
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Ken's Blog: Syria Watch (Update 10) - The Vatican Positions Itself for the Takedown

Syria Watch (Update 10) - The Vatican Positions Itself for the Takedown

It is interesting to note that both the White Pope (Francis) and the Black Pope (Nicolas) are now coming out strongly against the US & France to help stop their "futile attack" and "abuse of power." By the way, what can France really contribute to the strike anyway? Will they send their attack mimes to annoy the Syrians to death?

The French mobilize for war...

The Vatican is positioning themselves to be on the "hero" side of this situation along with Putin and Xi. And this is because their role is to give birth to the New World Religion to accompany Putin and Xi's New World Order. Meanwhile, the Western powers continue to fulfill their role as rabid goats to be fled for the safety of the BRICS alliance.

If the prevailing conditions prevent the Syria strike from materializing, the NWO's contingency play would likely be a WMD strike on American soil. Given the reported preparations in FEMA Region 3 and the recent report of military nukes being transported to the East Coast, the strike would likely be centered somewhere in the populous Eastern corridor. They would then begin the Middle East attacks necessary to undermine the petrodollar and replace it with the Beast System.