
Monday, September 9, 2013

Mountain Goat Update - September 9, 2013 Everyone,

Today was a great day!  I had a visit from a very dear old friend who appeared out of  nowhere. If you only knew what this friendship means to me you too would be celebrating and excited. Part of the visit we sat and we talked for hours about our lives and we caught up on past memories. Then we began to get down to business.

Do you know what it is like to “walk the fence”?  Did you ever try to walk a fence? It is normally very difficult cause the fence bends and sways as you walk on it. It’s a balancing game and some get hurt too. Many times perhaps you might fall off on one side or the other. I mention this analogy because this is how most of us live our lives. Sometimes I am no better. This weekend my dearest friend reminded me of this and so I decided to jump off the fence one more time. I decided to open my mind and listen.

When we decide to “walk the fence” what are we really doing?  We are doing what seems easy to do.  But in reality it is never easy to walk that fence. Am I correct?  As a kinder have you ever tried it? We are afraid of making that commitment  to the morals and ethics that we often know we should live by-this is the walking the fence I refer to. Remember is my past posts I mentioned those  decisions we make - one at a time each and everyday that may not seem to effect us now but do later on, sometimes much later. In reality the ripples of that decision have already gone out to the world, to the universe and only later we feel it cause it comes back to us, maybe as a tidal wave. Then we are in the damage control mode or sometimes a great blessing too is upon us.

If you understand what I have just said then you can begin to understand why the USA is having to deal with all of these issues so suddenly. The tidal wave now has come back to the shore after years and years of throwing those stones into the water as we all walked that darn fence and did little to stop it. . I think perhaps its best if we all think about the real possibility of jumping off that fence now and making the commitment. But what side do I take? Do I jump off to the right side or to the left side?  What does your heart tell you? We all know. So we jump and if it happened to be the wrong side at least we now know and we adjust and jump over to the other side, but at least we did something. We got off the fence and stopped our complacency.

Changes being made today
Do you know that there are many and I mean many good smart people that have long time ago jumped off the fence and decided to do something about the corruption in your government. They knew that if it continued there just might not be a USA much longer, at least the one you all enjoy so much. In my last post I talked about some astonishing information that startled me as much as it startled many of you. For me however I have worked in the intelligence arena before so I was not really astounded but I wondered how I could relay it to my audience at TNTDINAR. I really tried to tone it down and select what was what I thought was directly related to our investment. If anyone thought it nonsense or conspiracy stuff then that is their opinion. Sometimes it is difficult to separate the truth without telling all the truth. Otherwise my post would have been worthless and meaningless. You better think again. For me I only bring facts and facts that I have verified. I do not bring a seed of truth. I bring the entire grown tree…lol…You may not think so now but over time you will see that I am correct. I did not mean to scare anyone. We all said we were adults and could take knowing the information. You have all already agreed to that you are ready. We still had some babies, I know, but lets leave them an dif they come into this site lets try to teach them and maybe we have to push them a little to get them to jump off the fence?

My friend joined me in conversation about this weekend and it was just not about old memories either. Let me now relay to you what we discussed.

There are certain events that must line up for the revaluation of the IQD to happen. She called me last week and so I too had some homework to do prior to her visit. I do not know why or understand why the banks are kept on high alert for this event. All these call centers and that stuff. Remember too they are getting paid very good by the UST for this standby service and only man these offices when asked to. Someone if paying them and I don’t understand the motive behind it. But I think we are now getting closer to the bottom of what is really holding up this RV.

There are events that must link together
The first event that I am talking about includes the prosperity funds ( I wish they would call them something else). I never believed in these funds and thought all a long that if there was a scam in this investment this was it. But I was wrong. When my friend began talking about this topic I quickly sat at the edge of my seat and listened to every word. She had no idea how I already felt about these prosperity packages. She said that the funds are coming from gold that was part of a loan to the USA from China after WW2 for reconstruction funds. Also each administration since then seems to have forgotten about these funds.  So why have these funds not been used then for their intended purpose, I asked?  Well can you guess? They were never distributed as planned. Bingo….more corruption! Finally in the 1990’s during the Clinton administration some of this gold was discovered and invested and used a slush fund for covert operations. These are illegal operations that are not funded through Congress cause they are illegal and probably would never get funding and they know that. What are some of these covert operations?  Do you really want to know what your government has been doing? I will tell you. These operations involve arms deals (just like the shady stuff Maliki tried but worst). They arm these revolutions, rebels, terrorists and criminals and have been the instigators of  just about every outbreak of revolutions, overthrowing of governments and global wars since WW2. They also add to the fund through the selling of illegal drug trade.

The US Government is Drug Trafficking
What did you say? The US government is in the drug trade?  Not only are they in it but they support it and fund it. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is a federal law enforcement organization within the United States Department of Justice signed into law 1968. The system is set up at the top levels to add to the slush fund from bribes from the cartels as they allow the drugs to enter the markets worldwide. The little guy and neighborhood dealers are prosecuted and dealt with through the judicial system, since after all is it not illegal? …lol.. They take the blunt of the law and the pretension is the ATF is trying to fight the drug traffic. Laws are written to confiscate property (homes, cars, boats cash, etc..) from the small dealers and users while the real violators at the top are never touched. After all we don’t want drugs in our schools and workplace do we….look at what it is doing to our youth…lol….I am being now sarcastic of course since if your government really wanted to clean up the drugs and cared about drugs in your country they could literally do it overnight by simply closing down the cartels at the top by stopping their support , funding and enforcing the laws on everyone equally. So we can see how these funds have contributed to this slush fund in ever greater quantities over the years. There is a ton of money now in these funds.

So how does this all relate to our investment ?
It relates to our investment because it has become the key to the RV. There are three events that now must line up. Remember is was not always this way but as the clock ticks and we get closer to other events they make decisions to change the plan.

1.The payout of the prosperity funds for this slush fund
2. The rollout of the US Treasury Notes
3. The readiness of global reset (technical and all agreements done)

Items 2 & 3 everyone should not be somewhat familiar with already and I will not go into lots of details but only to let you know how they will effect the timing of the revaluation process.

Taking care of business with the “slush” funds
So the objectives were decided many years ago to first shut down these slush funds. How do you do this?  You do it simply by finding the money and taking it. It is all illegal money and if anyone complains, well then they are subject to explaining where it came from. So far they have complained (especially the Bush family) but then the negotiations began and this began the process we are in today. You hear about it often when these calls talk about the prosperity packages. Do “they” want to be exposed? Better cooperate or this will all come out to the public. It will anyhow just give it time. So you see if you get rid of the slush fund then the gov’t support for the drug cartels also goes away and the ATF can then begin to enforce the law equally. Watch the drugs simply dry up in the coming years. This will no longer be an issue in the USA. About time!

So in order to  rollout these  prosperity funds these entities must agree to relinquish any rights over these funds. This is now ongoing negotiations and I am told it is concluding and should be completed this coming week. Who will be getting these funds? Will it be the citizens of the USA or will they use them to pay off the debt? I did not confirm any of this since my freind really did not yet know. Can anyone of you tell us?

Rollout of the new US Treasury notes
Originally they wanted to roll out the new notes in October 2013. They are still on target. This coming October? -  yes that’s just weeks away. They are now planning to roll them out a little at a time by denomination. I am hearing they will simply begin switching new money as it arrives at the banks and certain accounts will be converted  and then under the new notes. It may seem confusing but it is not. For instance when you go exchange you Iraq dinar they will be exchanged for US Treasury notes and your account will be flagged as such. If you wanted to deposit anything else into that same account in the future it would be subjected to the same taxes and laws for the new notes. Be careful!  If you want to take cash out I am told you will now be able to get US Treasury notes instead of the Federal Reserve Notes. Most major banks are now fully stocked with all needed denominations of US Treasury Notes and plan to use all of them beginning October 1st.

State of the readiness of the global reset
Looks like they are attempting to coordinate these three events together. If this is true, and I am now hearing it is, then we should not expect an RV until early October unless they pull it all together earlier and decide that they can go early. The plan can change. This is dynamic. We all know the technical issues are solved and the new rates all can effectively and accurately down load come the exchanges and banks. I think the decision for action in Syria too will decide what course of action to take next with this global reset. I am hearing maybe next Tuesday is the decision day on that. Let’s watch how it all plays out. Please read my last post about plans for Syria UU5423 Serious with Syria. Remember I stated those are the plans. Will they be allowed to execute and can they execute them. I have to think that this will all be stopped. I have hope.

Peace and Luv to ya,
mnt goat

Last edited by mnt goat (Today 04:55:23)