Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mountain Goat Update - September 3 , 2013

Hi Everyone,

Today there is a break from the storm as there is some clearing in the skies and this will give us some hope that all may be well, at least for now. There are however many new storms brewing in the horizon and if you pay attention you too can hear the rumbling of the thunder and see the distant flashes of the lightening.

A bit of house cleaning

In many of my posts I use the term “they” to describe some entity that is holding back the revaluation of the Iraq dinar.  I have had many requests during and after my last three posts to explain  the “they”.

So at requests of the members I wrote  UU5422 in part to clarify this term. So I hope everyone now has a clear understanding of who is holding up the RV and their disposition?

It is a group of political leaders of the USA (the bad guys)  the second layer of government (the bad guys) using the RV as leverage to negotiate with groups (the good guys) who have exposed their plans for world dominance and the means to which they propose to do it.
From the hundreds of replies I received from the UU5422 post I can see that about 95% of the members understand what was told them. That leaves about 5% who do not. Not a bad percentage and I will leave the 5% in their own Disney fantasy.

Since TNTDINAR is not a conspiracy site but rather a site dedicated to the revaluation of the IQD I will not attempt to go any further on this topic or elaborate on anything else I said in this post.

Go back and re-read it. I believe my point has been made. I can back up everything I say on my posts. I leave everyone with the seeds of truth. It is now up to you to plant them and make they grow. In other words get off you ____ and do your own research. I am not going to spoon feed you! We are all adults. This applies mostly to the 5%.

I have spent years and years of  investigating these facts so you too can see clearly now if you chose to. You can believe what I say or you can spend years of digging and researching as I have. I do not owe anyone anything. You do not pay me for my time spent, my telephone calls or time away from my family. I am blessed to have this 95 % of you members who do understand and I will always try to assist where I can to bring you news of this RV, if I am allowed to.

But remember one thing – if you ask for the truth be careful… just may get it and it may shock you. Be prepared of it. I will always to try to answer all constructive questions when I can through the TNT mailbox.

Please stop sending me your personal emails and/or telephone numbers. This is not smart no matter how much you trust me. You are all about to be millionaires. Someone can put together a nice mass marketing scheme and use your personal information.

So what it the news today

There are still many articles coming out of Iraq on the conversations between the CBI, the GOI and Parliament. These articles are interesting since they tell us they do need the remove the zeros and delete the zeros projects completed and they need them done now.

I do want you to step back and remember these statements have been ongoing since before April of this year. That is already 5 months.

So where is the RV? 

Why have then not completed these projects already? We know for a fact the CBI planned to RV last July 2012 over a year ago.

I know for a fact there were plans to RV again in April 2013 but the CBI was told to hold off again until further notice.

These projects are not completed because they await the international rollout announcement. This can not be done until the UST gives the final go ahead. This will not happen until some higher political figures authorize it.

Iraq can not do anything until they are given the green light from sources that are telling them to stall. They are stalling by telling the people what they must to satisfy them and let them know its coming and they are still in control of it.

But we all know who “they” are who are really in control of it. In July we saw that out of desperation they began to pay various rates on the Qi Cards depending on the program you could receive differing sums of money.

Mores Notes about the Qi Cards

Just want to interject a bit in my thoughts today and tell you a little more about these cards. I had a long conversation with my contact in Iraq yesterday on this topic and I wanted to pass it along to you.

The citizen does not automatically get the card. They must apply for the card, go through the identity process and they return to the office to pick them up. Then depending on their program, funding can or can not be allocated on the cards.

The rates vary since the laws dictate which programs are paying out what rates.

So why do we hear some have no cards? Cause they never applied for them. Why do we hear some are getting paid  98 cents (ration fund), while others are getting $1.17 (pension fund) and others are getting $3.44 (money owed to contractors) and others are getting nothing $0.00. It depends on the program. You see now?

So to make a long story short if you were to ask one person in a providence if they have money on their card you can see how the answers could be no. While in the same providence or another providence you could ask the same question and get an entirely different answer.

This does not mean the cards are not loaded for some and they are paying out at RV rates. The maximum rate on the cards I am told in $3.44 and this makes perfect sense to me.

I can remember in mid 2012 I was told that the rate would come out at $3.44. This is showing exactly what I was told over a year ago. I did not believe it then since I admit I was stuck in a process that it had to come out lower, and then have the final RV later to bring it up to the $3.44. I was wrong. But this is a dynamic situation over in Iraq and the process has now varied.  

Is the USA going to attack Syria

On Sunday I have heard that your president Obama made an executive decision not to bomb Syria for now. Behind closed doors it was said there are other ways of dealing with the crisis. This decision was made due to lack of  being able to put together a coalition and receiving the approval needed from the UN Security Council.

There is also talk of not wanting to take a gamble that Iran would blockage the Straight of Hormuz in the Pursian Gulf / Gulf of Oman. Personally I believe it was a guaranteed move since Iran already came out with a warning to the USA that this would happen. The US Navy could take care of any blockage but at what cost?

If this did happen it would severely impede the oil exports to the USA, China and Europe causing gas rationing and much higher cost in USA. Not a politically smart thing to do.

However most importantly  this could also cause an escalation of a new war in the Middle East some say WW3. So I hope you can learn from this episode why it is important that the long term strategy of the USA is to gain complete control of all the Middle East. That is their long term plan.

My gut feeling has always been that this RV would have to happen prior to any bombings or invasions of Syria. That is only my personal opinion however and I have no evidence to back this up. This may in fact be also one of the reasons why Obama made his decision.
How does this effect the RV rates?

First let me say there was an outside window of Sept 1st  planned for this RV to be activated.

This date is now passed and still no RV. 

As I mentioned in my last post UU5422 about the impeding storm but that now it is underway. The decision not to bomb Syria is a break from the storm, a temporary clearing in the skies, the sun may even poke through and give us some warmth.

So who won this battle?

I believe the good guys won and we will see the lower of the rates be activated in the banks very shortly.

I am hearing nothing but really good prospects that this is the week and I also heard that there are many reasons for wanting this to go international not just for us but for issues, events and pressure once again building in Iraq. They need this RV desperately.

Hope this helps.

Ps- this is the real goat no one has hacked into TNTDINAR….lol…

Peace and Luv to ya all,
mnt goat