
Monday, September 2, 2013

Silver Legion Announcements: New Book For The 911 Truth Movement

Khalezov's book, for the people interested in 911

by Tanaath on 09/02/13

A friend asked me to echo this, so I am. Start taking down the information and repeating it if you feel comfortable doing so or feel called to do so. It would be nice if this went viral.

A new 9/11 book is out. I'm sending you this message because the US government has banned all websites from mentioning it.
In 2010, Dimitri Khalezov told us that the WTC was demolished by three 150 kiloton thermonuclear devices that had been built into the foundations of the WTC. This is his background:
He has spent 10 years researching and writing his book on the 9/11 truth.
His latest Youtube video gives the download links to this book. He also gives links to his collection of genuine "ground zero" definitions from hundreds of pre-9/11 dictionaries:
This is his message:
Links are below. Please, download this book on nuclear demolition of the WTC and re-distribute it as widely as possible:
Please, download also this archive with the biggest collection of genuine "ground zero" definitions from hundreds of pre-9/11 dictionaries:
Feel free to share this with other people too!
I urge you to create alternative download links for both of these files and share them via torrents!

Please, be in a hurry, these links may not last!