the Jesuits is that I attended Sophia University, a Jesuit university, in Tokyo for 3 years. Recently I passed along a hand written note to a Jesuit professor I have known personally for close to 30 years and who I know to be a good man with a good heart. The note asked for Jesuit cooperation in a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. That is it. If you want to know more about the Jesuits, I suggest you contact them directly.
BF answer: No I, Benjamin Fulford am not, and have never been a Jesuit agent or an agent of any other government. My connection to the Jesuits is that I attended Sophia University, a Jesuit university, in Tokyo for 3 years. Recently I passed along a hand written note to a Jesuit professor I have known personally for close to 30 years and who I know to be a good man with a good heart. The note asked for Jesuit cooperation in a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. That is it. If you want to know more about the Jesuits, I suggest you contact them directly.
2. The interview with Karen Hudes which you recorded you are
now selling over her objections.
BF answer: I have written proof she agreed to selling the interview.
BF answer: I have written proof she agreed to selling the interview.
3. It was you who recommended Del Bosco to Neil.
BF answer: It is true, that Leo Zagami came to visit me in Tokyo and said he could help finance a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. He introduced Daneil Dal Bosco to me as a "Vatican banker." It turned out otherwise. Also, a person introduced to me by Zagami, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights by the name of Vincenzo Mazzara, tried to kill me when I went Italy at the invitation of the P2 lodge.
BF answer: It is true, that Leo Zagami came to visit me in Tokyo and said he could help finance a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. He introduced Daneil Dal Bosco to me as a "Vatican banker." It turned out otherwise. Also, a person introduced to me by Zagami, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights by the name of Vincenzo Mazzara, tried to kill me when I went Italy at the invitation of the P2 lodge.
Over many of your reports, there is a noticeable emphasis on
individuals and groups as the ones most responsible for the
world's ills who also happen to be those who the Jesuits have sworn
to eradicate - Jews, Muslims, Protestants, Buddhists -
look at what recent wars have done to entire populations:
the Jews in WWII, the Buddhists in Vietnam...
BF answer: Never have I said anything bad about Jews, Muslims, protestants or Buddhists.
BF answer: Never have I said anything bad about Jews, Muslims, protestants or Buddhists.
Your call for the revolution in America and the taking down of the American
President and Federal government fits in perfectly with the Jesuit strategy
which is the destruction of the protestant nation where free speech and freedom
of religion were established.
BF answer: The corporate government of the United States has presided over the murder of tens of millions of innocent human beings since the end of World War 2. We are asking them to stop the mass murder. Do you have a problem with that?
BF answer: The corporate government of the United States has presided over the murder of tens of millions of innocent human beings since the end of World War 2. We are asking them to stop the mass murder. Do you have a problem with that?
While I cannot defend the crimes committed by American leaders, I think
there is another layer beneath what you are seeing that must be recognized:
and that is the Vatican strategy of discrediting America by any means possible and dumbingdown
the American public by any means necessary, including drugs, mindless violence
and meaningless sex, high level scandals, failure of government,
etc.Are you aware that US taxes go to the Bank of London and to the
BF answer: No, I was not aware of this. However, my understanding is that the root of the problem is a Satanic mafia that has infiltrated the Vatican and many other places and that the Vatican is now trying to purge these people.
Did you know that the US was incorporated by Lincoln to pay the Mercers of the Virginia
Company for the settlements that originated the US?
BF answer: No I did not.
BF answer: No I did not.
Did you know that, as a corporation, and one that went bankrupt in 1933, the American
public became the collateral, the enslaved debtors, bound by FDR to forever repay
US creditors?
BF answer: Yes, that is why the White Dragon Society is fighting to free the American people from debt slavery.
BF answer: Yes, that is why the White Dragon Society is fighting to free the American people from debt slavery.
And this all leads back to the Vatican Bank. The Federal Reserve is
under the control of the Vatican. The American people literally work
for the Pope. It was the Jesuits who had Lincoln assassinated and who
repeated this with JFK.
There is no organization in history more dedicated and sworn by oath to fulfill
their agenda than the Jesuits.
You once asked me who I think is behind the cabal?
Please check out Phelps' book "Vatican Assasins" or any of his interviews.
The Pope lays claim to both temporal and spiritual absolute authority over all
human beings.
Even the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers and all monarchs and heads of state
and the financial power brokers of this earth know that to cross the Jesuits means
Make no mistake, Ben. If indeed you are not allied with the Jesuits, then turn your
bright light on the ones who are behind the cabal. Their agents are easy targets and
make interesting copy.
But the real power rests with those who hide behind the holy cloth.
BF answer: Talk to the Vatican not to me about this stuff. I do not work for them. However, I suggest that instead of looking for enemies and people to fight that you seek people who have a common interest in spreading love and life.
BF answer: Talk to the Vatican not to me about this stuff. I do not work for them. However, I suggest that instead of looking for enemies and people to fight that you seek people who have a common interest in spreading love and life.