
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Whistleblower Karen Hudes Update for September 2, 2013

Profile image Recovering Buried Gold in the Philippines and Indonesia; Chinese Bankers and Corrupt Federal Government

Subject: RE: Update
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2013 00:45:18 -0400

Dear Pat,
     What is going on: the whole world is bringing the gold that was hidden in Indonesia and the Philippines during World War II out of the ground.  The Chinese bankers are in charge of this. These Chinese bankers are now poised to reset the US dollar using this gold, and they want to take over the government of our country, which has been weakened, corrupted, and compromised by the owners of the Federal Reserve.

     We are facing martial law because we have not done what Hungary did: kick out the Federal Reserve and the Bank for International Settlements.

     Look at page 16 of this  The man at the US Treasury whom I wrote about the corruption at the World Bank was also involved in removing Ferdinand Marcos’ heirs, and appointing the UN to oversee gold that was buried in the Philippines during World War II.  See pages 14 and 15
     and look at the study at the bottom of my letter to Chief Justice Roberts:

I described this problem in this article:


From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 11:58 PM
Subject: James McBride and R.C. Dam 1088
Cc:US Supreme Court, The White House, Attorney General Eric Holder, US Treasury, National Security Administration, Vice President Joe Biden, Austria Finance Minister, IMF, Bank for International Settlements, Governor of Wisconsin

Dear Winston,
     A few months ago you kindly offered to be of assistance.  I have been asking for an appointment with the Office of International Treasury Control and with James McBride and have not heard back.  There seems to be some confusion about whether it is possible to access the Global Accounts at this time.

     I spoke yesterday with an authorized signatory on the master account, who inherited his signatory authority from the estate of Ferdinand Marcos.  I spoke the day before that with descendants of the Borci family, who are Elders in the Philippines. These gentlemen agree that there can be no settlement of the Global Accounts without addressing corruption in the Bretton Woods institutions and the rest of the international financial system at large.  The Vatican cannot deputize James McBride in order that Mr. McBride simply replaces the super entity identified in ”The network of global corporate control”, ETH Zurich, published September 2011 available here: without regard for the underlying humanitarian global assistance purposes of the Global Accounts.

Karen Hudes
Law Offices of Karen Hudes

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