Monday, September 9, 2013

Secret Space War X: The Third Force Begins Its take-down of Mystery Babylon

Anunnaki_image…by Preston James

Is the Syrian gambit an Astounding convergence of pre-staged baffooneries?
In an astounding but brilliantly managed convergence of numerous pre-staged buffooneries, it certainly appears that the Third Force has now manipulated American Politicians, Intel, the Judiciary and Officials into a situation where they are becoming completely exposed for all the criminal and unconstitutional acts they have committed, thanks to the worldwide Internet’s dispensation of “truth nuggets” which make such readily apparent to many Americans for the first time.

Has the Third Force begun its move to take down Mystery Babylon, the City of London Central Banksters, the folks who run the US Petro Dollar and hold most of the free world hostage with it?
It’s almost as if Potus is committing political suicide right before our very eyes while triggering the exposure of the rest of the USG’s serial lying, illegal warrant-less massive spying, staging of false-flag attacks and other false pretenses used to take America into illegal, undeclared, unconstitutional wars for defense contractor profits and increased police powers under the influence of foreign based powers which include the zionist city of London Central Banksters and Israeli-firster dual Citizens and NeoCon traitors.

Is there an “Alien Agenda” that has been set up by the Third Force as a master trap for the USG?
Is this all part of a big hidden trick of the “Alien Agenda” the USG entered into in secret after Roswell? Has the USG been enticed into a major trap by entering into a partnership with alien ETs to obtain advanced technology and has the USG been set up to become fully exposed and “sacrificed” as a part of a larger Alien Agenda run by the Third Force?

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