Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Syria Watch (Update 9) - The Clown Posse and the Real Syria Agenda

Syria Watch (Update 9) - The Clown Posse and the Real Syria Agenda

A reader asked me today for my take on an inaccuracy in Benjamin Fulford's latest report. And since there was no reset/RV yesterday or today, I'll go ahead and throw in Poof/Zap also (as well as Drake, his beloved Keenan, and all the other bozos who tell lie after lie yet are still taken seriously by so many). Why do they keep lying? What is their mission? And how does it relate to the current Syria situation?

On one level, there is probably a psywar element to their false deadlines and clear inaccuracies. It creates cognitive dissonance and leads some to become deeply disappointed and give up on their spiritual awakening. But I think there is another aspect to it too: it is their lawyerly way to use free will to absolve them of responsibility for misleading others.

By placing lies that are easy to see amidst their information, the Clown Posse and their masters force the reader to make a choice: choose to overlook and accept the lie because the reader really, really wants the rest of the information to be true, or choose to acknowledge the inaccuracy of the information and start to think for his or her self. If people choose to accept the lies, the Satanists figure they deserve what they get. "We gave them clear evidence it was BS," they'll say, "and they made a free will choice to believe it anyway. You can't blame us for their choice."

So what is the Clown Posse mission? Their job is to program, through constant repetition, the awakened community into accepting the new Chinese-fronted financial system as something wonderful for humanity. This is despite the fact that it was the deliberate policy of the Western "elite" to tear down the US and Europe (specifically their middle classes) and build up China and Asia. The West had to be humbled into accepting dependence on government so the global government could get a good hold on them; the East had already been humbled. After all, when you think back, who "opened China" and started this whole ball rolling? None other than the renowned globalist nogoodnik Henry Kissinger back in 1971.

Harbor no illusions...

Any GLOBAL financial system that arises is a GLOBALIST financial system.
How can it possibly be otherwise?

So where does Syria fit in? It looks like Syria will be the trigger that will complete the humbling of the West and allow the full implementation of the Beast System. To see why, let's look at the scenario that has been carefully and deliberately laid out for us to see...

> Obama has expressed his determination to strike Syria even if Congress votes no.

> As soon as the Syrians detect incoming American missiles, they have stated that they'll launch everything they've got at Israel. And Israel will likely respond by nuking Damascus, thus fulfilling the prophecy/blueprint the Satanists are trying to follow. According to this blueprint, Damascus must become "a ruinous heap."

> AND HERE'S THE KEY PART: The Russians will likely strike Saudi Arabia, and the given excuse will be the widely publicized meeting between Saudi Prince Bandar and Vladimir Putin (as well as the Saudis' possible funding of the military effort per John Kerry). Since Saudi Arabia is the linchpin of the petrodollar system, the US dollar will start unraveling, thus leaving a vacuum. And who will step forward to fill that vacuum with an asset-backed currency system? The people who have, per design, been accumulating all the gold, strategic metals, and other commodities: the Chinese.

The whole thing (the Chinese system, the Clown Posse, and Syria) is a set up. But those who think conventionally will not see it coming. And who will be there to explain to them how wonderful it all is? The brainwashed lightworkers.

So what do we do about it? We do everything possible to delay or stop this Syria attack and every other step in their agenda (it appears we're having an effect). And we remember that the antidote to globalism is localism. Embracing globalist-offered global "solutions" is the path to total subjugation and global statism; creating community solutions is the path to freedom and global community.

Love always....