> a retro lunchbox (so out of the almost unlimited number of things you could create, you choose one specific thing: a lunchbox),
> made of hard plastic (so out of the vast array of materials you could use to make your lunchbox, you choose one specific material: hard plastic),
> red with a white handle (so out of the virtually limitless palette of colors and color combinations you could use, you choose one specific color scheme: red with white),
> a rectangular cuboid with rounded edges and corners (so out of the various shapes you could use, you choose one specific shape: a cuboid),
> 4"x8"x7" in dimension (so out of the large range of dimensions you could use, you choose one specific set: 4"x8"x7"),
...and so on... until you end up creating this...

As you can see, through the process of creation, you have taken the unlimited possibilities available to you and you've whittled them down to one specific form. And from this example, you can see that...
is the manifestation of a system of definitions, and the more
definitions you assign to a form, the more you limit its possibilities.
Now if you take this insight about form and apply it to the human body form you inhabit, the Earth planetary form your body inhabits, the solar system form the Earth inhabits, the galactic form our solar system inhabits, and so on until we reach the universe form that all those layers inhabit, you see that you live in a very complex, multi-layered system of definitions...

...In this graphic, just picture your spirit as the smiling part in the middle, the blue sphere is your human form, the green sphere is the Earth form, and the gold sphere is the universe form. From this, you see that your spirit is ensconced in a nested system of forms. And due to all these layers of forms and their complex definitions, you find the human experience to be a very limiting one.
And with all that being said, you also come to realize that...
When you accept a form, you are accepting definition.
And when you accept definition, you are accepting limitation.
And when you accept definition, you are accepting limitation.
Of course, limitation is not necessarily a bad thing. In order to have forms to experience, limitation is unavoidable. All forms come from taking the limitless fabric of Creation and cutting out specific realities to explore.
Now let's get back to the lunchbox design process and expand it to the level of designing the forms we call this universe, this galaxy, this solar system, this planet, and our species. As you can imagine, designing these forms would require a very complex list of definitions, and doing so would seem to be beyond the capabilities of a human. So if we aren't designing those things, who is? The following is my current answer to this question...
Designing the Universe
I see the universe as a form that was manifested by a soul or group of souls, and I see various souls projecting parts of themselves into the manifestation to experience it. So if we look at this universe through the lens of the three systems of reality outlined in Part 1 of this series, the designer(s) of the universe might see it as a self-generated or collective reality, but from the perspective of the soul projections "within" it, it is an administered reality. So the souls' job is to hold the reality in place, and the soul projections' job is to experience the reality.
Designing the Galaxy, Solar System, Planet, and Species
Within the defined boundaries of possibility offered in this universe form, our soul projections can create too. But what do they create? Are they the ones who design galaxies, solar systems, planets and species, or are those forms generated by the soul(s) at the universe level? At what level do the soul extensions' creations begin?
Since this is my first time trying to articulate my views on this, I haven't yet seen the answers to these questions clearly. But I see that humans can create physical forms and interpersonal dramas, so it stands to reason that soul extensions can too. And from their perspective, the forms and dramas they create are self-generated or collective realities. To spirits like you and me who are then projected into their forms and dramas to experience them, they are administered realities.
Designing at the Human Level
When it comes to self-generated realities at the human level, I manifest mine by choosing or creating the forms and dramas with which I surround myself. Which people will I hang around? What sort of residence will I choose to live in? What sort of conveyance will I use for transportation? What kind of clothes will I wear? What things will I pay attention to? What sort of thoughts will I choose to dwell upon? And so on. Since the personal reality that stems from all those choices is a self-generated reality, I can readily change it by making different choices.
So let's look again at this graphic and imagine that the center part is your human self...

...The blue sphere that immediately surrounds your human self is your personal reality, the green sphere around your personal reality is the Earth reality, and the gold sphere around the Earth reality is the universe reality. Since your personal reality is self-generated, you can readily change it, but since the Earth and universe realities are administered realities (from your perspective), they cannot be readily changed by you.
As you look out from the center, those spheres of reality overlay each other and appear to you as one composite picture, kind of like the Iron Man design Tony Stark created when he was a hostage in the cave...

...When you overlay the different sheets of paper, you see one design. But if you try to erase parts of the design, you'll find that you can erase things only on the layer closest to you. This is why you can change some things about your reality, but others things seem beyond your ability to alter. Much of the reality you see around you is held in place by higher levels of consciousness, and you cannot change their creation; you can change only your creation within their creation (and then yell at them about changing the rest).

Well, that's enough to absorb for one day. And with this entry, I've finished giving you all the essential conceptual tools you'll need to see why I say the things I'll say in the following entries. Is it possible that we've been hypnotized to accept a system of definitions that places an extra, artificial layer of (un)reality around us -- a "matrix" of sorts? We'll be looking into that.
Till next time, I send you my love....