Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ken's Blog: Sorry, but the Syria Strike is Still On

a resource for the awakening human

Sorry, but the Syria Strike is Still On

When I first got wind of Russia's Syria proposal on Monday, I felt hope that it would be the mechanism the Cabal would use to shut down the Syrian gambit and go to an alternative plan. But as I watched the back-and-forth buffoonery take place between the foreign ministers, it occurred to me that I was watching a drama made for public consumption. And after forcing myself to sit through Obama's speech from last night, it has become clear to me that they're simply using the Russian proposal to delay the strike until the end of the month.

"Let's do it for the children"...

...He must have talked about "the children" half a dozen times or more (as he justified killing more of them through missile strikes). Sickening.

According to the speech, Obama still claims the authority to launch the strike without Congressional approval, and US strike forces will remain in place. And if you look at the UN proposal being floated by France, you'll see that it...

> specifically blames Syrian authorities for the chemical attack (a lie),

> demands Assad's full disclosure of all chemical weapons within 15 days (an argument that he didn't disclose everything can be used as a claim of noncompliance),

> refers the Syrian situation to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (a Cabal kangaroo court), and
> authorizes action under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter if Syria fails to fully comply (which means force can be used)...

Chapter 7, Article 42

"Should the Security Council consider that measures provided for in Article 41 would be inadequate or have proved to be inadequate, it may take such action by air, sea, or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security. Such action may include demonstrations, blockade, and other operations by air, sea, or land forces of Members of the United Nations."

"Peace and Security" - beware globalists who use those words.

Should this (or a similar) proposal pass the Security Council, the US will use it as a green light to strike due to any manufactured claim of noncompliance. One way the US can trigger noncompliance is to claim that Assad failed to disclose some cache of chemical weapons "known to US intelligence." Another way to is to have the International Criminal Court call for Assad to surrender and stand trial, which he won't, thus creating a violation. And if a proposal fails to pass the Council, Obama can claim that diplomacy failed and launch a strike under his own "authority." Either way, we're looking at a strike in as soon as a few weeks.

Given all of the government preparations rumored to be scheduled for completion in the last week of this month or by October 1st (including the completion of Beast Central, the NSA's new Utah Data Center), as well as the beginning of the new fiscal year on October 1st, it may be that the Syrian strike was always intended to take place sometime after that. The strike is planned to be both the trigger and the cover for the economic Event. And the first moves toward a strike at the end of last month may have been a feint to get us to expend our oppositional energy before the real attack begins. Time will tell.

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of fighting a defensive battle. Perhaps it's time to mobilize for Obama's impeachment. If we can take the initiative and put him on the defensive, maybe we can tie his hands before he can launch the strike. It's worth a try. Just take one more look at his speech from last night and note that it is nothing but lies and manipulation. It's time for him to go.

(with impeachment)

With love....