
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tolec Update - September 7, 2013

Published on Sep 7, 2013

This report is based on recent information, secured by me within the past few days, regarding specific additional details provided by my contacts, executive management board members of the Andromeda Council, including Tania the Vice-Chairwoman of the Council, and the commander of the primary Andromeda Council biosphere regarding - what the media is calling: "Comet Ison".

My contacts on the Andromeda Council call this celestial object - the biosphere: "Xanterexx". And it is headed toward Earth space.


Reported By Anon

I'm going to provide you with my feedback... in no specific order:

a.) my contacts who are Executive Management board members with the Andromeda Council, as well as the commander of the primary Andromeda Council biosphere -

they are still the same contacts with whom I've been in communication for the past three years, non-stop.

They've been consistent with me in terms of how they communicate, and how they share their information & knowledge... throughout this whole period of continuous communication with me... which I've been able to verify independently...

via a variety of non-solicited 3rd party sources... who have verified at least 90% of the information that I've learned from these same Andromeda Council contacts.


b.) And therefore, regarding my statement about "Xanterexx" / 'Comet Ison' -

they & I stand by the formal "Announcement" I made, and all of the facts in that announcement.

c.) this biosphere ship IS ABOUT 'long range' 'contact'... coming in from such a far distance... traveling at a relatively slow pace... it gives people an opportunity to 'see' it, review it, and have much discussion about it... prior to it's arrival in Earth's high orbit. This is exactly the point... for people to be able to see it, have in-depth conversations about it, prepare for its arrival... and everything that comes after it arrives.

note: I will be producing & releasing a formal statement onto YouTube w/in the next few days - providing even more details & facts regarding this incoming Galactic Federation & Andromeda Council biosphere & its accompanying guardian/escort ships.

As to Tanaath, Drake, Tanah & Sunfire...

I like Tanaath, always have... and I have great respect for her.

At this time... I will just say that the information THEY are receiving... is not correct. They do not have all of the details... they think they have. And misunderstandings in life are ALWAYS possible.

In closing - that people are highly interested in this event & discussing it at great length.... this is a great thing. It's great to know there is so much discourse & interest in this topic & event.

take care,
Wodakote, peace,