
Monday, September 2, 2013

Ken's Blog: Is there a rebellion in the middle?

Is there a rebellion in the middle?

Many of us in the truth movement have written about the compartmentalized persons working in the middle part of the Control Pyramid...

...In the past, they have dutifully carried out the policies and dramas fed them by their "elite" controllers, but is there now a sufficient number of them who have awakened that they are beginning to push back against the control system?

A German news site is reporting that the US military essentially refused to carry out Obama's order to strike Syria. While this is just one report and could be disinformation, it brings up the prospect that people at the military level are catching on to the grand strategy of the globalists and are deciding to not play along. If true, this could be a most wonderful development, for this simple reason...

All REAL power exists at the lower (governmental) level of the pyramid.

The general population recognizes the government types as the people in charge, and most are unaware (and all are unsympathetic) to the levels that exist above them. If, for example, a member of the Rothschild or Rockefeller family (or the Pope or Queen) got up before the public and tried to give orders, people would simply laugh at them. Except for the influence they have over the government types through extortion and bribery (with fake paper money schemes), the "elite" have no real power whatsoever.

Just imagine if instead of accepting the order to strike Syria, the military officers gave a different strike order: "seek out and destroy all members of the 13 bankster families, the true enemies of our nation and every other." Such an order would bring the end to the greatest threat that faces not only our nation, but our entire species. The government and military leadership (below the few at the very top) hold all the cards; if they can realize that and have the courage to act upon it, the scheme of the Occulted Powers is utterly doomed.

My advice to the 13 families is to surrender now and accept mercy before you self-destruct through your own mercilessness. This is not going to end like you expect.

With love to all....