Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ken's Blog: Money, banksters, and how to have the first without the second: Part 1

a resource for the awakening human: Money, banksters, and how to have the first without the second: Part 1

Money, banksters, and how to have the first without the second: Part 1

I first posted this entry a long time ago in my old blog, but was so bored by the subject of money that I didn't finish the series. With a new global(ist) financial system fast approaching, though, I sense the need and feel the motivation to finally complete it. So let's get started.

Why let international private banks loan money into existence...

...when it is better granted into existence by a local public entity?

In this series, I intend to lay out the basic ideas of how regular people can create their own currency system at the local level, then slowly merge their local systems into a global network that remains locally controlled. Such a system could serve as a nice segue to some form of money-free society that would inevitably follow. In order to approach these ideas in an understandable way, however, it is necessary to go step-by-step, because...

4) before one can understand how to properly run a money system, it is useful to understand how and why money is being improperly created now,

3) before one can understand how and why money is being improperly created now, it is necessary to understand what money really is,

2) before one can understand what money really is, it is necessary to understand what real wealth is, and

1) before one can understand what real wealth is, it is necessary to understand the nature of human needs, wants, and desires.

So I will begin by examining the nature of human needs, wants, and desires. And the way I currently look at things, there are three levels of human need...

Level 1 (Needs): These are things that are required for humans to maintain their physical embodiments from day-to-day. They include such things as the minimum food and water necessary to prevent imminent death by starvation and dehydration; emergency health care to prevent imminent death from illness and injury; and basic shelter (either in the form of a structure or clothing) to prevent imminent death from environmental conditions.

Level 2 (Wants): These are things that are not critically necessary to maintain a day-to-day physical embodiment, but if absent, will diminish the experience of life by facilitating physical or mental pain. Such things include a sufficient amount and variety of food to prevent serious bouts of hunger and to maintain a stable state of health; a sufficient amount of water to prevent serious bouts of thirst and to maintain essential hygiene; sufficient health care to prevent disability and pain from illness and injury; and sufficient shelter and clothing to prevent painful exposure to environmental conditions.

Level 3 (Desires): These are things that are not critically necessary to maintain a physical embodiment from day-to-day, and if absent, will not facilitate physical or mental pain. But if you have them, they will add to the enjoyment of life. Such things include an ample amount and variety of food to enable robust physical health and culinary enjoyment; an ample amount of water to enable total saturation of thirst, a pleasing level of cleanliness, and aquatic recreation; abundant health care to provide for the nurturance and improvement of the physical body; and shelter and clothing that provide comfort and are pleasing to the senses.

So, to restate all this in simpler terms:

Level 1 Needs: You have them or you die.
Level 2 Wants: You have them or you are in pain.
Level 3 Desires: You have them or you lack pleasure.

Almost all of us share the same Level 1 Needs, but some aspects of Levels 2 and 3 can vary from person to person. For instance, take someone who has a burning desire to express herself through music and a deep love for the sound of the guitar: for her, not having a guitar would facilitate mental pain, and that pain would motivate her to do whatever is necessary to obtain the guitar she wants. Clearly, a guitar is a Level 2 Want for her; for others who might just want to play the guitar as a hobby, it would be a Level 3 Desire; for still others who have no real interest in playing guitar, owning one won't factor in at any level.

In pondering all this, it is also necessary to take note that it takes more than material goods and services to meet the Three Levels of Human Need, for humans also have needs, wants and desires for such intangible things as...

Liberty: For many people, the freedom to make their own choices (as long as it causes no real harm to anyone else), and to thereby express, experience and learn according to their own internal guidance, is a Level 2 Want. The absence of the open vistas of unfettered choice would facilitate mental pain for them. For others who take comfort in having boundaries set for them, liberty would be a Level 3 Desire, as not having it could potentially reduce their enjoyment of life by preventing them from doing something they'd like to try.

Contribution: For most people, the feeling that they receive from others without giving back can cause significant mental pain. Most people want to feel that they give back at least as much as they get (so they won't feel like a burden on others), and many others want to give more than they receive so they can help elevate the living state of the human family. So a job is Level 2 for most. When you consider the fact that jobs (opportunities to contribute) are one of the most necessary products of an economy, economics takes on a whole new slant.

Beauty: For some people, looking at a drab world of utilitarian forms would facilitate mental anguish, so beauty is Level 2 for them. For others, as long as things work, they don't care too much if they're beautiful, but they do appreciate beautiful things from time-to-time (so beauty is Level 3 for them).

Love: For most, the absence of love in their lives would cause considerable pain, so it's Level 2 for just about everybody. And I've heard that for many babies, it's actually Level 1, for they physically die if not shown any affection.

Given all this, my picture of a loving world is one where everyone works together to ensure that ALL have their Level 1 Needs and Level 2 Wants completely covered, as well as as many of the Level 3 Desires as can be provided without overburdening all with excessive toil. Those who want more can contribute more. And we'll find that meeting all those needs, wants, and desires requires much less work when we are no longer supporting a 500-pound bloodsucking vampire on our collective back.
Now that I've set forth this understanding of human needs, wants and desires, I can go on to the subject of true wealth in the next entry of this series.

Till then, I hope your first two levels are well covered, and I send you my love....
