Friday, October 11, 2013


Published on Oct 10, 2013
That question came in a comment on my video from Wednesday. It was called: "The big question!" Indeed, who scraped the bottom of the barrel to find these people that hold high offices in our governments and other major institutions? There is almost no one in high levels with integrity. Russian Today carried a news story about Edward Snowden entitled: 'US unchained itself from constitution' ( Here, ironically, it was noted that Russia, in granting him asylum, actually followed international law, which the US Government is blatantly violating as it prosecutes, or attempts to prosecute those who are telling the truth. Only psychopaths fear truth; and it is people like this that seem to be at the helm of the most important positions in the world. As I said in yesterday's video: It's time to stop making excuses for criminal behavior. It's time to reign in these very sick people who need major psychological and spiritual help. May God help us.