by Preston James

As some insiders at the highest levels know, there is an “Alien Agenda” controlling the USG that is administered by top Policy-Makers who sit at the top of the “Pyramid of Control” (POC) comprised of several notorius individuals who occupy the top positions of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG). (1)
This POC which controls the SSG is also known by insiders as the top leadership of Majestic-12 (aka Majesty 12 or MJ-12). Some have called this the “Circle of 12″ but at this time, it has not been publicly reported or verified who these individuals actually are, although many have some well justified suspicions.
These folks are several “senior policy makers” who determine the course that the visible, ceremonial or “pretend” US Government takes.
These few top Policy-Makers at the top of the POC have essentially hijacked the USG by taking the controls of the SSG (aka the “Military Industrial Complex”) which emerged as a parallel government during WW2 and rose to complete, unchallenged power after Roswell, using the Aliens and their assumed need to protect the “secret” of anti-gravity craft, using it as an excuse to set up a “National Security State” and institute spying and counter-espionage against the American People.
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Note: The subject of this article is noticeably incredulous to those that are uninformed of the basic related evidence. Unless you have read and studied the history of Roswell, know about Dr. Steven Greer’s disclosure project, what happened at Roswell, and the Alien Agenda, it is recommended that you don’t waste your time reading this article.Roswell was a major turning point and the true origin of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG).
It was at this point, after Roswell (2), that the SSG started back-engineering captured alien technology as well as instituting a covert war against “we the people”. This covert war against American citizens was no mere coincidence, it has been alleged to have been largely a by-product of identification of these top policy makers with aliens they began to work with in “beyond-black” shared technology development programs (special access unacknowledged programs with no written budgets or records).

After Roswell, a secret Shadow Government (SSG) and Majestic 12 emerged followed by the National Security State, aka the “iron fist in the velvet glove” and treaties were entered into with alien ETs to gain ultra-high technology and anti-gravity in exchange for access to human abductees and human genetics.
During the years since Roswell that MJ-12 has been working with certain alien representatives, it is now believed by some at the peripheral levels of all this that that those at the top levels of MJ-12 who set the policies of the SSG as well as the visible ceremonial government, have been infected with a Cosmic Parasite which essentially strips away their human soul and replaces it with some kind of “hived” and noticeably inhuman, evil spirit entity. Apparently these soul-stripped leaders of the POC/SSG/MJ-12 could not have been transformed, that is, taken in the Cosmic Parasite as served up by the alien leaders they were working with until several things occurred.
In order to become infested with the Cosmic parasite of Evil they had to have become “human compromised” that is they had to have willingly entered into into sexual honey traps or done some very criminal and socially unacceptable crimes against humanity like bribery, murder, starting wars, participation in eugenics, mass theft by fraud, pedophilia, etc., best summarized as habitually violating the Golden Rule (“Do unto others as you want them to do unto you”). Once they have become human compromised, their souls become stripped and they become even more evil, giving up all their humanness, and giving control over their actions to the influence of this evil Cosmic Parasite which has its own specific “Alien Agenda”, which is eugenics, soft-kill and hard-kill to depopulate the earth, to Terra-Form the earth and then to repopulated it with Alien/human hybrids.Once these top Policy-makers have lost their souls and taken in the evil Cosmic Parasite, they can then proceed with invading the Health and Welfare of other human beings and have almost no pangs of conscience.
If they do they can quickly be brought back in line or silenced if necessary by human compromise operations (Humint) or other direct executive actions such as various types of “neutralizations, sometimes terminations with Extreme Prejudice. This means placing their own wants, needs and satisfaction first before concern for anyone else, technically functioning as a criminal psychopath. The reason for Terra-forming the earth is not yet known for sure, but perhaps it is being done to help radically reduce the human population as well as to prepare the earth to better support in-habitation by alien/human hybrids as well as mining and extraction of minerals and resources desired by the aliens. Several highly informed researchers, and one high level intelligence officer, Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today have alleged or reported that these top Policy-Makers have actually had personal alien ET “spiritual guides” that have been assigned and introduced to them.These entities can reputedly run interference for these super-elite deviant top Policy-Makers, invoke Babylonian evil “Black-Magick spells” and do some limited Psi-powered spying and remote viewing for them. And they are rumored to require human sacrifices in return and expect and require their Kingpins within the “Circle of Twelve” to create as much human suffering and death as they can get away with, without being discovered for what they are. This requires very crafty acts of constructing cover and deception for their various hard-kill and soft-kill operations and use of cutout, often multiple layers of such.
These inter-dimensional spirit guides are energy parasites that feed off of their induced, manipulated human suffering and mass death.
These inter-dimensional “spirit guides” which can materialize and dematerialize in front of their assignees during secret rituals are claimed to receive their life energy and great enjoyment from massive human suffering and mass-murder, the more the better. There are however “rules of play” that limit their ability to operate, and the biggest block to their complete takeover is human free-will and the Golden Rule or treating others the way ones desires to be reflexively treated. the ability of these “Cosmic Parasite” evil spirit guides to gain control over society if based on their skills and ability to deceive and tempt folks to violate the Golden Rule and harm others or fail to care anything about others.

And it has been determined by some scientists that private DOD contractors are spraying toxic chemicals into the atmosphere, chemicals such as barium salts, nano-particles of aluminum and other toxic substances now showing up in grossly elevated human blood-levels, ground water and soil. It is suspected by not yet proved that such toxic contaminants are also being added to jet fuel in smaller but still toxic concentrations.

Others say these chemicals are being sprayed in association with top secret satellite based radar experiments to pick up inter-dimensional alien anti-gravity craft (AGCs). Another cover story is that these chemicals are biological agents needed to mass immunize the world’s population against new pandemics which would otherwise occur.
A very small Ruling Cabal uses the power of the National Security State which emerged after WW2 and Roswell to implement an Alien Agenda which is so evil it is incredulous to even those who are briefed on it.
The bottom line is that a very small secret “Ruling Cabal” of top Policy-Makers are able to impose their agenda upon the earth’s masses and this appears to be in line with a evil, anti-human agenda, one which some insiders have called an “Alien Agenda” to depopulate the earth of humans, Terra-form it, and repopulate it with alien/human hybrid which will be mass bred with a hived-mind, always obedient to the “Queen Bee” (aka the New Caesar of the Ages” who the aliens are planning to install as their NWO leader as soon as they take over.
After these top Policy-Makers were successfully human compromised, they became infected with the evil Cosmic Parasite as their souls were snatched and also became “hived” to the master Alien Agenda, a most evil script. It was at this point that these top policy Makers began to institute secret but radically evil covert programs to eugenicize and/or “soft-kill” the American public.Here is a listing of the various anti-human programs instituted by these top Policy Makers to soft-kill “we the people” in a cover war against American citizens:
1-Eugenic vaccination programs which inject dumbing-down chemicals like ethyl mercury (aka Thimerisol), toxic adjuvants like squalene, and cancer viruses like SV-40, and various serious diseases like HIV/AIDS placed in hepatitis B and smallpox vaccines for certain specially targeted populations..
2-Flouride added to the public water at toxic levels with no concern for the overall health effects.
3-GMO foods which are gene spliced to create higher crop yield, have “built in pesticide properties which are toxic to humans, and which contain top secret special RDA or DNA fragments which can alter human genes, effect health and create disease.
4-Aerosol spraying of known to be toxic chemicals in toxic concentrations which dumb-down the populace, create cognitive slippage (aka “senior moments of memory lapse” and difficulty with word selection–i.e. temporary “mental blocks”), reduced intelligence and various disease.
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Climbing the super-elite deviant food chain requires abandoning the “Golden Rule”, allowing ones soul to be extracted and replaced with an evil Cosmic Parasite.
By now you can see that anyone who intends to climb the super-elite deviant food chain must prove themselves worthy according to the evil performance standards of the SSG top Policy-Makers. This way no one gets to the top unless they have already lost their souls (some may have never had them and came from “bloodline families” believed to be Nephilim/human hybrid already). And those that are on their way up that stumble to a re-emergence of conscience (aka soul starts to re-assert or come back) are further human compromised and blackmailed for horrendous anti-social acts they get involved in due to temptations provided that they are not able to easily withstand.
Everything done by the SSG to spy on, tyrannize and harass Americans (especially the Federal Whistle-blowers) is a byproduct of this evil alien Cosmic Parasite influence, bets known as the “Alien Agenda”.
Top Policy-Makers are RICO criminals.
The following two videos show the work-products of these few Top Policy-Makers actions to soft-kill American Citizens in secret, which are RICO criminal acts by RICO criminal psychopaths which just happen to be in high SSG policy making.
The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, AKA as the RICO Act, is a “United States federal law” that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil “Cause of action” for acts performed as part of an ongoing “Criminal organization” or crime syndicate. The RICO Act focuses specifically on criminal Racketeering and it allows for any syndicate leader to be tried for the crimes which they had “Dirty hands” in because they had ordered others to do, or assisted them in doing, thus closing a previous loophole that allowed someone who ordered a subordinate to, for example, murder, or to commit another crime, to be exempt from the prosecution and conviction because he did not actually commit the crime personally.The abject power of these top RICO criminal psychopaths is so isolated, so protected and so enhanced by the illegal application of so-called “national security” to protect their “national security state. Thus these SSG/USG RICO criminals are able to institute massive soft-kill eugenics (as well as “hard-kill mass murders of induced war) all over the world with the public unable to learn about this because the Controlled major Mass Media (CMMM) which is merely a SSG propaganda dispenser, refuses to report on these events or give them proper, realistic coverage. In stead the CMMM merely provides debunking and cover-up. It is only the advent of the Alternative News now available on the worldwide Internet that is finally disseminating this hardcore truth exposing these most evil parasites on the human race, the RICO gangsters who are the top Policy-Makers that truly make all American policy, run all major American institutions and run America at almost every level.
RICO was enacted by section 901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (Pub.L.91-452, 84, Stat. 922, enacted October 15, 1970). RICO is codified as Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the US Code, 18 USC §1961-1968. While its original use in the 1970s was to prosecute the Mafia as well as others who were actively engaged in organized crime, its later application has been more widespread and can involve civil actions as well as criminal prosecutions and should certainly be applied to SSG/USG and central Bankster criminal Kingpins and their cutouts or partners in crime.
here is a video video about the secret development of HIV/AIDS and its deployment as a bio-weapon, paid for by Congressional and DOD funding (Operation Naomi).
Here is a controversial video which proposes that HIV/AIDS was a biological weapon developed with Congressional and DOD funding. Some experts believe this was done as ordered by top SSG Policy-Makers, the folks who sit at the top of the Pyramid Of Control (POC) and appears to be acting according to an alien agenda.
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Here is another important video for those who have time which is called “Flouridegate”. If you are short on time, you can skip ahead through the various sections.
This movie is a very detailed “snapshot” into how the USG health watchdog agencies are controlled by the hidden “Policy-Makers” who operate according to an evil, alien SOFTKILL AGENDA, rather than according to their supposed assigned role of protecting the health of Americans (they do just the opposite). The amount of deceit, lying and debunking that goes on in the top positions of these USG and private agencies and association is simply amazing and constitutes high level fraud and criminal negligence at a minimum, most likely mass murder too, prosecutable under RICO statutes.
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For those that dig enough and do enough detailed research, it becomes obvious that Top-Policy makers are hidden deeply within the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) which is the nexus of the National Security State, itself which is blatantly unConstitutional, violates all “Rule of Law”, is beyond reach of ordinary societal correction, is technically a very large RICO crime syndicate and is “evil beyond normal perception”, that is more evil than a normal human being can imagine. The actual reason? It is because the origin of this agenda that these top Poicy-Makers impose upon Americans and the rest of humanity is a byproduct of an evil Alien Agenda which they have internalized and adopted in exchange for unlimited wealth, power, fame and luxury. To keep their positions they must continue to work together with their like to create as much human suffering and death as they can get away with, without being exposed publicly, thus providing the “negative energy” their Cosmic Parasite evil alien Overlords require and feed on.
But in the final analysis it is a deal with “these evil entities” some have identified as the “spawn of lucifer” and in the process they lose their very souls, and become agents of evil and the Alien Agenda. Stay tuned, in my next article the very interesting and largely unknown process by which Presidential “front-men”or cutouts are selected by these top Policy-Makers will be identified and the process by which public policy is “administered” i.e. deployed upon America will be explicated.
(2) Corso, Philip, The Day After Roswell,