Cabal buys time with proposal to hand over money to humanity
At a meeting between cabal representatives and the White Dragon
Society yesterday (September 30th) the cabal was able to gain a little
breathing room by promising to distribute money for the benefit of
humanity.The cabal representatives showed up with a detailed and complex flow-chart showing the exact nature of the cabal governing structure and the names of the people involved. Close to the top of the chart could be found US National Security Adviser Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, CIA head John Brennan, as well as the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan and Chinese dynastic families. Other institutions that featured prominently included the UN, the British Monarchy, the G7, the Bank for International Settlements etc. Only three copies of this chart are supposed to exist and the WDS was not allowed a copy in order to prevent other cabal members from identifying the person who showed the chart to the WDS. The very top names were missing from the chart.
In any case, several prominent Asian power brokers were involved in setting up this meeting. For this reason, we can confirm it represented genuine cabal interests. The meeting was called in response to a plan by right wing power brokers in Japan to stage a coup d’etat against cabal rule.
The WDS proposed that while some existing cabal interests could be preserved, entirely new transparent financial structures, involving humanity as a whole, would be needed in order to prevent violent revolution and civil war in the US and other places. In response the cabal representatives said
that they would have to consult with their bosses on the issue.
At the meeting, the WDS mentioned the example of the break-up of Stanley Ho’s gambling monopoly in Macau as a possible template for future action. Stanley Ho was forced to share his gambling monopoly with 5 other groups. Ho now controls only 25% of Macau’s gambling market but, because competition made the market grow so quickly, the 25% share is worth far more money than the 100% share he used to own was.
In the same way, if the cabal shares their monopoly on central banking with other groups, they would unleash so much dormant human potential that they would be far better off than if they continued their futile efforts to control everything.
In this way, various groups fighting for control of the world’s financial system could all be made happy. Neil Keenan and his group could start their big projects to turn the deserts green etc. The other M1 and their OITC group (presumably the Vatican) could finance big anti-poverty campaigns being promoted by Pope Francis. The British Commonwealth and their interests could also start massive projects, as could the Germans and just about everybody else.
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